标 语


Jacob's dream was a dream of God's goal, the dream of Bethel, the dream of the house of God, which is the church today and which will consummate in the New Jerusalem as the eternal dwelling place of God and His redeemed elect.


After we experience the breaking of our natural life and undergo transformation for God's building, we will make a crucial and radical turn from the individual experience of God to the corporate experience of God—the experience of God as the God of Bethel.


When Jacob prophesied concerning his twelve sons with blessing, he was a God-man, a man filled, constituted, permeated, and even reorganized with God; whatever he thought was God's thought, and whatever opinion he expressed was God's opinion.


God's intention in creating man in His image and in giving him dominion was that man would become a reproduction of God for His corporate expression and would exercise God's authority to deal with the enemy, recover the earth, and bring in the kingdom.
