标 语


The highest profession on earth is to spend time being infused with God so that we can glow with God and shine forth God; this accomplishes the eternal economy of God to work Himself into man so that He may have His testimony, His enlarged and expanded expression.

一年三次向神守节,预表在基督里完满地享受三一神:除酵节─借着享受基督作无罪的生命供应,洁除一切有罪的事物;收割节─享受复活基督之灵初熟的果子;住棚节─神在生机一面完全救恩的完成,作为我们对神经历的完满收割。Keeping feasts unto God three times a year typifies the full enjoyment of the Triune God in Christ: the Feast of Unleavened Bread─the purging away of sinful things through the enjoyment of Christ as the sinless life supply;the Feast of Harvest─the enjoyment of the firstfruits of the Spirit of the resurrected Christ; and the Feast of Tabernacles─the consummation of God's full salvation organically as the full harvest of our experience of God.

基督的血,就是新约的血,把神的子民引进神里面,以及新约更美的事里,神在这约里,将新心、新灵、祂的灵、里面生命的律、以及认识神的性能赐给祂的子民;至终,新约的血使神的子民能事奉祂,并将神的子民领进对神作他们的分的完满享受里,从今时直到永远。The blood of Christ as the blood of the new covenant ushers God's people into God Himself and into the better things of the new covenant, in which God gives His people a new heart, a new spirit, His Spirit, the inner law of life, and the ability to know God; ultimately, the blood of the new covenant enables God's people to serve Him and leads God's people into the full enjoyment of God as their portion both now and for eternity.

在透亮清明的天里神的异象之下,我们领受神的心愿是要在地上得着与人同住之居所的属天异象;这居所乃是照着山上所指示的样式,以基督作救赎的生命、生产的生命和建造的生命所建造的。Under the vision of God in a transparent and clear heaven, we may receive the heavenly vision concerning the desire of God's heart to have a dwelling place with man on earth, built according to the pattern shown on the mountain with Christ as the redeeming life, generating life, and building life.
