标 语


The Lord within us is aspiring to go on from the tabernacle church life in the wilderness of the soul to the temple church life with Christ as the reality of the good land in our spirit.


Our experience of Christ being renewed, deepened, stabilized, strengthened, intensified, and enlarged in order for us to enter into the reality of the Body of Christ as the temple church life is a gradual “day by day,” “little by little,” and “brighter and brighter” experience in the Body until the day dawns and the morning star rises in our hearts.


The economy of God to have the church as the temple of God filled with the glory of God is related to the high peak of the divine revelation—God becoming man so that man may become God in life, in nature, and in expression.


Christ builds the church as the temple of God by building Himself into us, by the mingling of divinity with humanity, and through our growth in life and our being joined together in the divine life.
