标 语


We need to enter within the veil, into our spirit, and go outside the idolatrous camp of religion to have the closest and most intimate relationship with the Lord so that we can be persons who share a common interest with God and who can be used by Him to carry out His enterprise on earth.


Oneness is a matter of sinking deeply into the Triune God until we are fully overlaid with Him as gold; our problem is that we are short of God, and our need is to gain more of Him; the Lord’s recovery consists of God overlaying His recovered people with Himself.


The screen and the veil are related to the two aspects of reconciliation─ reconciling sinners to God from sin and reconciling the believers living in the natural life to God from the flesh, bringing them absolutely into God, and making them wholly one with the Lord.


The tabernacle, the cloud, and the glory, being a full type of the Triune God, are a picture of the goal of God’s eternal economy─ to have a corporate people to be His dwelling place for His expression and representation in eternity.
