第五篇 帐幕与祭司体系

The Tabernacle and the Priesthood



壹 生命与建造是圣经基本且中心的启示:

I. Life and building are the basic and central revelation of the Bible:

一 生命是为着建造,就是三一神团体的彰显,而建造是本于生命─约十一25,十四2,林前三6、9:

A. Life is for building, the corporate expression of the Triune God, and the building is of life—John 11:25; 14:2; 1 Cor. 3:6, 9:

1 生命是内容,建造是这内容的团体彰显。

1. Life is the content, and building is the corporate expression of the content.

2 生命是神自己,建造是三一神作生命在团体生机实体里的彰显─太十六18,罗八2、6、10~11,十二4~5。

2. Life is God Himself, and building is the expression of the Triune God as life in a corporate organic entity—Matt. 16:18; Rom. 8:2, 6, 10-11; 12:4-5.

二 生命是具体化身在基督里的三一神,实化为灵,将祂自己分赐到我们里面,给我们享受;建造是召会,就是基督的身体,神属灵的殿,作神的扩大和扩展,使神得着团体的彰显─创二8~9、22,太十六18,西二19,弗四16。

B. Life is the Triune God embodied in Christ and realized as the Spirit dispensing Himself into us for our enjoyment, and building is the church, the Body of Christ, God's spiritual house, as the enlargement and expansion of God for the corporate expression of God—Gen. 2:8-9, 22; Matt. 16:18; Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:16.

三 约翰福音启示,三一神正在将祂自己作为生命分赐到祂的信徒里面,以及信徒由于这分赐的结果,成为神的建造,就是祂的扩展、扩大和团体的彰显─一4,十10下,十一25,十四2~3、6。

C. The Gospel of John reveals that the Triune God is dispensing Himself as life into His believers and that the believers, as the result of this dispensing, become the building of God, His expansion, enlargement, and corporate expression—1:4; 10:10b; 11:25; 14:2-3, 6.

四 主的恢复乃是恢复生命与建造,使我们被建造成为召会,作神的家和基督的身体─弗二21~22,罗十二4~5,林前十五45下,十二12、27,西三4、15,二19。

D. The Lord's recovery is the recovery of life and building for us to be built up to be the church as the house of God and the Body of Christ—Eph. 2:21-22; Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 12:12, 27; Col. 3:4, 15; 2:19.

五 圣经的中心异象─建造神的家─可说是全本圣经最精采的部分,也可说是从全本圣经提炼出来的精华─出二五8,四十17~35,太十六18,弗二21~22,提前三15,启二一2~3。

E. The central vision of the Bible—the building of the house of God—can be considered the highlight of the Bible and also the essence extracted from the Bible—Exo. 25:8; 40:17-35; Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rev. 21:2-3.

贰 在出埃及记神圣记载的顺序里,祭司体系在帐幕之后─二七20~二八2:

II. In the sequence of the divine record in Exodus, the priesthood follows the tabernacle—27:20—28:2:

一 出埃及二十七章二十至二十一节启示,有了帐幕以后,立刻需要祭司点灯;从属灵方面说,这指明祭司体系和帐幕乃是一个实体。─引用经文

A. Exodus 27:20-21 reveals that immediately after the tabernacle came into existence, there was the need of the priesthood for the lighting of the lamps; this indicates that, spiritually speaking, the priesthood and the tabernacle are one entity.

二 按预表,祭司体系和帐幕作为一个实体,表征由神的赎民所组成的召会,乃是属灵的殿和祭司体系─二五8,二八1。

B. In typology the priesthood and the tabernacle as one entity signify the church composed of God's redeemed people as a spiritual house and a priesthood—25:8; 28:1.

三 借着出埃及记里的图画,神启示出祂的赎民既是帐幕,也是祭司体系;在新约这两个预表的应验里,帐幕和祭司体系被摆在一起─彼前二5:

C. Through the pictures in the book of Exodus, God reveals that His redeemed people are both the tabernacle and the priesthood; with the fulfillment of the types in the New Testament, the tabernacle and the priesthood are put together—1 Pet. 2:5:

1 在旧约里,殿和祭司体系是分开的,但在新约里,属灵的殿就是祭司体系,祭司体系也就是属灵的殿─彼前二5。

1. In the Old Testament the house and the priesthood were separated, but in the New Testament the spiritual house is the priesthood, and the priesthood is the spiritual house—1 Pet. 2:5.

2 我们不能有祭司体系而没有帐幕,也不能有帐幕而没有祭司体系。

2. We cannot have the priesthood without the tabernacle, and we cannot have the tabernacle without the priesthood.

3 我们若不是属灵的殿,就不会是祭司体系;照样,我们若不是祭司体系,就不会是属灵的殿。

3. If we are not a spiritual house, we cannot be the priesthood; likewise, if we are not the priesthood, we cannot be a spiritual house.

4 召会作为居所和祭司体系的双重功用,乃是由帐幕和祭司体系所预表─弗二21~22,彼前二5、9。

4. The twofold function of the church—that of the dwelling place and that of the priesthood—is typified by the tabernacle and the priesthood—Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9.

叁 在出埃及记里,帐幕在祭司体系之前提到,乃是强调信徒需要被建造成为神的居所,使他们能成为团体、配搭的祭司体系事奉神─二五8,二六1~30,二七20~二八2:

III. The fact that the tabernacle is mentioned before the priesthood in Exodus emphasizes the need of the believers to be built up to be God's dwelling place so that they may serve Him as a corporate, coordinated priesthood—25:8; 26:1-30; 27:20—28:2:

一 祭司体系乃是建造在一起的祭司团,作为一个实体共同生活并事奉─彼前二5、9,启一6,五10。

A. The priesthood is a body of priests who are built together to live and serve as one entity—1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10.

二 没有建造就不可能有祭司体系─出二五8,二八1~2:

B. Apart from the building it is impossible to have the priesthood—Exo. 25:8; 28:1-2:

1 祭司体系不是单个的信徒,乃是团体的;祭司体系是由建造在一起的祭司所组成的─罗十二5、7。

1. The priests are not individualistic believers but a corporate body; the priesthood is composed of priests who have been built together—Rom. 12:5, 7.

2 祭司体系的事奉乃是在配搭里团体的事奉;这种团体的事奉乃是主今天所寻求的─出十九6,启一6。

2. The service of the priesthood is a body service in coordination; this corporate service is what the Lord is seeking today—Exo. 19:6; Rev. 1:6.

3 没有建造,祭司体系就会崩溃;没有建造,我们就无法有祭司体系。

3. Without the building the priesthood will collapse; we cannot have the priesthood without the building.

三 祭司的事奉乃是被建造和建造的工作─彼前二5、9:

C. The priestly service is a work of being built up and of building—1 Pet. 2:5, 9:

1 我们的工作一面是被建造,另一面是建造─弗二21~22,林前三10~11,十四26。

1. One aspect of our work is to be built up, and another aspect is to build—Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Cor. 3:10-11; 14:26.

2 我们是被建造而建造;这才是真正作祭司事奉神。

2. We are building by being built up; this is to genuinely serve God as priests.

3 作祭司事奉神,就是建造神的居所,那也是被建造。

3. To serve God as priests is to build the dwelling place of God, which is also to be built up.

4 我们无法将祭司的事奉和建造分开;我们惟有被建造,才是正确的祭司,施行真实建造的工作。

4. We cannot separate the priestly service from the building; we are proper priests carrying out the genuine building work only when we are built up.

5 被建造成为属灵的殿,乃是事奉的基本条件;我们若没有被建造,就无法事奉─弗二21~22,彼前二5。

5. Being built up into a spiritual house is the basic condition for service; we cannot serve if we are not built up—Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Pet. 2:5.

6 我们被建造成为祭司体系,才能有蒙神悦纳的工作─9节。

6. When we are built up into a priesthood, we can have work that is acceptable to God—v. 9.

7 这是一个很厉害的光,给我们看见,祭司体系必须就是建造,并且是为着建造。

7. This is a tremendous light that we need to see: our priesthood must be the building and for the building.

四 既然祭司体系等于殿,而殿在于建造,祭司体系也就需要众圣徒被建造─5、9节:

D. Since the priesthood equals the house, and the house depends on the building, the priesthood also requires the building up of the saints—vv. 5, 9:

1 彼前二章五节里殿和祭司体系的顺序,乃是基于出埃及记里的顺序。─引用经文

1. The sequence of house and priesthood in 1 Peter 2:5 is based upon the sequence in Exodus.

2 因着需要建造,所以召会必须先是神的殿,然后才是祭司体系─弗二21~22,彼前二5、9。

2. Because of the need for building up, the church must be the house of God before it can be the priesthood—Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9.

3 建造与配搭有关;惟有当我们被建造并配搭到建造里,我们才有立场事奉主。

3. Building involves coordination; only when we are built into and coordinated into the building do we have the ground to serve the Lord.

4 我们惟一的需要就是被建造─太十六18,弗四16:

4. Our unique need is to be built up—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 4:16:

a 圣经里所强调的,不是如何成圣或属灵,乃是强调神的建造─二21~22。

a. The emphasis in the Bible is not on how to be holy or spiritual; instead, the emphasis is on God's building—2:21-22.

b 真实的属灵乃是建造的事;没有建造,没有属灵的殿,就没有圣别、属灵、或属灵的能力。

b. True spirituality is a matter of the building; without the building, the spiritual house, there is no sanctification, spirituality, or spiritual power.

c 要成为圣别、属灵、有能力,惟一的路就是被建造到神的建造里。

c. The only way to be holy, spiritual, or powerful is to be built into God's building.

d 我们若要蒙保护,就必须建造到神的建造里;属灵不是我们的保护,神的建造才是─太十六18。

d. If we want to be protected, we need to be built into God's building; our protection is not our spirituality—it is God's building—Matt. 16:18.

e 甚至那些最属灵的基督徒,他们生活中的短处也是由于缺少建造─弗四16。

e. The shortcomings in the lives of even the most spiritual Christians are due to the lack of building up—Eph. 4:16.

肆 神惟一的目标乃是建造─太十六18,弗二21~22,四16:

IV. God's unique goal is the building—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:21-22; 4:16:

一 神的目标始终是建造─出二五8,太十六18,弗二21~22。

A. God's goal has always been the building—Exo. 25:8; Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:21-22.

二 在永世里神所要的是新耶路撒冷,今天祂所要的是召会─启二一2~3,太十六18。

B. For eternity God wants the New Jerusalem; today He wants the church—Rev. 21:2-3; Matt. 16:18.

三 我们若不让主在我们中间得着建造,就神的定旨而论,我们便是失败的─提后一9,弗三11:

C. If we do not allow the Lord to have the building among us, we will be a failure as far as God's purpose is concerned—2 Tim. 1:9; Eph. 3:11:

1 神子民中间的光景令人失望灰心,乃是因为缺少建造。

1. The reason the situation among God's people is disappointing and discouraging is the lack of building.

2 主还无法达到祂对建造的目标─太十六18。

2. The Lord has not yet been able to gain His goal of the building—Matt. 16:18.

3 我们若离开了神的目标,就不可能作什么以完成神永远的定旨─七21~23,弗一9,三11,提后一9。

3. If we are off from God's goal, we will not be able to do anything for the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose—7:21-23; Eph. 1:9; 3:11; 2 Tim. 1:9.

四 神要那些能和神子民在一里同居,配搭成为一体,成为祂居所的人─诗一三三。

D. God wants those who can dwell in oneness with His people, who can be coordinated into one entity, and who become His dwelling place—Psa. 133.

五 我们都必须看见,主恢复的目标乃是要恢复基督作我们的生命和一切,好叫我们被变化,并被建造─西三4、10~11,林后三18,弗二21~22:

E. We all need to see that the goal of the Lord's recovery is to recover Christ as life and everything to us so that we may be transformed and built up—Col. 3:4, 10-11; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 2:21-22:

1 我们同被建造时,神就得着一个建造─太十六18,启二一2~3、10~11。

1. When we are built up together, God will have the building—Matt. 16:18; Rev. 21:2-3, 10-11.

2 这个建造乃是祭司体系─彼前二5、9。

2. This building is the priesthood—1 Pet. 2:5, 9.
