第八篇 作祭司穿着基督的彰显而事奉,在神的圣所里点灯

Lighting the Lamps in the Sanctuary of God by Serving as Priests Clothed with the Expression of Christ



壹 神是光,并且在基督里的信徒作为神的儿女乃是光的儿女─约壹一5,三1,约十二36,弗五8:

I. God is light, and the believers in Christ, as children of God, are children of light—1 John 1:5; 3:1; John 12:36; Eph. 5:8:

一 光是神在祂彰显里的性质─约壹一5。

A. Light is the nature of God in His expression—1 John 1:5.

二 光是神的照耀,神的彰显;当神得着彰显的时候,那个彰显的性质就是光─5节。

B. Light is God's shining, God's expression; when God is expressed, the nature of that expression is light—v. 5.

三 神是光,所以我们这些神的儿女,也是光的儿女;我们已经信入这光,成为光的儿子─弗五8,约十二36。

C. As God is light, so we, the children of God, are the children of light; we have believed into the light and have become sons of light—Eph. 5:8; John 12:36.

四 在光中行如同神在光中,就是在神圣的光中生活、行事并为人;这光就是神自己─约壹一5、7。

D. To walk in the light as God is in the light is to live, walk, and have our being in the divine light, which is God Himself—1 John 1:5, 7.

贰 按预表,在神的圣所里点灯表征基督徒正确的聚会─出二七20~21:

II. In typology lighting the lamps in the sanctuary of God signifies the proper way to meet as Christians—Exo. 27:20-21:

一 帐幕是神居住的地方,也是以色列人聚在一起的地方;因此,称为“会幕的帐幕”─四十2、34,二五8,利一1:

A. The tabernacle was a place both for God's dwelling and for the meeting of the children of Israel; hence, it was called "the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting"—40:2, 34; 25:8; Lev. 1:1:

1 每当我们作为召会聚在一起时,这个聚会就是神的居所─太十八20,弗二21~22。

1. Whenever we come together to meet as the church, that meeting is God's dwelling place—Matt. 18:20; Eph. 2:21-22.

2 我们的聚集就是神的圣所─出二五8,林前一2上,三16,十四25~26。

2. Our meeting is the sanctuary of God, the Holy Place—Exo. 25:8; 1 Cor. 1:2a; 3:16; 14:25-26.

二 正确的聚会乃是点灯,就是发出光来;我们在召会聚会中所作的每件事,都该使圣别的光上升─出二七20,路十一33。

B. The proper way to meet is to light the lamps, that is, to give off light; everything that we do in the church meetings should cause the holy light to ascend—Exo. 27:20; Luke 11:33.

叁 点灯是祭司的事奉─出二七21:

III. The lighting of the lamps is a priestly service, a service of the priests—Exo. 27:21:

一 在圣所里需要圣别的人来点圣别的灯。

A. There is the need for holy persons to light the holy lamps in the Holy Place.

二 祭司是绝对为着神的人,他完全被神据有,他的生活和为人全是为着神;他在每一方面、每一种情形下的惟一兴趣乃是神─彼前二5、9,启一6,五9~10。

B. A priest is a person who is absolutely for God, who is fully possessed by God, and who lives and has his being wholly for God; in every respect and in every way, his unique interest is God—1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:6; 5:9-10.

三 点灯的人乃是被神据有、被神浸透、且绝对为神而活的人:

C. The one who lights the lamps is a person who is possessed by God, who is saturated with God, and who lives absolutely for God:

1 这样的人在圣所里所说、所作的就是点灯;他一切的行动都是点灯。

1. Whatever such a person says and does in the sanctuary of God is the lighting of the lamps; all his actions are the lighting of the lamps.

2 当圣别的祭司在召会聚会中说话时,灯光就上升,圣所也就满了光─出二七20,林前十四19,太五14~16,可四21。

2. When the holy priests speak in the church meetings, the light ascends, and the sanctuary is full of light—Exo. 27:20; 1 Cor. 14:19; Matt. 5:14-16; Mark 4:21.

肆 圣所里的光不是天然的光,也不是人造的光,乃是神圣的光,圣别的光,真光,就是神自己─约一4~5、9,约壹一5,启二一23~24上:

IV. The light in the sanctuary of God is neither a natural light nor an artificial light; it is a divine light, a holy light, the real light, which is God Himself—John 1:4-5, 9; 1 John 1:5; Rev. 21:23-24a:

一 今天的基督徒因着许多种天然和人造的光而分裂─赛五十10~11,林后十一14。

A. Today's Christians are divided by many kinds of natural and artificial light—Isa. 50:10-11; 2 Cor. 11:14.

二 为着基督身体的建造,我们必须在独一、真正的光底下生活并行事;这光就是我们那救赎并照耀之神的光─启二一23,约壹一5、7,弗五8~9。

B. For the building up of the Body of Christ, we need to live and walk under the unique and genuine light, the light of our redeeming and shining God—Rev. 21:23; 1 John 1:5, 7; Eph. 5:8-9.

伍 神的光是在圣所里,在这光中,我们必得见光,并看见事情的真相;我们看见神所看见的,并认识祂的道路─诗三六9:

V. God's light is in the sanctuary, and in this light we see light and the true nature of things; we see what God sees and know His way—Psa. 36:9:

一 “神啊,你的道路是在圣所中”─七七13:

A. "O God, Your way is in the sanctuary"—77:13:

1 神的道路隐藏,祂的路径同祂的脚踪无人知道─19节。

1. God's way is hidden and His paths, with His footsteps, are not known to men—v. 19.

2 祂的道路启示在圣所中,也就是在我们的灵和召会中─弗二22,提前三15。

2. His way is revealed in the sanctuary, that is, in our spirit and in the church—Eph. 2:22; 1 Tim. 3:15.

3 我们运用灵并活在召会里,神的道路对我们就清楚了。

3. When we exercise our spirit and live in the church, God's way becomes clear to us.

二 “我思索要明白这事,眼看实系为难;等我进了神的圣所,我才看清他们的结局”─诗七三16~17:

B. "When I considered this in order to understand it, / It was a troublesome task in my sight, / Until I went into the sanctuary of God; / Then I perceived their end"—Psa. 73:16-17:

1 我们一在圣所里─在灵里并在召会中,就会对情形有另一种看法,有特别的领会。

1. Once we are in the sanctuary—in the spirit and in the church—we will have another view, a particular perception, of the situation.

2 在我们的灵里并在召会中,在神的光照之下,我们得着神圣的启示,并得着一切问题的说明。

2. In our spirit and in the church, under the shining of God's light, we receive divine revelation and obtain the explanation to all our problems.

陆 每当我们在召会的聚会中经历真正的点灯,就会有一些成分─三一神的具体化身、神圣的性情、耶稣拔高的人性和基督的灵─西二9,彼后一4,罗一3~4,八9:

VI. Certain elements are involved whenever we experience the genuine lighting of the lamps in the church meetings—the embodiment of the Triune God, the divine nature, the uplifted humanity of Jesus, and the Spirit of Christ—Col. 2:9; 2 Pet. 1:4; Rom. 1:3-4; 8:9:

一 神的圣所里的光乃是出自灯台;这灯台表征三一神的具体化身─出三七17。

A. The light in the sanctuary of God issues from the lampstand, which signifies the embodiment of the Triune God—Exo. 37:17.

二 光来自金,就是基督神圣的性情─约一1,八12,彼后一4。

B. The light comes out of the gold, that is, the divine nature of Christ—John 1:1; 8:12; 2 Pet. 1:4.

三 基督固然是金的(神圣的),却是在祂那由灯芯所表征之人性里,因油而焚烧。

C. Christ is golden (divine), but it is His humanity, signified by the wick, that burns with oil.

四 油表征神的灵,经过了过程成为基督的灵─罗八9:

D. The oil signifies the Spirit of God, who has passed through a process to become the Spirit of Christ—Rom. 8:9:

1 油是从橄榄树来的,而橄榄树表征基督─十一17,士九9,诗一〇四15。

1. Oil comes from olive trees, and the olive tree signifies Christ—11:17; Judg. 9:9; Psa. 104:15.

2 正如橄榄经过了过程,产生橄榄油,神的灵也是经过了过程,包括成为肉体、人性生沽、钉十字架和复活,成为基督的灵─罗八9。

2. Just as olives pass through a process to produce olive oil, so the Spirit of God has passed through a process involving incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection to become the Spirit of Christ—Rom. 8:9.

3 我们在聚会中无论发表什么,都必须有纯橄榄油─林前二12~13:

3. Whatever we utter in the meetings must be with the pure oil of the olive tree—1 Cor. 2:12-13:

a 我们需要在基督的成为肉体、人性生活、钉十字架和复活里,经历祂作橄榄树;这意思是,基督所经过的这些方面必须成为我们的经历。

a. We need the experience of Christ as the olive tree in His incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection; this means that the aspects of Christ's process need to become our experience.

b 我们需要十字架在我们里面作工,使我们有纯橄榄油,就是经过了成为肉体、钉十字架、并进入了复活的油─林后一8~9,四10~12,腓三10~11。

b. We need the cross to work in us so that we may have the pure olive oil—oil that has passed through incarnation and crucifixion and has entered into resurrection—2 Cor. 1:8-9; 4:10-12; Phil. 3:10-11.

五 在圣所里聚会点灯,包含了我们基督徒生活属灵经历的每一方面─加二20,腓三10,林前六17。

E. Meeting to light the lamps in the sanctuary involves every aspect of our spiritual experience in the Christian life—Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10; 1 Cor. 6:17.

柒 祭司在神的圣所里点灯的资格,乃是祭司的衣服所表征基督的彰显─出二八1~5:

VII. The qualification for the priests to light the lamps in the sanctuary of God is the expression of Christ, signified by the priestly garments—Exo. 28:1-5:

一 祭司衣服的意义,乃是祭司体系所彰显的基督:

A. The significance of the priestly garments is the expression of Christ in the priesthood:

1 我们不仅有基督作三一神的具体化身、基督神圣的性情、基督拔高的人性和基督的灵带着基督所经过之过程的一切步骤,我们也有基督的彰显。

1. We have not only Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God, the divine nature of Christ, the uplifted humanity of Christ, and the Spirit of Christ with all the steps of His process, but we have also the expression of Christ.

2 祭司在神的圣所里点灯的资格乃是基督的彰显。

2. The qualification for a priest to light the lamps in the sanctuary of God is the expression of Christ.

二 衣服表征祭司体系所活出的基督─4节,加三27。

B. The garments signify Christ lived out of the priesthood—v. 4; Gal. 3:27.

三 祭司的衣服主要是为荣耀为华美,表征基督神圣荣耀和人性华美的彰显─出二八2:

C. The priestly garments, being mainly for glory and for beauty, signify the expression of Christ's divine glory and human beauty—Exo. 28:2:

1 荣耀与基督的神性(祂的神圣属性)有关(约一14,来一3);华美与基督的人性(祂的人性美德)有关。─引用经文

1. Glory is related to Christ's divinity, His divine attributes (John 1:14; Heb. 1:3), and beauty, to Christ's humanity, His human virtues.

2 基督的神性,由祭司衣服上的金所预表,是为着荣耀;祂的人性,由蓝色、紫色、朱红色线和细麻所预表,是为着华美─出二八5。

2. Christ's divinity, typified by the gold of the priestly garments, is for glory, and His humanity, typified by the blue, purple, and scarlet strands and the fine linen, is for beauty—Exo. 28:5.

3 我们过彰显基督神圣荣耀和人性华美的生活,就得着圣别,并够资格在神的圣所里完成祭司点灯的事奉─二七20~21。

3. A life that expresses Christ with the divine glory and human beauty sanctifies us and qualifies us to carry out the priestly service of lighting the lamps in the sanctuary of God—27:20-21.

捌 信徒聚集的目的就是要有神的圣所,其中有合格的祭司来点灯,使我们有基督不同方面的异象,并看见进入在神里面之基督深处的路─二五23、31,三十1。

VIII. The purpose of the gathering of the believers is to have the sanctuary of God with the lighting of the lamps by qualified priests so that we may have a vision of the different aspects of Christ and see the way to enter into the depths of Christ within God—25:23, 31; 30:1.
