第十二篇 帐幕的建立,以及帐幕、云彩、与荣光乃是三一神完满的预表

The Erecting of the Tabernacle and the Tabernacle, the Cloud, and the Glory Being a Full Type of the Triune God



壹 对人来说,帐幕是会幕,对神来说,那是帐幕;帐幕与神的见证有关(出三八21),会幕是比较外表、外面的,与神在地上的权益和祂的行动有关。─引用经文

I. With respect to man, the tabernacle was the Tent of Meeting, but with respect to God, it was the tabernacle; the tabernacle is related to God's testimony (Exo. 38:21), whereas the Tent of Meeting is more outward, external, related to God's interest on earth and to His move.

贰 放进帐幕的头一件器物是见证的柜,指明这柜是帐幕及其器物的中心项目─四十3、20~21:

II. The first item of the furniture to be put into the tabernacle was the Ark, indicating that the Ark was the central item of the tabernacle and its furniture—40:3, 20-21:

一 大多数基督徒注意在祭坛那里得救的经历,但出埃及记启示,神的心意是要得着见证的柜在见证的帐幕里─四十2~3。

A. Most Christians focus on the experience of salvation at the altar, but the book of Exodus reveals that God's intention is to have the Ark of the Testimony in the Tabernacle of the Testimony—40:2-3.

二 见证的柜在帐幕里,至终要终极完成于一个永远的帐幕,就是新耶路撒冷,而以见证的柜,就是救赎的基督,为中心─启二一2~3,二二1。

B. Eventually, the Ark in the tabernacle will consummate in an eternal tabernacle, the New Jerusalem, with the Ark, the redeeming Christ, as the center—Rev. 21:2-3; 22:1.

三 神永远的目标是要得着新耶路撒冷,作帐幕同约柜终极的应验。

C. God's eternal goal is to have the New Jerusalem as the ultimate fulfillment of the tabernacle and the Ark.

叁 帐幕、云彩、与荣光乃是三一神完满的预表─出四十2、34~35:

III. The tabernacle, the cloud, and the glory are a full type of the Triune God—Exo. 40:2, 34-35:

一 帐幕被立起来,被云彩遮盖,并被荣光充满时,就成为三一神完满的预表:

A. When the tabernacle was raised up, covered by the cloud, and filled with the glory, it became a full type of the Triune God:

1 帐幕的预表应验于基督,神圣三一的第二者,成为肉体的子神─约一14上。

1. The type of the tabernacle was fulfilled in Christ, the second of the Trinity, God the Son incarnated—John 1:14a.

2 降下来遮盖帐幕的云彩,是预表圣灵,神圣三一的第三者─林前十1~2,十二13。

2. The cloud that descended and covered the tabernacle is a type of the Holy Spirit, the third of the Trinity—1 Cor. 10:1-2; 12:13.

3 施浸者约翰看见那灵降在基督身上;基督被视为帐幕之预表的应验─约一32、14上。

3. John the Baptist saw the Spirit descending upon Christ, who was identified as the fulfillment of the type of the tabernacle—John 1:32, 14a.

4 约翰一章十四节说,“我们也见过祂的荣耀,正是从父而来独生子的荣耀”;这荣耀相当于那充满帐幕的荣光。

4. John 1:14 says, "We beheld His glory, glory as of the only Begotten from the Father"; this glory corresponds to the glory that filled the tabernacle.

5 在出埃及四十章帐幕被降下的云彩遮盖,并被耶和华的荣光充满的这幅图画,应验于约翰一章:─引用经文

5. The picture of the tabernacle covered by the descending cloud and filled with the glory of Jehovah in Exodus 40 was fulfilled in John 1:

a 我们读约翰一章时需要看见,今天基督作为帐幕的应验,与我们同在;遮盖的灵在这帐幕上,并且荣光充满了这个帐幕─14、32节。

a. When we read John 1, we need to see that Christ as the fulfillment of the tabernacle is with us today, that the covering Spirit is upon this tabernacle, and that the glory is filling this tabernacle—vv. 14, 32.

b 这个三一神的启示不仅是道理;我们正在看一幅鲜活三一的异象。

b. This revelation of the Triune God is not mere doctrine; we are seeing a vision of the living Trinity.

6 因为帐幕是预表基督,云彩代表那灵,并且荣光是神自己得着彰显,所以帐幕被云彩遮盖并被荣光充满的图画,在表样上,将整个三一神具体表现出来─出四十34~35。

6. Because the tabernacle is a type of Christ, the cloud represents the Spirit, and glory is God Himself expressed, the picture of the tabernacle covered by the cloud and filled with glory embodies the entire Triune God in figure—Exo. 40:34-35.

二 帐幕立起来,云彩降下来遮盖它,荣光进来充满它的那日,乃是大日─2、34~35节:

B. The day that the tabernacle was raised up, that the cloud descended and covered it, and that the glory entered and filled it was a great day—vv. 2, 34-35:

1 在此之前,三一神从未在地上得着具体表现;从创世记到出埃及记,三一神的具体表现乃是神的目标─创一26。

1. Never before had the Triune God been embodied on earth; the embodiment of the Triune God was God's goal throughout Genesis and Exodus—Gen. 1:26.

2 云彩遮盖、荣光充满的帐幕,是以色列人极大的祝福,但他们所有的只是表样,今天我们有其实际─约十四2~3、6、10~11、16~18、20、26,十五1、4~5、16、26,弗一3~23,二18~22,三16~21,四4~6。

2. The tabernacle covered by the cloud and filled with glory was a great blessing to the children of Israel, but today we have the reality of what they had only in figure—John 14:2-3, 6, 10-11, 16-18, 20, 26; 15:1, 4-5, 16, 26; Eph. 1:3-23; 2:18-22; 3:16-21; 4:4-6.

三 在出埃及四十章九节用来抹帐幕的膏油,预表灵神,由三一神、基督的人性、基督的死同其功效、以及基督的复活同其大能复合而成─三十23~25:

C. The anointing oil used to anoint the tabernacle in Exodus 40:9 typifies God the Spirit compounded with the Triune God, Christ's humanity, Christ's death with its effectiveness, and Christ's resurrection with its power—30:23-25:

1 膏油相当于基督复活以后的那灵─约七39。

1. The anointing oil corresponds to the Spirit after Christ's resurrection—John 7:39.

2 那灵先作为膏油膏抹我们,然后作为云柱和火,带领并引导我们─出四十9、36~38。

2. As the anointing oil, the Spirit first anoints us, and then as the pillar of cloud and fire, He leads and guides us—Exo. 40:9, 36-38.

四 三一神具体化身在作帐幕的基督里,目的是要将祂自己分赐到祂的赎民里面,使他们享受祂所是的一切丰富─2、34~35节:

D. The Triune God was embodied in Christ as the tabernacle for the purpose of dispensing Himself into His redeemed people for their enjoyment of all the riches of His being—vv. 2, 34-35:

1 新约里说到关于神的一切事,都与那为着神圣经纶的神圣分赐有关─罗八3、11,弗一3~23:

1. Everything that is mentioned in the New Testament concerning God is related to the divine dispensing for the divine economy—Rom. 8:3, 11; Eph. 1:3-23:

a 圣言中关于三一神的启示,不是为着道理的明白,而是为着神在祂的神圣三一里,分赐到祂所拣选、救赎的人里面,给他们经历并享受─林后十三14。

a. The revelation concerning the Triune God in the holy Word is not for doctrinal understanding but for the dispensing of God in His Divine Trinity into His chosen and redeemed people for their experience and enjoyment—2 Cor. 13:14.

b 三一神─父、子、灵─经过了过程,成为赐生命的灵,使我们能饮于祂,使祂能成为我们的享受;这就是神圣三一的神圣分赐─约一14,四14,七37~39,林前十二13,十五45下。

b. The Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—has been processed to become the life-giving Spirit so that we can drink of Him and that He can become our enjoyment; this is the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity—John 1:14; 4:14; 7:37-39; 1 Cor. 12:13; 15:45b.

c 神圣的三一乃是为着神圣的分赐,就是将神分授到在基督里的信徒里面;父是起源,就是源;子是彰显,就是泉;灵是传输,就是流─约四14,七37~39。

c. The Divine Trinity is for the divine dispensing, that is, for the distribution of God into the believers in Christ; the Father as the origin is the fountain, the Son as the expression is the spring, and the Spirit as the transmission is the flow—John 4:14; 7:37-39.

2 就预表而言,以色列人在神圣分赐与调和中享受并拥有三一神,三一神也享受并据有他们─诗三六8~9。

2. In type, the children of Israel enjoyed and possessed the Triune God in the divine dispensing and mingling, and the Triune God enjoyed and possessed them—Psa. 36:8-9.

3 新约是启示三一神与祂所救赎之人,神圣分赐与调和的完满实际─罗八11,弗三16~21。

3. The New Testament reveals the full reality of the divine dispensing and mingling of the Triune God with His redeemed ones—Rom. 8:11; Eph. 3:16-21.

4 以弗所书是由神圣三一为其基本元素和架构所组成,每一章都启示三一神;因此,以弗所书乃是出埃及四十章之帐幕清楚的说明和解释─弗一3~14、22~23,二18~22,三16~21,四4~6、16,五19~20、23、25~26、30、32,六10~11。

4. Ephesians is composed with the Divine Trinity as its basic element and structure, and every chapter reveals the Triune God; thus, Ephesians is a clear explanation and definition of the tabernacle in Exodus 40—Eph. 1:3-14, 22-23; 2:18-22; 3:16-21; 4:4-6, 16; 5:19-20, 23, 25-26, 30, 32; 6:10-11.

5 神圣三一的神圣分赐是建造召会─基督的身体与神的居所─独一的路─四12、16,二21~22,提前三15。

5. The divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity is the unique way to build up the church, which is the Body of Christ and the dwelling place of God—4:12, 16; 2:21-22; 1 Tim. 3:15.

6 我们需要有圣经中心事物的异象─神圣的心意、神圣的经纶、以及神圣三一的神圣分赐,要分赐到在基督里的信徒里面,为着建造召会作基督的身体,终极完成于新耶路撒冷,作三一神永远、团体的彰显─弗一5、9~11、22~23,三14~21,四16,启二一2、10~11。

6. We need a vision of the central matter in the Bible—the divine intention, the divine economy, and the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into the believers in Christ for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem as the eternal corporate expression of the Triune God—Eph. 1:5, 9-11, 22-23; 3:14-21; 4:16; Rev. 21:2, 10-11.

肆 在旧约时代,神的家就是以色列家,由帐幕所代表,以后由圣殿所代表─利二二18,民十二7,出二五8,结三七26~27:

IV. In Old Testament times, the house of God was the house of Israel, represented by the tabernacle and later by the temple—Lev. 22:18; Num. 12:7; Exo. 25:8; Ezek. 37:26-27:

一 作神百姓的以色列人,乃是新约信徒的预表─林前九24~十11:

A. The children of Israel, as the people of God, are a type of the New Testament believers—1 Cor. 9:24—10:11:

1 他们整个历史就是召会的预表。

1. Their entire history is a prefigure of the church.

2 今天神的家实际上就是召会─来三6,提前三15,彼前四17。

2. Today the house of God is actually the church—Heb. 3:6; 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Pet. 4:17.

二 在创世记末了,产生了个人的以色列,作为神家的小影,以彰显神并代表祂行使祂的权柄。

B. At the end of Genesis an individual Israel was produced as a miniature of God's house to express God and represent Him by exercising His authority.

三 在出埃及记末了,产生了团体的以色列,作为神的家彰显神,并代表神在地上行使祂的权柄─四十2、34~38。

C. At the end of Exodus a corporate Israel was produced as God's house to express God and represent Him by exercising His authority on earth—Exo. 40:2, 34-38.

四 神永远定旨的目标,是要得着一个团体的人作祂的居所,在永世里作祂的彰显和代表─弗二21:

D. The goal of God's eternal purpose is to have a corporate people to be His dwelling place for His expression and representation in eternity—Eph. 2:21:

1 创世记和出埃及记总结于神的帐幕,神的居所,充满了神的荣光─出四十2、34。

1. The books of Genesis and Exodus together consummate with God's tabernacle, His dwelling place, filled with His glory—Exo. 40:2, 34.

2 照样,全本圣经总结于新耶路撒冷作神永远的帐幕,充满了神的荣耀,并在永世里行使神的权柄,为着祂神圣的行政─启二一2~3、10~11,二二1、5。

2. Likewise, the entire Bible consummates in the New Jerusalem as the eternal tabernacle of God filled with the glory of God and exercising His authority for His divine administration for eternity—Rev. 21:2-3, 10-11; 22:1, 5.
