第五篇 推雅推喇的召会

The Church in Thyatira



壹 就表号说,在推雅推喇的召会预表罗马天主教,就是在第六世纪后期,因普世教皇制度的建立,所完全形成的背道召会——启二18。

I. As a sign, the church in Thyatira prefigures the Roman Catholic Church, which was fully formed as the apostate church by the establishing of the universal papal system in the latter part of the sixth century—Rev. 2:18.

贰 在推雅推喇的召会容让那自称是女申言者的妇人耶洗别——20节:

II. The church in Thyatira tolerates the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess—v. 20:

一 亚哈的异教妻子耶洗别,乃是背道召会的预表;罗马天主教变得和这妇人一样,将许多异教作法带进召会——王上十六31,十九1~2,二一23、25~26,王下九7。

A. Jezebel, the pagan wife of Ahab, is a type of the apostate church; the Roman Catholic Church became the same as this woman, bringing many heathen practices into the church—1 Kings 16:31; 19:1-2; 21:23, 25-26; 2 Kings 9:7.

二 马太十三章、启示录二章和启示录十七章的三个女人乃是同一个人:——引用经文

B. The three women in Matthew 13, Revelation 2, and Revelation 17 are the same person:

1 在马太十三章三十三节,一个妇人把面酵(表征邪恶、异端、异教的事物)藏在三斗面(表征基督是满足神和人的素祭)里。——引用经文

1. In Matthew 13:33 a woman takes leaven (signifying evil, heretical, and pagan things) and hides it in three measures of meal (signifying Christ as the meal offering for the satisfaction of God and man).

2 这妇人也就是启示录十七章那将可憎之物与神圣事物混杂的大妓女;在二章二十至二十三节,这同一个妇人称为耶洗别。——引用经文

2. This woman is the great harlot of Revelation 17, who mixes abominations with the divine things; in 2:20-23 the same woman is called Jezebel.

3 这三个妇人都是指罗马天主教,就是那将面酵加到细面里的,是那骑在兽上的妓女,也是那败坏了基督教的耶洗别。

3. These three women all refer to the Roman Catholic Church, which adds leaven to the fine flour, which is the harlot riding on the beast, and which is Jezebel corrupting Christianity.

三 在启示录二章二十节,主指明背道的召会是一个自立自封的女申言者,教导并引诱主的奴仆:——引用经文

C. In Revelation 2:20 the Lord indicates that the apostate church is a self-appointed prophetess and teaches and leads the Lord's slaves astray:

1 背道的召会擅装由神授权为神说话;她要求人听从她,过于听从神。

1. The apostate church presumes to be authorized by God to speak for God; she demands that people listen to her rather than to God.

2 按照新约的原则,主从来不准女人用权柄施教——提前二12:

2. According to the principle in the New Testament, the Lord never allows a woman to teach with authority—1 Tim. 2:12:

a 同样的,召会自己也不可以施教,因为在主眼中,召会乃是处于女人的地位;只有主自己是男人,有权施教,有权说是或不是,对或不对。

a. In the same way, the church itself must not teach, because in the eyes of the Lord the church is in the position of a woman; only the Lord Himself is the man, the One who has the right to teach and the right to say yes or no, right or wrong.

b 罗马天主教是一个施教的女人;背道的召会自己施教,使属她的人听从她过于听从神的圣言,归附她的人都被她异端、宗教的教训麻醉。

b. The Roman Catholic Church is a teaching woman; the apostate church herself teaches, causing her people to listen to her rather than to the holy Word of God, and her adherents are drugged by her heretical, religious teaching.

叁 按照启示录二章二十四节,背道的召会教导“撒但深奥之事”:——引用经文

III. According to Revelation 2:24, the apostate church teaches "the deep things of Satan":

一 “深奥之事”原文意深,如在以弗所三章十八节者;按表号说,指奥秘的事。——引用经文

A. Deep things mean "depths," as in Ephesians 3:18, and it figuratively denotes mysterious things.

二 背道的召会有许多奥秘或深奥的道理;这些乃是撒但深奥之事,就是撒但奥秘的教训,属撒但的哲学:

B. The apostate church has many mysteries or deep doctrines; these are the deep things of Satan, the mysterious teachings of Satan, the satanic philosophy:

1 背道的召会教导撒但的奥秘;撒但深奥的思想,撒但的观念,已浸透了背道的召会。

1. The apostate church teaches the satanic mysteries; the deep thought of Satan, Satan's concept, has saturated the apostate church.

2 背道的召会成了撒但的化身:

2. The apostate church has become the embodiment of Satan:

a 正确的召会是基督的身体(一22~23),但背道的召会却成了撒但的化身。——引用经文

a. The proper church is the Body of Christ (1:22-23), but the apostate church is the embodiment of Satan.

b 基督住在召会里,撒但却借着撒但深奥之事的教训诡诈地住在背道的召会里。

b. Christ indwells the church, but Satan indwells the apostate church in a subtle way through the teaching of the deep things of Satan.

c 背道的召会教导奥秘的事,却不是新约中所启示关乎神经纶的奥秘——西二2,弗三3~5、9,五32。

c. The apostate church teaches mysteries but not the mysteries revealed in the New Testament concerning God's economy—Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:3-5, 9; 5:32.

d 会堂的宗教、撒但座位下的世界以及属撒但之奥秘的哲学,都被撒但用来损害并腐化召会——启二9、13、24。

d. The religion of the synagogue, the world under Satan's throne, and the philosophy of the satanic mysteries are all used by Satan to damage and corrupt the church—Rev. 2:9, 13, 24.

三 “凡有心为着主和祂恢复的人,都必须彻底认识这个背道的召会。”(启示录生命读经,一九六页)

C. "Anyone who has a heart for the Lord and for His recovery must thoroughly know this apostate church" (Life-study of Revelation, p. 165).

肆 “那眼目如火焰,脚像明亮之铜的神之子,这样说”——18节:

IV. "These things says the Son of God, He who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet are like shining bronze"—v. 18:

一 背道的罗马天主教极力强调基督是马利亚的儿子;因此,主在这里郑重地声称祂是神的儿子,以抗议这个背道的异端:

A. The apostate Roman Catholic Church strongly emphasizes Christ as the son of Mary; thus, here the Lord, protesting against the apostate heresy, says that He is the Son of God:

1 基督是神的儿子,含示神的彰显,就是神的流出或出来——约一18:

1. Christ's being the Son of God implies the expression of God, the issue, or the coming out, of God—John 1:18:

a 就着神的存在而言,基督作为神的具体化身,乃是完整的神;就着神的流出,神的出来而言,基督是神的儿子。

a. Concerning God's existence, Christ is the complete God as God's embodiment; concerning God's issue, His coming out, Christ is the Son of God.

b 基督是神的具体化身,乃与神的存在有关;而基督是神的儿子,乃与神的彰显有关。

b. Christ as the embodiment of God is related to His existence, whereas Christ as the Son of God is related to the expression of God.

2 约翰福音的目的是要见证耶稣是基督,也是神的儿子——二十31:

2. The purpose of the Gospel of John is to testify that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God—20:31:

a “基督”是主照着祂的职分和使命而有的称呼;“神的儿子”是主照着祂的身位而有的称呼——太十六16。

a. Christ is the title of the Lord according to His office, His mission, and the Son of God is His title according to His person—Matt. 16:16.

b 祂的身位与神的生命有关,祂的使命与神的工作有关;祂是神的儿子,作了神的基督。

b. His person is a matter of God's life, and His mission is a matter of God's work; He is the Son of God to be the Christ of God.

二 在对付背道的推雅推喇召会时,主称自己是那眼目如火焰,脚像明亮之铜的:

B. In dealing with the apostate church, the church in Thyatira, the Lord refers to Himself as the One who has eyes like a flame of fire and feet like shining bronze:

1 背道的召会需要祂搜察的眼目和践踏的脚审判。

1. The apostate church needs the judging of His searching eyes and treading feet.

2 “叫众召会都知道,我是那察看人肺腑心肠的”——启二23。

2. "All the churches will know that I am He who searches the inward parts and the hearts"—Rev. 2:23.

伍 在启示录二章二十六至二十八节,我们有主对得胜者的应许:——引用经文

V. In Revelation 2:26-28 we have the Lord's promise to the one who overcomes:

一 “我要赐给他权柄制伏列国;他必用铁杖辖管〔直译,牧养〕他们”——26节下~27节上:

A. "To him I will give authority over the nations; and he will shepherd them with an iron rod"—vv. 26b-27a:

1 在千年国里与基督一同辖管列国乃是给得胜者的奖赏——二十4、6。

1. To reign with Christ over the nations in the millennial kingdom is a prize to the overcomers—20:4, 6.

2 主这应许有力地含示,那些不答应祂呼召,胜过堕落基督教的人,不能有分于千年国的掌权。

2. This promise of the Lord strongly implies that those who do not answer His call to overcome degraded Christianity will not participate in the reign of the millennial kingdom.

3 在千年国里掌权的人就是牧养的人——二27。

3. In the millennial kingdom, the ruler is a shepherd—2:27.

4 在诗篇二篇九节,神把辖管列国的权柄赐给基督;在启示录二章二十六节,基督把同样的权柄赐给祂的得胜者。——引用经文

4. In Psalm 2:9 God gave Christ authority to rule over the nations; in Revelation 2:26 Christ gives the same authority to His overcomers.

二 “我……要把晨星赐给他”——28节:

B. "To him I will give the morning star"—v. 28:

1 圣经关于基督的预表,开始于祂是光,结束于祂是明亮的晨星——创一3,启二二16:

1. Concerning the types of Christ, the Bible begins with Him as light and ends with Him as the bright morning star—Gen. 1:3; Rev. 22:16:

a 晨星是在午夜之后,黎明前最黑暗的时刻出现。

a. The morning star appears in the darkest hour, after midnight and prior to dawn.

b 这指明基督要在这世代临近结束前,在最黑暗的时候,出现如明亮的晨星。

b. This indicates that Christ will appear as the bright morning star in the darkest time, prior to the close of this age.

2 基督作明亮的晨星,是隐密的向着那些儆醒预备,等候祂的得胜者出现:

2. As the bright morning star, Christ will appear privately to the overcomers, who are watching, preparing, and waiting for Him:

a 祂要隐密地将祂自己当作晨星,赐给那些爱祂而儆醒等候祂的人,叫他们优先尝到祂久离再临之同在的新鲜。

a. He will secretly give Himself as the morning star to those who love Him and who watch and wait for Him so that they may have the priority to taste the freshness of His presence at His coming back after a long absence.

b 这会鼓励他们切切寻求主的同在,并且儆醒,使他们当主在祂来临的隐密部分来到时,得以站立在主面前——路二一36,太二四43。

b. This will encourage them to earnestly seek the Lord's presence and be watchful so that they will be able to stand before Him in the secret part of His coming—Luke 21:36; Matt. 24:43.

c 我们必须预备好自己,等候主如晨星的隐密显现。

c. We must make ourselves ready for the secret appearing of the Lord as the morning star.

3 按照彼后一章十九节,我们若留意申言者的话,我们里面的天就会发亮,并且晨星要在我们心里升起:——引用经文

3. According to 2 Peter 1:19, if we take heed to the word of prophecy, the day will dawn within us, and the morning star will rise in our hearts:

a 留意申言者的话,就是注意活的话,进入这话,直到晨星在我们里面升起,从天上有东西照耀我们。

a. To take heed to the prophetic word is to pay attention to the living Word and enter into the Word until the morning star rises within us and something from the heavens shines over us.

b 我们必须来到确定的话跟前,将我们的全人向这话敞开,直到基督这晨星在我们里面升起,并且照耀我们。

b. We need to come to the sure Word and open up our whole being to the Word until Christ as the morning star rises up in us and shines over us.
