第九篇 新耶路撒冷——借着回归召会正统之得胜者所达到神经纶中心异象与神圣启示高峰的终极完成

The New Jerusalem— the Consummation of the Central Vision of God's Economy and of the High Peak of the Divine Revelation through the Overcomers, Who Return to the Orthodoxy of the Church



壹 神经纶的中心异象乃是:经历基督作生命,为着产生并建造召会作基督的身体——徒二六19,弗三10,提前一4,西三4,弗一22~23:

I. The central vision of God's economy is the experience of Christ as life for the producing and building up of the church as the Body of Christ—Acts 26:19; Eph. 3:10; 1 Tim. 1:4; Col. 3:4; Eph. 1:22-23:

一 我们需要看见主今日之恢复里中心事物的异象,就是保罗完成职事的异象——17~18节上,徒二六19,西一25~26:

A. We need to see a vision of the central matter in the Lord's recovery today, the vision in Paul's completing ministry—vv. 17-18a; Acts 26:19; Col. 1:25-26:

1 保罗完成职事的中心异象乃是:神在我们里面作我们的内容,基督是神的奥秘,以及召会是基督的奥秘——罗九23~24,林后四7,西二2,弗三4。

1. The central vision of Paul's completing ministry is God in us as our contents, Christ as the mystery of God, and the church as the mystery of Christ—Rom. 9:23-24; 2 Cor. 4:7; Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:4.

2 主恢复的中心乃是基督与召会:基督是神的具体化身,是神的奥秘;召会是基督的彰显,是基督的奥秘——西二9,弗三19下,提前三15~16。

2. The center of the Lord's recovery is Christ and the church: Christ as the embodiment of God—the mystery of God—and the church as the expression of Christ—the mystery of Christ—Col. 2:9; Eph. 3:19b; 1 Tim. 3:15-16.

二 圣经管治的异象乃是:三一神将祂自己作到祂所拣选并救赎的人里面,好用神圣的三一充满他们全人,为着产生并建造召会作基督的身体,终极完成于新耶路撒冷——弗四4~6,启二一2、9~10。

B. The governing vision of the Bible is the Triune God working Himself into His chosen and redeemed people in order to saturate their entire being with the Divine Trinity for the producing and building up of the church as the Body of Christ, consummating in the New Jerusalem—Eph. 4:4-6; Rev. 21:2, 9-10.

贰 神圣启示的高峰就是神成为人,为要使人在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成为神,以产生并建造基督生机的身体,为着完成神的经纶,好结束这世代,并把基督带回来,设立祂的国度——约一12~14,约壹三1~2,罗八3,十二4~5,启十一15:

II. The high peak of the divine revelation is that God became man so that man may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead to produce and build up the organic Body of Christ for the fulfillment of God's economy to close this age and bring Christ back to set up His kingdom—John 1:12-14; 1 John 3:1-2; Rom. 8:3; 12:4-5; Rev. 11:15:

一 神的经纶就是神的目的,乃是要把祂自己在祂神圣的三一里,分赐到祂所拣选并救赎的人里面,作他们的生命和性情,使他们能与祂一样,好作祂团体的彰显——提前一4,弗一3~23。

A. God's economy is His intention to dispense Himself in His Divine Trinity into His chosen and redeemed people to be their life and nature so that they may be the same as He is for His corporate expression—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 1:3-23.

二 神的经纶乃是神成为人,好使我们在生命、性情和彰显上成为神,使我们过神人的生活,并成为基督的身体——罗八3,一3~4,八4、14、29,十二4~5。

B. God's economy is that God became man to make us God in life, nature, and expression so that we may have a God-man living and become the Body of Christ—Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; 8:4, 14, 29; 12:4-5.

三 神救赎我们为要使我们在生命和性情上成为神,使祂能得着基督的身体,终极完成于新耶路撒冷,作神的扩大和彰显,直到永远——弗一7,四16.启二一2。

C. God redeemed us for the purpose of making us God in life and nature so that He can have the Body of Christ, which consummates in the New Jerusalem as God's enlargement and expression for eternity—Eph. 1:7; 4:16; Rev. 21:2.

四 唯有借着神成为人,使人成为神,才能产生并建造基督的身体;这就是神所给我们神圣启示的高峰——罗八3,一3~4,八14、16、29,十二4~5。

D. It is only by God's becoming man to make man God that the Body of Christ can be produced and built up; this is the high peak of the divine revelation given to us by God—Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; 8:14, 16, 29; 12:4-5.

叁 新耶路撒冷乃是神经纶中心异象与神圣启示高峰的终极完成——启二一2、9~11:

III. The New Jerusalem is the consummation of the central vision of God's economy and of the high peak of the divine revelation—Rev. 21:2, 9-11:

一 新耶路撒冷,就是圣经的终极完成,乃是神成为人,并且人在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成为神——2节,三12:

A. The New Jerusalem, the ultimate consummation of the Bible, involves God becoming man and man becoming God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead—v. 2; 3:12:

1 神在基督里成为人,为要使人在生命和性情上成为神,使救赎的神与蒙救赎的人得以调和并构成在一起,成为一个实体,就是新耶路撒冷——二一3、22。

1. In Christ God has become man to make man God in His life and in His nature so that the redeeming God and the redeemed man can be mingled, constituted, together to be one entity—the New Jerusalem—21:3, 22.

2 至终,三一、永远的神成了与我们众人合并的新耶路撒冷;我们也借着神生机救恩的过程,成为新耶路撒冷——罗五10,启三12。

2. Eventually, the triune, eternal God becomes the New Jerusalem incorporated with all of us, and we also become the New Jerusalem through the process of God's organic salvation—Rom. 5:10; Rev. 3:12.

二 新耶路撒冷是团体的神人,就是神的扩大、扩展和彰显,也就是团体的神——罗八29,来二10~12,启四3,二一10~11:

B. The New Jerusalem is the corporate God-man—the enlargement, expansion, and expression of God—the corporate God—Rom. 8:29; Heb. 2:10-12; Rev. 4:3; 21:10-11:

1 新耶路撒冷是神性与人性调和在一起,成为一个实体的组成;一切的组成分子都有相同的生命、性情和构成,因此是一个团体的人位——2、10~21节。

1. The New Jerusalem is a composition of divinity and humanity blended and mingled together as one entity; all the components have the same life, nature, and constitution and thus are a corporate person—vv. 2, 10-21.

2 新耶路撒冷是经过过程并终极完成的三一神,在蒙祂拣选、救赎、重生、圣别、更新、变化、建造、模成、并荣化之人身上的扩展与彰显——10~11节。

2. The New Jerusalem is the expansion and expression of the processed and consummated Triune God with His chosen, redeemed, regenerated, sanctified, renewed, transformed, built-up, conformed, and glorified people—vv. 10-11.

3 新耶路撒冷是神的扩大和扩展,是神在永世里的彰显,也就是团体的神——创一1,约一1、14,林前十五45下,启二二17。

3. The New Jerusalem is God's enlargement and expansion, God's expression in eternity, which is the corporate God—Gen. 1:1; John 1:1, 14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rev. 22:17.

三 新耶路撒冷乃是真正并终极完成的书拉密女,就是团体的书拉密女,包括所有蒙神拣选并救赎的人——歌六13,启二一2、9~10,二二17:

C. The New Jerusalem is the real and consummate Shulammite—a corporate Shulammite, including all of God's chosen and redeemed people—S. S. 6:13; Rev. 21:2, 9-10; 22:17:

1 奇妙的书拉密女,作所罗门的复本,乃是作基督配偶之新耶路撒冷最大并终极的表号——歌六13,启二一2、9~10。

1. The wonderful Shulammite, the duplication of Solomon, is the greatest and ultimate figure of the New Jerusalem as the counterpart of Christ—S. S. 6:13; Rev. 21:2, 9-10.

2 作为所罗门的配偶,书拉密女在生命、性情和形像上与所罗门一样,正如夏娃之于亚当——创二20~23:

2. As Solomon's counterpart, the Shulammite became the same as Solomon in life, nature, and image, as Eve to Adam—Gen. 2:20-23:

a 这表征基督的佳偶在生命、性情和形像上成了与祂一样的,与祂相配,好成为婚配——林后三18,罗八29,启十九7,二一2。

a. This signifies that the lover of Christ becomes the same as He is in life, nature, and image to match Him for their marriage—2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29; Rev. 19:7; 21:2.

b 许多爱基督的人至终要在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成为神的复本;这是神成为人,为要使人成为神这神圣启示之高峰的应验。

b. The many lovers of Christ eventually will become duplications of God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead; this is the fulfillment of God becoming man so that man may become God, which is the high peak of the divine revelation.

3 基督的妻子与基督将联结成为新耶路撒冷,作神的彰显;那就是终极完成的书拉密女——二二17。

3. The wife of Christ and Christ will be joined together to be the New Jerusalem for God's expression; this is the consummated Shulammite—22:17.

四 新耶路撒冷是宇宙的金灯台,是圣经中灯台的终极完成——一12、20,二一18下、23~24上,出二五31~37,王上七49,亚四2:

D. The New Jerusalem is the universal golden lampstand, the ultimate consummation of the lampstands in the Scriptures—1:12, 20; 21:18b, 23-24a; Exo. 25:31-37; 1 Kings 7:49; Zech. 4:2:

1 众召会作为金灯台,要终极完成于新耶路撒冷,就是所有灯台的集大成——启一20,二一18下、23。

1. The churches as golden lampstands will be consummated in the New Jerusalem, the aggregate of all the lampstands—Rev. 1:20; 21:18b, 23.

2 新耶路撒冷这座金山乃是宇宙的金灯台,托着羔羊这灯,把是光的神照耀出去——18、23节,二二1、5。

2. The New Jerusalem, a mountain of gold, is the universal golden lampstand holding the Lamb as the lamp shining out God as the light—vv. 18, 23; 22:1, 5.

3 新耶路撒冷是所有灯台的集大成,是今天众灯台的总和,乃是一个总结、宇宙的金灯台,在新天新地里将神的荣耀照耀出来,直到永远——二一24。

3. The New Jerusalem, the aggregate of all the lampstands, the totality of today's lampstands, is a consummate, universal golden lampstand to shine forth God's glory in the new heaven and new earth for eternity—21:24.

4 金灯台表征具体化身并彰显出来的三一神,我们越经历灯台所描绘三一神的各方面,就越在金灯台作三一神具体化身和彰显的实际里,因而成为新耶路撒冷这宇宙的金灯台——一12、20,二一18。

4. The golden lampstand signifies the Triune God embodied and expressed, and the more we experience the aspects of the Triune God depicted in the lampstand, the more we will be in reality the golden lampstand as the embodiment and expression of the Triune God and thus become the New Jerusalem as the universal golden lampstand—1:12, 20; 21:18.

肆 基督在祂加强时期的职事里,作为七倍加强的灵,产生得胜者,他们回归召会的正统,胜过召会的堕落,建造基督的身体,并终极完成新耶路撒冷——一4,二7、11、17、26,三5、12、21:

IV. In His ministry in the stage of intensification, Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit produces the overcomers, who return to the orthodoxy of the church, overcome the degradation of the church, build up the Body of Christ, and consummate the New Jerusalem—1:4; 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21:

一 因着召会的堕落,基督这赐生命的灵已经七倍加强成为七灵——七倍加强赐生命的灵——以产生得胜者——一4,四5,五6,三13。

A. Because of the degradation of the church, Christ as the life-giving Spirit has been intensified sevenfold to become the seven Spirits—the sevenfold intensified life-giving Spirit—to produce the overcomers—1:4; 4:5; 5:6; 3:13.

二 得胜者胜过众召会的堕落,回归召会的正统,并胜过属撒但的犹太教、属鬼魔的天主教以及死沉而没有基督的更正教——二9~10、24~28,三1~5、20~21。

B. In overcoming the degradation of the churches, the overcomers return to the orthodoxy of the church and overcome satanic Judaism, demonic Catholicism, and dead and Christless Protestantism—2:9-10, 24-28; 3:1-5, 20-21.

三 得胜者胜过任何敌对基督并顶替基督的事物——约壹二18、22,腓三7~11。

C. The overcomers overcome anything that is against Christ or that replaces Christ—1 John 2:18, 22; Phil. 3:7-11.

四 得胜者是为着建造基督的身体,以终极完成新耶路撒冷——弗四12、16,启二7下,三12、21:

D. The overcomers are for the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem—Eph. 4:12, 16; Rev. 2:7b; 3:12, 21:

1 没有得胜者,基督的身体就无法建造起来;而基督的身体若没有建造起来,基督就无法回来迎娶新妇——十九7~9。

1. Without the overcomers the Body of Christ cannot be built up, and unless the Body of Christ is built up, Christ cannot come back for His bride—19:7-9.

2 基督身体的建造,乃是借着基督作为七倍加强赐生命的灵所产生的得胜者——一4,四5,五6,三1、12。

2. The building up of the Body of Christ is by the overcomers produced by Christ as the sevenfold intensified life-giving Spirit—1:4; 4:5; 5:6; 3:1, 12.

3 得胜者在这时代建造基督的身体,是为着在国度时代里新耶路撒冷初步的完成,以及至终在新天新地里新耶路撒冷完满的完成——二7,三12,二一2。

3. The building up of the Body of Christ by the overcomers in this age is for the initial consummation of the New Jerusalem in the kingdom age and eventually for the full consummation of the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth—2:7; 3:12; 21:2.

五 “我又要将我神的名,和我神城的名(这城就是由天上从我神那里降下来的新耶路撒冷),并我的新名,都写在他〔得胜者〕上面”——三12下:

E. "I will write upon him [the overcomer] the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which descends out of heaven from My God, and My new name"—3:12b:

1 将神的名,新耶路撒冷的名,并主的名,写在得胜者上面,指明神的所是,新耶路撒冷的性质并主的人位,全都作到得胜者里面。

1. That the name of God, the name of the New Jerusalem, and the name of the Lord are written on the overcomer indicates that what God is, the nature of the New Jerusalem, and the person of the Lord have all been wrought into the overcomer.

2 说新耶路撒冷要作得胜者奖赏的话,指明这应许要在千年国成就;千年国的新耶路撒冷是单给得胜者的奖赏。

2. The mentioning of the New Jerusalem as a prize to the overcomer indicates that this promise will be fulfilled in the millennial kingdom; the New Jerusalem in the millennium will be a prize only to the overcomers.
