第二篇 基督生机身体内在的建造(二)在以弗所书中基督身体的启示与建造

The Intrinsic Building Up of the Organic Body of Christ (2) The Revelation and Building Up of the Body of Christ in Ephesians



壹 以弗所书的每一章都从特别的观点,揭示基督的身体这三一神生机体的奥秘;我们必须祷告,好得着智慧和启示的灵,使我们看见基督的身体是圣经中拔尖的启示─弗一17~23,三3~5、9~11。

I. Each chapter of the book of Ephesians unveils the mystery of the Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God from a particular point of view; we must pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may see the Body of Christ as the top revelation of the Bible—Eph. 1:17-23; 3:3-5, 9-11.

贰 以弗所一章启示,基督的身体乃是经过过程的神圣三一之分赐与超越基督之输供的结果:

II. Ephesians 1 reveals that the Body of Christ is the issue of the dispensing of the processed Trinity and the transmitting of the transcending Christ:

一 父在祂拣选并预定中的分赐,产生出祂许多的儿子,在圣别中作祂的家室─3~6节。

A. The Father's dispensing in His choosing and predestinating issues in His many sons as His house in sanctification—vv. 3-6.

二 子在祂救赎并拯救中的分赐,产生出信徒,在变化中作神的基业─7~12节。

B. The Son's dispensing in His redeeming and saving issues in the believers as God's inheritance in transformation—vv. 7-12.

三 灵在祂作印并作质中的分赐,担保神作信徒的基业,使他们得到完全的成全─13~14节。

C. The Spirit's dispensing in His sealing and pledging issues in God as the believers' inheritance unto their perfection—vv. 13-14.

四 超越的基督在祂复起并升高里的输供,产生祂的身体作祂的彰显,使信徒达到终极的成就─19~23节。

D. The transcending Christ's transmitting in His rising and ascending issues in His Body as His expression unto the believers' consummation—vv. 19-23.

叁 以弗所二章启示,基督的身体是一个新人,乃是三一神的杰作─10、15~16节:

III. Ephesians 2 reveals that the Body of Christ as the new man is the master-piece of the Triune God—vv. 10, 15-16:

一 基督的身体这─个新人,是基督在自己里面借着祂的死与复活所创造之神的杰作,祂的诗章,以彰显神无穷的智慧和神圣的设计─10、15节。

A. The Body of Christ as the one new man is God's masterpiece, His poem, created in Himself through His death and resurrection to express His infinite wisdom and divine design—vv. 10, 15.

二 基督在十字架上,在祂的肉体里,废掉了那规条中诫命的律法,就是一切使人类分开之生活与敬拜的礼仪和方式,而在祂自己里面,创造了─个新人─14~15节。

B. On the cross Christ created the new man in Himself by abolishing in His flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances, all the forms or ways of living and worship that divide mankind—vv. 14-15.

三 世人认为文化的差异乃是声望的源头,但在基督的身体这一个新人里,我们都失去了这个声望;现今我们唯一的声望乃是基督,以及真正的一─西一18下,弗四3~4上。

C. The worldly people regard cultural differences as a source of prestige, but in the Body of Christ as the one new man, we have lost this prestige; now our only prestige is Christ and the genuine oneness—Col. 1:18b; Eph. 4:3-4a.

四 在─个新人里只有一个人位─包罗万有的基督;这一个新人只有一口,同心合意说一样的话─二15,罗十五6,林前一10。

D. In the one new man there is only one person—the all-inclusive Christ; this one new man has one mouth to speak the same thing in one accord—2:15; Rom. 15:6; 1 Cor. 1:10.

肆 以弗所三章启示,基督的身体成了三一神的丰满,是借着我们得了基督丰富的供应,并借着基督安家在我们心里:

IV. Ephesians 3 reveals that the Body of Christ is the fullness of the Triune God by our being supplied with the riches of Christ and by Christ's mak-ing His home in our hearts:

一 神有─个经纶,要将基督追测不尽的丰富分配到我们里面,使我们成为神的丰满,神的彰显─2、7~9、19节。

A. God has an economy to distribute the unsearchable riches of Christ into our being so that we become His fullness, His expression—vv. 2, 7-9, 19.

二 保罗向父这源头祷告,求父借着那灵作凭借,加强我们到里面的人里,使子基督运行作工,安家在我们心里,结果使我们成为基督的身体,作三一神的丰满─14~19节。

B. Paul prayed to the Father as the source that He would strengthen us through the Spirit as the means into the inner man that Christ, the Son, would move and work to make His home in our hearts, issuing in our becoming the Body of Christ as the fullness of the Triune God—vv. 14-19.

三 我们需要每天祷告,使我们得以加强到里面的人里,使三一神完成祂独一的工作,将祂自己在基督里建造到我们心里,使祂成为我们内在的构成,作神与人相互的住处─16~17节,约十四23。

C. We need to pray daily to be strengthened into our inner man so that the Triune God may carry out His unique work to build Himself in Christ into our hearts for Him to become our intrinsic constitution for the mutual abode of God and man—3:16-17; John 14:23.

伍 以弗所四章启示,基督的身体乃是经过过程的三一神与重生信徒的调和,并且这一个身体是由一个职事建造起来的:

V. Ephesians 4 reveals that the Body of Christ is the mingling of the proc-essed Triune God with the regenerated believers and that this one Body is built up by the one ministry:

一 一位灵、一主和一位神与父,与信徒调和在一起,成为一个实体,作基督生机的身体─4~6节。

A. The one Spirit, one Lord, and one God and Father are mingled together with the believers into one entity to be the organic Body of Christ—vv. 4-6.

二 基督身体的一乃是那灵的一,那灵的一乃是在我们灵里的那灵自己;我们要保守一,就必须留在调和的灵里─3~4节,约四24。

B. The oneness of the Body of Christ is the oneness of the Spirit, and the oneness of the Spirit is the Spirit Himself, who is in our spirit; in order to keep the one-ness, we must stay in our mingled spirit—vv. 3-4; John 4:24.

三 基督的身体是由一个职事建造起来的,这一个职事成全我们,使我们在凡事上长到元首基督里面,并且有本于元首的功用,以供应身体,使身体在爱里把自己建造起来─弗四11~16。

C. The Body of Christ is built up by the one ministry, which perfects us to grow up into Christ, the Head, in all things and to function out from Him in order to supply the Body for its building up in love—Eph. 4:11-16.

陆 以弗所五章启示,基督的身体由光的儿女所组成,作基督的新妇,使基督得满足:

VI. Ephesians 5 reveals that the Body of Christ is composed of the children of light to be the bride of Christ for the satisfaction of Christ:

一 我们从前不仅是黑暗的,并且就是黑暗本身,因为那时我们与撒但是一;如今我们不仅是光的儿女,并且就是光本身,因为我们在主里与神是一─8节,太五14。

A. We were once not only dark but darkness itself because we were one with Satan; now we are not only the children of light but light itself because we are one with God in the Lord—v. 8; Matt. 5:14.

二 灯台表征召会作三一神的复制,乃是活的金树,带着复活的生命开花,作照耀的光,就是光的果子,使三一神得着完满的彰显─出二五31~34,民十七8,启一11~12,弗五9,参加五22。

B. The lampstand signifies that the church as the reproduction of the Triune God is a living, golden tree, blossoming with resurrection life as the shining light, which is the fruit of the light for the full expression of the Triune God—Exo. 25:31-34; Num. 17:8; Rev. 1:11-12; Eph. 5:9; cf. Gal. 5:22.

三 我们是光的儿女,在爱和光中行事为人,就被赐生命的灵圣化,并被话中之水的洗涤所洁净,得以预备好成为基督荣耀的新妇─弗五2、8、18、26~27。

C. As children of light, walking in love and light, we will be prepared to be Christ's glorious bride by the life-giving Spirit's sanctifying us, cleansing us by the wash-ing of the water in the word—Eph. 5:2, 8, 18, 26-27.

柒 以弗所六章启示,基督的身体是三一神团体的战士,为着击败神的仇敌:

VII. Ephesians 6 reveals that the Body of Christ is the corporate warrior of the Triune God for the defeating of God's enemy:

一 属灵的争战不是个人的事,乃是身体的事;召会作为身体乃是团体的战士,只有团体的战士才能穿戴神全副的军装─10~20节,参太十六18。

A. Spiritual warfare is not an individual matter but a matter of the Body; the church as the Body is a corporate warrior, and only the corporate warrior can wear the whole armor of God—vv. 10-20; cf. Matt. 16:18.

二 一切的争战都源自撒但的意志与神的意志之间的冲突;我们必须借着苦难使我们的意志被基督降服并变化,以致我们的意志服从基督的元首权柄,拣选神的旨意,而在复活里富有基督防卫的能力─赛十四12~14,太六10,二六42,腓二13,歌四1、4,七4上、5。

B. All warfare has its source in the conflict between Satan's will and God's will; we must have our will subdued and transformed by Christ through sufferings so that it is submitted to the headship of Christ to choose God's will and to be rich in the defending power of Christ in resurrection—Isa. 14:12-14; Matt. 6:10; 26:42; Phil. 2:13; S. S. 4:1, 4; 7:4a, 5.

三 祷告是唯一、具决定性、不可或缺的凭借,叫我们借以应用神全副的军装,使神军装的每一项能供我们使用─弗六18。

C. Prayer is the unique, crucial, and vital means by which we apply the whole armor of God, making every item of the armor of God available to us—Eph. 6:18.

四 我们要在主(子神)里得着加力,穿戴父神全副的军装,并取用那灵的剑,从事属灵的争战;这就是我们甚至在属灵的争战中,也经历并享受三一神─10~11、17~18节。

D. We fight the spiritual warfare by being empowered in the Lord, God the Son, putting on the whole armor of God, the Father, and wielding the sword of the Spirit; this is our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God even in spiritual warfare—vv. 10-11, 17-18.
