第三篇 预备新妇作新郎的配偶(一)新妇的预备

To Prepare the Bride as the Counterpart of the Bridegroom (1) The Readiness of the Bride



壹 主今日行动的方向是要预备新妇作新郎的配偶,使救赎的神与蒙祂救赎的人成为永远的婚配─约三29,启十九7~9,二一2,9~11。

I. The direction of the Lord's move today is to prepare the bride as the coun-terpart of the Bridegroom for the eternal marriage of the redeeming God with His redeemed—John 3:29; Rev. 19:7-9; 21:2, 9-11.

贰 羔羊的婚娶乃是神新约经纶完成的结果;神新约的经纶是要借着祂法理的救赎并凭着祂神圣生命里生机的拯救,为基督娶得一个新妇,就是召会─创二22,启十九7~9,二一2,罗五10。

II. The marriage of the Lamb is the issue of the completion of God's New Testa-ment economy, which is to obtain for Christ a bride, the church, through His judicial redemption and by His organic salvation in His divine life— Gen. 2:22; Rev. 19:7-9; 21:2; Rom. 5:10.

叁 主的恢复是为着预备由所有得胜者组成之基督的新妇─启十九7~9,罗八37:

III. The Lord's recovery is for the preparation of the bride, who is composed of all His overcomers—Rev. 19:7-9; Rom. 8:37:

一 所有的得胜者要成为在开始和新鲜阶段里的新耶路撒冷,作基督的新妇一千年─启十九7。

A. All the overcomers will be the New Jerusalem, as the bride of Christ for one thou-sand years, in its initial and fresh stage—Rev. 19:7.

二 至终,所有的信徒都要联于得胜者,使新耶路撒冷丰满地得以终极完成并完全,在新天新地里作基督的妻子,直到永远─二一2、9。

B. Eventually, all the believers will join the overcomers to consummate and com-plete the New Jerusalem in full as the wife of Christ in the new heaven and new earth for eternity—21:2, 9.

肆 新妇的预备是在于得胜者生命的成熟─十九7,来六1,腓三12~15,弗四13:

IV. The readiness of the bride depends on the maturity in life of the over-comers—19:7; Heb. 6:1; Phil. 3:12-15; Eph. 4:13:

一 基督的佳偶在神圣生命的成熟里,成了书拉密女,表征她成了基督的复制和复本,配得过祂,好与祂成为婚配─歌六13,启二一9~10。

A. In the maturity of the divine life, the lover of Christ becomes the Shulammite, signifying that she has become the reproduction and duplication of Christ to match Him for their marriage—S. S. 6:13; Rev. 21:9-10.

二 在新约圣经里,“成熟”这辞用于指信徒在神的生命上长成并完全,指明我们需要在神圣的生命里长大成熟,以至于完全─太五48。

B. In the New Testament the word mature is used to refer to the believers' being full-grown and perfected in the life of God, indicating that we need to grow and mature unto perfection in the divine life—Matt. 5:48.

三 我们需要继续长大,直到我们在神圣的生命里成熟,成为长成的人,达到基督丰满之身材的度量─弗四13。

C. We need to continue to grow until we are matured in the divine life to become a full-grown man, arriving at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ—Eph. 4:13.

四 我们需要学习使徒保罗,追求在基督的生命里长大成熟─腓三12~15,西一28。

D. We need to learn of the apostle Paul to pursue the growth and maturity in the life of Christ—Phil. 3:12-15; Col. 1:28.

五 成熟的信徒认识、顾到并尊重基督的身体,有身体的感觉,也以身体为中心─林前十二8~19、21、24,西三15。

E. A mature believer knows the Body, cares for the Body, and honors the Body, being Body-conscious and Body-centered—1 Cor. 12:8-19, 21, 24; Col. 3:15.

伍 构成新妇的得胜者不是分开的个人,乃是团体的新妇;为着新妇的这一面,就需要建造─太十六18,弗四15~16:

V. The overcomers who constitute the bride are not separate individuals but a corporate bride; for this aspect of the bride, building is needed—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 4:15-16:

一 得胜者不仅在生命上成熟,更是同被建造,成为一个新妇─启十九7~9,二一2,9~11。

A. The overcomers are not only mature in life but also built together as one bride— Rev. 19:7-9; 21:2, 9-11.

二 圣经中心而神圣的思想乃是:神在寻找一个神圣的建造,就是祂自己与人性的调和;祂在寻找─个活的组成,由蒙祂救赎并与祂调和的活人所组成─太十六18,约十四20,弗四16,约壹四15,启二一2。

B. The central and divine thought of the Scriptures is that God is seeking a di-vine building as the mingling of Himself with humanity; He is seeking a living composition of living persons redeemed by and mingled with Himself—Matt. 16:18; John 14:20; Eph. 4:16; 1 John 4:15; Rev. 21:2.

三 神建造的原则乃是神将祂自己建造到人里面,并将人建造到祂自己里面;神与人调和就是神将祂自己建造到人里面,人与神调和就是人被建造到神里面─弗三17上。

C. The principle of God's building is that God builds Himself into man and builds man into Himself; God mingling with man is God building Himself into man, and man mingling with God is man being built into God—Eph. 3:17a.

四 神的建造是三一神团体的彰显─提前三15~16,约十七22,弗三19下、21。

D. God's building is the corporate expression of the Triune God—1 Tim. 3:15-16; John 17:22; Eph. 3:19b, 21.

五 与同作信徒的人建造在一起,是主根据神圣的属性之一─神圣的一,对祂忠信寻求者至上并最高的要求─约十七。

E. To be built up with fellow believers is the Lord's supreme and highest require-ment of His faithful seekers according to one of the divine attributes—the divine oneness—John 17.

陆 召会作为新妇,新郎的配偶,需要美丽─三29,歌一15~16,四1~5、7,诗四五11上,五十2:

VI. As the bride, the counterpart of the Bridegroom, the church needs beauty— 3:29; S. S. 1:15-16; 4:1-5, 7; Psa. 45:11a; 50:2:

一 “你的眼必见王的华美”(赛三三17上);“王就羡慕你的美貌”(诗四五11上)。

A. "Your eyes will see the King in His beauty" (Isa. 33:17a); "the King will desire your beauty" (Psa. 45:11a).

二 在基督身体团体的构成里,有何等的荣美、超绝和美德─弗一22~23,四16,歌一15~16,四1~5、7。

B. In the corporate constitution of the Body of Christ, there is much beauty, excel-lency, and virtue—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:16; S. S. 1:15-16; 4:1-5, 7.

三 我们基督徒所显出的美德,该是神圣属性里荣耀和美丽的显出;基督徒乃是以神性作元素、作实际,而从他们属人的美德里显出神圣的荣耀和美丽─林前十31,腓一20~21上,四5、8。

C. The virtues manifested by us Christians should be the manifestation of the glory and beauty in the divine attributes; a Christian is one who has divinity as his ele-ment and reality, from which the divine glory and beauty are expressed through the human virtues—1 Cor. 10:31; Phil. 1:20-21a; 4:5, 8.

四 新妇的美丽,是为着将新妇献给基督这新郎─弗五27,约三29,启十九7~9:

D. The beauty of the bride is for the presentation of the bride to Christ as the Bride-groom—Eph. 5:27; John 3:29; Rev. 19:7-9:

1 新妇的美丽乃是来自那位作到召会里面,然后借着召会彰显出来的基督─弗五27,三17。

1. The beauty of the bride comes from the Christ who is wrought into the church and who is then expressed through the church—Eph. 5:27; 3:17.

2 我们所有的美丽乃是基督从我们里面照耀出来─诗五十2,九十16。

2. Our only beauty is the shining out of Christ from within us—Psa. 50:2; 90:16.

3 基督在我们身上所珍赏的,乃是祂自己的彰显─歌四7。

3. What Christ appreciates in us is the expression of Himself—S. S. 4:7.

柒 按照启示录十九章十一至二十一节,基督要以作战将军的身分,带着祂的新妇,就是得胜的信徒,作祂的军队,前来与敌基督和他以下的诸王,并他们的众军,在哈米吉顿争战:─引用经文

VII. According to Revelation 19:11-21, Christ will come as the fighting General with His bride, the overcoming believers who are His army, to fight against Antichrist, the kings under him, and their armies at Armageddon:

一 当基督带着祂的军队来与敌基督和他的军兵争战时,祂乃是作为人子而来;祂这位人子需要一个配偶,祂的新妇,好与祂相配,使祂得以完全─十四14,十九7~8、11~13。

A. When Christ comes with His army to fight against Antichrist and his armies, He will come as the Son of Man, and as the Son of Man, He will need a counterpart, His bride, to match and complete Him—14:14; 19:7-8, 11-13.

二 基督在回来以前,先要举行婚礼,使祂的得胜者与祂自己联合成为一体─7~9节:

B. Before His coming back, Christ will have a wedding, uniting His overcomers to Himself as one entity—vv. 7-9:

1 基督要与那多年来一直争战抵挡神仇敌的人结婚─弗五27,六10~18。

1. Christ will marry the one who has been fighting the battle against God's enemy for years—Eph. 5:27; 6:10-18.

2 在启示录十九章,基督要与那已经胜过邪恶者的得胜者结婚。

2. In Revelation 19 Christ will marry the overcomers, who have already over-come the evil one.

三 婚礼之后,基督要带着祂的新妇来把敌基督毁灭─11~13节。

C. After His wedding Christ will come with His bride to destroy Antichrist— vv. 11-13.

四 婚礼的礼服就是基督从我们活出,成了我们主观的义,使我们不仅有资格参加婚礼,也够资格参加军队,在终结的争战,也就是哈米吉顿的争战中,与基督一同和敌基督作战─8、14节。

D. The wedding garment—Christ lived out of us as our subjective righteousness— qualifies us not only to attend the wedding but also to join in the army to fight with Christ against Antichrist in the ultimate war—the war at Armageddon— vv. 8, 14.
