第二篇 正常基督徒属灵的历史─风、云、火、金银合金

The Spiritual History of a Normal Christian— the Wind, the Cloud, the Fire, and the Electrum



壹 在以西结一章四节,从北方刮来的暴风是神能力之灵的表号,图画─徒二2、4上:

I. In Ezekiel 1:4 the storm wind from the north is a figure, a picture, of the powerful Spirit of God—Acts 2:2, 4a:

一 暴风从北方刮来,指明大能的灵从神而来─诗七五6~7上,四八2,参赛十四13~14:

A. A storm wind coming from the north indicates that the mighty Spirit comes from God—Psa. 75:6-7a; 48:2; cf. Isa. 14:13-14:

1 在北方的神总是在上面;按属灵说,当我们往北方去,就是上到神那里去。

1. God, who is at the north, is always up; spiritually speaking, when we are going north, we are going up to God.

2 暴风从北方刮来,意思是它从神而来;这启示神的居所是一切属灵事物的源头。

2. The fact that the storm wind came from the north means that it came from God; this reveals that the dwelling place of God is the source of all spiritual things.

二 在以西结一章四节,风表征圣灵吹在我们身上,眷顾我们,叫我们得着神的生命:─引用经文

B. In Ezekiel 1:4 the wind is a sign of the blowing of the Holy Spirit upon us to take care of us, causing us to have God's life:

1 约翰二十章那灵的吹气是为着生命,行传二章那灵的吹风是为着神的行动。

1. The breathing of the Spirit in John 20 is for life, and the blowing of the Spirit in Acts 2 is for God's move.

2 那灵素质的一面是为着生活,由气所象征;那灵经纶的一面是为着职事,由刮过的暴风所象征─约二十22,徒二2、4上。

2. The essential aspect of the Spirit for living is symbolized by the breath; the economical aspect of the Spirit for ministry is symbolized by the rushing violent wind— John 20:22; Acts 2:2, 4a.

三 我们属灵的经历总是开始于属灵的暴风:

C. Our spiritual experiences always begin with a spiritual storm:

1 神的眷临开始于神的风吹在我们这人身上─约三8,徒二2。

1. God's visitation begins with the blowing of the wind of God upon our being— John 3:8; Acts 2:2.

2 那灵作为吹动的风,把神带给我们,使我们重生─约三8、6。

2. The Spirit as the blowing wind brought God to us for our regeneration— John 3:8, 6.

3 在我们属灵生命每次转弯时,从北方刮来的暴风都吹在我们身上:

3. A storm wind from the north blows upon us at every turn in our spiritual life:

a 这暴风就是神自己吹在我们身上,将暴风带进我们的生活、召会和工作里,使我们不满意,而关心我们属灵的情形,并使我们在属灵生活上有转弯。

a. This storm wind is God Himself blowing upon us to bring a storm into our life, into our church, and into our work, causing us to be dissatisfied and concerned about our spiritual condition and to have a turn in our spiritual life.

b 当风吹在我们身上,我们对自己属灵的光景就无法满意;反而,我们感觉不安,而关心自己的情形。

b. When the wind blows upon us, we cannot be satisfied with our spiritual condition; instead, we feel restless and concerned about our situation.

4 照着召会的历史看,历代神的灵像大风一样吹动,使人为罪悔改,相信主耶稣而得重生,舍弃世界跟随主,并且心里迫切、灵里焚烧来事奉主。

4. According to church history, throughout all the generations the Spirit of God has blown like a mighty wind to cause people to repent of their sins, to believe in the Lord Jesus for their regeneration, to give up the world in order to follow the Lord, and to be desperate in heart and burning in spirit to serve the Lord.

5 每次的暴风都值得回忆;每次的暴风都成了喜乐的回忆;每当神眷临我们,复兴我们,祂的灵就像一阵大风吹在我们身上。

5. Every storm is worth recalling; every storm has a pleasant remembrance; whenever God visits us and revives us, His Spirit blows upon us like a mighty wind.

贰 以西结一章四节里的云是神遮盖祂百姓的表号:─引用经文

II. The cloud in Ezekiel 1:4 is a figure of God covering His people:

一 云在这里表征神作为那灵与祂的百姓同住,遮盖他们,为要照顾他们,向他们施恩;圣灵临到我们并摸着我们的时候,就像风一样;圣灵停留在我们这里、覆庇我们的时候,就像云一样。

A. The cloud here is a figure of God as the Spirit abiding with His people and covering them in order to care for them and show favor to them; when the Holy Spirit comes to us and touches us, He is like the wind; when the Holy Spirit stays with us and overshadows us, He is like the cloud.

二 风的吹动将神的同在,以属天、覆罩、覆庇之云的形态带给我们─出十四20、24,十九9上,二四15~18,四十34~38,民十34,林前十1~2。

B. The blowing of the wind brings the presence of God to us in the form of a heavenly, brooding, overshadowing cloud—Exo. 14:20, 24; 19:9a; 24:15-18; 40:34-38; Num. 10:34; 1 Cor. 10:1-2.

三 云一点不差就是覆罩的神;神作为风临到,但祂作为云停留─参创一2,申三二10~13。

C. The cloud is nothing other than the brooding God; God comes as the wind, but He stays as the cloud—cf. Gen. 1:2; Deut. 32:10-13.

四 我们可能感觉神的恩典和荣耀在我们身上,像天篷一样遮盖我们─林后十二9,赛四5~6。

D. We may sense that the grace and glory of God are upon us, covering us as a canopy—2 Cor. 12:9; Isa. 4:5-6.

五 因着神作为云停留,祂就遮盖、覆庇并覆罩我们,使我们享受祂的同在;这样,祂就在我们的日常生活中产生出属祂的东西。

E. By staying with us as the cloud, God covers us, overshadows us, and broods over us to give us the enjoyment of His presence; in this way He produces something of Himself in our daily life.

六 云也表征神对祂百姓的照顾,并祂向着他们的恩宠;在祂恩典的眷顾里,神临到我们像云一样,照顾我们,向我们施恩;神吹在我们身上之后,我们就觉得祂在覆庇并眷顾我们;我们能觉得祂的同在和祂的眷顾─箴十六15。

F. The cloud also signifies God's care for His people and His favor toward them; in His gracious visitation God comes to us like a cloud to care for us and to show favor to us; after God blows upon us, we sense that He is overshadowing us and exercising His care for us; we can sense both His presence and His care— Prov. 16:15.

七 风同着云,指明神与祂子民之间有重大的属灵事故即将发生。

G. Together, the wind and the cloud indicate that important spiritual transactions are about to take place between God and His people.

叁 按照以西结一章四节,风带进云,而云里有火:─引用经文

III. According to Ezekiel 1:4, the wind brings in the cloud, and within the cloud is the fire:

一 以西结所看见的火,表征神焚烧、圣别的能力─申四24,来十二29。

A. The fire seen by Ezekiel signifies God's burning and sanctifying power—Deut. 4:24; Heb. 12:29.

二 云中有火,意思是我们被那灵覆荫时,就蒙祂光照─出四十38。

B. The fact that there is fire in the cloud means that when we are overshadowed by the Spirit, we are enlightened by Him— Exo. 40:38.

三 在以西结一章四节,火象征神行动里炼净、纯净、圣别并推动的焚烧能力;每当神来眷顾我们,祂圣别的火就来烧毁我们里面一切与祂圣别性情、性质不配的事物。─引用经文

C. In Ezekiel 1:4 fire symbolizes burning power for purging, purifying, sanctifying, and motivating in God's move; whenever God visits us, His holy fire comes to consume in us everything that does not match His holy nature and disposition.

四 圣灵的火越在我们里面焚烧,我们就越被炼净、蒙光照;只有合于神的圣别的,才经得起祂圣别的火;凡与神的圣别不合的,都必须烧去─来十二29:

D. The more the fire of the Holy Spirit burns in us, the more we are purified and enlightened; only what matches the holiness of God can pass through His holy fire; everything that does not match God's holiness must be burned away—Heb. 12:29:

1 这火将烧去神以外的一切,因为唯有神能通过这个焚烧;我们都需要被焚烧而变化─参启二一18~20:

1. This fire will burn away everything other than God, for only God can pass through the burning; we all need to be transformed by being burned—cf. Rev. 21:18-20:

a 这火不但烧毁我们的骄傲、邪恶和恨,也烧毁我们天然的谦卑、仁慈和爱。

a. The fire consumes not only our pride, wickedness, and hatred but also our natural humility, kindness, and love.

b 圣别的火不但焚烧我们的弱点,也焚烧我们的强处,包括在我们里面,我们和别人所称羡并宝贵的一切。

b. The holy fire burns not only our weak points but also our strong points, including everything in us that we and others admire and appreciate.

c 在这圣别之火的焚烧之下,我们的“我”会垮台、熔化─赛六5,但十4~8,启一17上。

c. Under the burning of the holy fire, our "I" will fall apart and be dissolved—Isa. 6:5; Dan. 10:4-8; Rev. 1:17a.

2 我们在祂的照耀之下时,该承认我们需要祂的焚烧,然后祷告,求祂烧去我们的己、老旧的性情、个性、世俗,以及我们的态度、目标、目的、动机和存心─参赛六5~7,约壹一7、9。

2. As we are under His shining, we should confess our need for His burning and then pray for Him to burn away our self, our old nature, our disposition, our worldliness, and our attitudes, goals, aims, motives, and intentions—cf. Isa. 6:5-7; 1 John 1:7, 9.

3 我们经历烈火的焚烧,神自己就显在我们身上─提前三15~16,启四3,二一10~11。

3. As we experience the burning of the consuming fire, God Himself is manifested in us—1 Tim. 3:15-16; Rev. 4:3; 21:10-11.

肆 风的吹动、云的遮盖和火的焚烧,结果是光耀的金银合金─救赎之神的辉煌彰显─结一4:

IV. The issue of the blowing of the wind, the covering of the cloud, and the burning of the fire is the glowing electrum— the radiant expression of the redeeming God—Ezek. 1:4:

一 金银合金中,金表征神的性情,银表征救赎:

A. Electrum is an alloy of gold and silver; gold signifies the nature of God, and silver signifies redemption:

1 我们的神不仅仅是金所表征的圣者,祂也是银所表征的救赎的神─参启四3。

1. Our God is not merely the Divine Being, signified by the gold; He is also the redeeming God, signified by the silver— cf. Rev. 4:3.

2 按照启示录,在宝座上的一位不只是神,也不只是羔羊,乃是羔羊神,救赎的神─二二1:

2. According to the book of Revelation, the One on the throne is not just God and not just the Lamb but the Lamb-God, the redeeming God—22:1:

a 一个宝座既为着神,也为着羔羊;这指明神和羔羊乃是一─祂是羔羊神,是救赎的神,是神那救赎者。

a. There is one throne for both God and the Lamb; this indicates that God and the Lamb are one—the Lamb-God, the redeeming God, God the Redeemer.

b 是光的神在那是灯的羔羊里─二一23:

b. God as the light is in the Lamb as the lamp—21:23:

㈠ 若没有羔羊作灯,神照耀在我们身上就会“杀死”我们─提前六16,诗一〇四1~2上,约壹一5。

1) Without the Lamb as the lamp, God's shining over us would kill us—1 Tim. 6:16; Psa. 104:1-2a; 1 John 1:5.

㈡ 作为灯的羔羊,以十分可爱、可接近的方式彰显作为光的神。

2) The Lamb as the lamp expresses God as light in a very pleasant and approachable way.

㈢ 因着神圣的光借着救赎主照耀出来,光就变得十分可爱,我们甚至在这光中生活行动─7节。

3) Because the divine light shines through the Redeemer, the light is lovable, and we even walk in this light—v. 7.

3 作为金银合金,主耶稣是那位救赎了我们,并作了我们一切的─西一14,二9~10,三4、11下。

3. As the electrum, the Lord Jesus is the One who has redeemed us and who is everything to us—Col. 1:14; 2:9-10; 3:4, 11b.

二 属灵的事故只要与吹动的风、遮盖的云和炼净的火有关,其结果总是救赎之神的辉煌彰显─结一4:

B. The issue of the spiritual transactions involving the blowing wind, the covering cloud, and the purifying fire is the radiant expression of the redeeming God—Ezek. 1:4:

1 金银合金从火中显出来;这指明火的焚烧乃是为着金银合金的显耀。

1. The electrum appears from the midst of the fire; this indicates that the burning of the fire is for the manifestation of the electrum.

2 我们经历了风、云、火之后,唯一存留的就是光耀的金银合金,救赎的神。

2. After we have experienced the wind, the cloud, and the fire, the only thing that remains is the glowing electrum, the redeeming God.

3 我们越经过神的风、云、火,主就越尊贵、荣耀地显在我们身上;我们就觉得唯有祂是宝贵、可爱、明亮并威严的─太十七1~8,彼后一16~17。

3. The more we pass through God's wind, cloud, and fire, the more the Lord is manifested in us in a dignified and glorious way, and we sense that He alone is precious, lovely, bright, and majestic—Matt. 17:1-8; 2 Pet. 1:16-17.

三 由光耀的金银合金所表征的那一位─羔羊神,住在我们里面,是无价的宝贝─林后四6~7:

C. The One signified by the glowing electrum, the Lamb-God, dwells within us as a priceless treasure—2 Cor. 4:6-7:

1 对风、云和火的经历,使我们有可能得着祂这位救赎的神,在我们里面作光耀的金银合金。

1. The experience of the wind, the cloud, and the fire has made it possible for us to have Him, the redeeming God, within us as the glowing electrum.

2 作为在我们里面的金银合金,主是价值无比的宝贝─美妙、奇妙、宝贵并荣耀的宝贝。

2. As the electrum within us, the Lord is the treasure of incomparable worth—a treasure that is wonderful, marvelous, precious, and glorious.

四 我们越经历吹动的风、遮盖的云和炼净的火,就越有金银合金构成在我们里面,使我们成为满了三一神并彰显祂荣耀的人─弗三16~21。

D. The more we experience the blowing wind, the covering cloud, and the consuming fire, the more the electrum is constituted into our being, making us a people who are filled with the Triune God and who manifest His glory—Eph. 3:16-21.

伍 每个基督徒属灵的历史都该是风、云、火、金银合金的故事─结一4:

V. The spiritual history of every Christian should be a story of the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum—Ezek. 1:4:

一 每次我们蒙主恩典,都与祂发生风、云、火、金银合金的属灵事故。

A. Every time we are graced by the Lord, we have spiritual transactions with Him involving the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum.

二 在我们整个基督徒的生活中,我们属灵的经历该是风、云、火、金银合金这一个持续不断的循环;每次这个循环重复,就越有金银合金构成在我们里面并产生出来,使我们成为满了三一神并彰显祂荣耀的人。

B. Throughout our Christian life, our spiritual experiences should be a continual cycle involving the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum; every time this cycle is repeated, more electrum is constituted into our being and brought forth, making us a people who are filled with the Triune God and who manifest His glory.

陆 当我们经历吹动的风、覆庇的云、焚烧的火和光耀的金银合金,我们就成为神荣耀的异象─1、28节下,启二一10~11:

VI. As we experience the blowing wind, the overshadowing cloud, the burning fire, and the glowing electrum, we become the vision of the glory of God—vv. 1, 28b; Rev. 21:10-11:

一 我们在个人的属灵经历中若有风、云、火和金银合金,那么每当我们聚在一起,我们将是金银合金的异象,有照耀、光耀的贵重宝贝在我们里面。

A. If in our personal spiritual experience we have the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum, then whenever we gather together, we will be the vision of the electrum, having a precious treasure in us that is shining and glowing.

二 “凡我们对主耶稣基督的经历、享受和看见,也就是我们对三一神的经历、享受和看见。祂被启示到这么非凡的地步,我们也必须经历并享受祂到这样的地步。然后,我们的享受就成为祂的见证,这活的见证就是耶稣基督现今的启示。首先祂被启示出来,然后我们享受祂,并成为祂的见证,最终我们的见证成为祂现今的启示。”(神新约的经纶,上册,二六七至二六八页)

B. "Whatever we experience, enjoy, and realize of our Lord Jesus Christ is also our experience, enjoyment, and realization of the Triune God. He is revealed to such a great extent, and we must experience and enjoy Him to such an extent. Our enjoyment then becomes His testimony, and this living testimony is the present revelation of Jesus Christ. First, He is revealed, then we enjoy Him and become His testimony, and eventually our testimony becomes His present revelation" (God's New Testament Economy, p. 223).
