第四篇 在升天基督天上的职事之下繁殖那复活的基督

Propagating the Resurrected Christ under the Heavenly Ministry of the Ascended Christ



壹 使徒行传这卷书启示一位在诸天之上复活升天的基督─一3、9~11、22,二32~36:

I. The book of Acts reveals a resurrected and ascended Christ who is in the heavens—1:3, 9-11, 22; 2:32-36:

一 主在诸天之上的生活与职事,乃是使徒行传这卷书的内容。

A. The Lord's living and ministry in the heavens are the content of the book of Acts.

二 主的升天乃是将祂引进祂在诸天之上的生活与职事─五31:

B. The Lord's ascension was His initiation into His living and ministry in the heavens—5:31:

1 这引进把祂带进新的范围,就是进入诸天;现今祂在诸天里有祂的生活和职事。

1. This initiation brought Him into a new realm, that is, into the heavens where He now has His living and His ministry.

2 使徒行传这卷书启示复活、升天的基督现今活在诸天里,并且在那里尽职。

2. The book of Acts reveals that the resurrected and ascended Christ is now living in the heavens and ministering there.

三 基督的升天乃是神将祂高举─二33~36,五31:

C. Christ's ascension was God's exaltation of Him—2:33-36; 5:31:

1 主被立为主,作万有的主,是要得着万有;祂被立为基督,作神的受膏者,是要完成神的使命─二36,十36,来一9。

1. The Lord was made Lord, the Lord of all to possess all, and He was made Christ, God's Anointed, to carry out God's commission—2:36; 10:36; Heb. 1:9:

a 主是神,祂一直是主(路一43);但主是人,祂是在复活里将祂的人性带进神里面以后,才在升天里被立为主。─引用经文

a. As God, the Lord was the Lord all the time (Luke 1:43), but as man, He was made the Lord in His ascension after He brought His humanity into God in His resurrection.

b 祂是神所差并所膏的一位,生下来就是基督(二11,太一16,十六16,约一41);但连这样的一位,也是在祂的升天里,才正式被立为神的基督。─引用经文

b. As God's sent and anointed One, He was Christ from the time that He was born (2:11; Matt. 1:16; 16:16; John 1:41), but as such a One, He was also officially made the Christ of God in His ascension.

2 神将基督高举“在自己的右边,作元首,作救主”─徒五31:

2. God exalted Christ "to His right hand as Leader and Savior"—Acts 5:31:

a 升天的基督是元首、起始者、创始者和开创者─三15,来二10,十二2:

a. The ascended Christ is the Leader, the Originator, the Author, and the Inaugurator—3:15; Heb. 2:10; 12:2:

㈠ 主作元首与祂的权柄有关─太二八18。

1) His being the Leader is a matter related to His authority—Matt. 28:18.

㈡ 祂用祂的权柄主宰管治全地,使环境适合神所拣选的人接受祂的救恩─徒十七26~27,约十七2。

2) He rules sovereignly over the earth with His authority so that the environment may be fit for God's chosen people to receive His salvation—Acts 17:26-27; John 17:2.

b 神所高举在自己右边的这一位也是救主─徒五31:

b. The One God has exalted to His right hand is also the Savior—Acts 5:31:

㈠ 耶稣的成为肉体,使祂成为一个人;祂的人性生活,使祂有资格作人的救主;祂的钉十字架,为人成就了完全的救赎;祂的复活,称义了祂救赎的工作;祂的高举,使祂就职为管治的元首,能以作救主。

1) Jesus' incarnation made Him a man, His human living qualified Him to be man's Savior, His crucifixion accomplished full redemption for man, His resurrection vindicated His redemptive work, and His exaltation inaugurated Him to be the ruling Leader so that He might be the Savior.

㈡ 我们是被宝座上的基督,在荣耀里的一位所拯救─三13,路二四26,来二9,弗一20~22,腓二9~11:

2) We were saved by the Christ on the throne, by the One in glory—3:13; Luke 24:26; Heb. 2:9; Eph. 1:20-22; Phil. 2:9-11:

⑴ 我们得救时,就与祂一同坐在诸天界里─弗二6。

a) When we were saved, we were seated with Him in the heavenlies—Eph. 2:6.

⑵ 基督是从宝座将我们拯救到宝座;这就是升天的基督作我们的救主。

b) Christ saved us from the throne and to the throne; this is the ascended Christ as our Savior.

贰 我们要与升天基督天上的职事合作,以繁殖那复活的基督,就需要认识使徒行传这卷书的内在意义:

II. In order to cooperate with the heavenly ministry of the ascended Christ for the propagation of the resurrected Christ, we need to know the intrinsic significance of the book of Acts:

一 使徒行传这卷书,乃是记载一班人与基督同复活并同升天,有基督在他们里面作他们的生命,并在他们身上作他们的能力和权柄;他们凭里面的三一神作他们的生命而活,并且凭三一神在他们身上作他们的力量、能力和权柄而行动─约二十22,路二四49,徒一8。

A. The book of Acts is a record of a group of people who are resurrected and ascended with Christ, having Christ within them as their life and Christ upon them as their power and authority; they live by the Triune God within them as their life, and they act by the Triune God upon them as their strength, power, and authority—John 20:22; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8.

二 使徒行传乃是记载一班人,在身体里、借着身体并为着身体而行动并作工─14节,十三1~4:

B. Acts is a record of a group of people who act and work in the Body, through the Body, and for the Body—v. 14; 13:1-4:

1 使徒行传启示的乃是身体的行动与活动,而不是与身体无关的个别行动─八1~17。

1. Acts reveals the move and activity of the Body, not of individual actions unrelated to the Body—8:1-17.

2 使徒行传包含了信徒同心合意活动与工作的美丽图画,他们在身体里、借着身体并为着身体而行动─二44~47,四24、32,十三1~4,十六1~5。

2. Acts contains a beautiful picture of the one accord in the activities and work of the believers who move in the Body, through the Body, and for the Body—2:44-47; 4:24, 32; 13:1-4; 16:1-5.

三 使徒行传这卷书给我们看见一道神圣的水流,一道唯一的流;只有一道水流,只有一个流─创二8~12,启二二1~2,徒二33。

C. The book of Acts shows us the divine stream, the unique flow; there is only one stream, one current, of the flow—Gen. 2:8-12; Rev. 22:1-2; Acts 2:33.

四 在使徒行传里有一班人,他们认识复活与升天的意义;他们凭基督作他们的生命而活;他们凭基督作他们的能力、权柄而行动;他们认识他们乃是身体,且在一道神圣的水流里,在身体里,并为着身体而行动;这是使徒行传这卷书内在的意义─约二十22,徒一8~11、14,二1~4、24、32~33,四33。

D. In Acts there is a group of people who know the meaning of resurrection and ascension, who live by Christ as their life, who act by Christ as their power and authority, and who realize that they are the Body and act in the Body and for the Body in the one divine stream; this is the intrinsic significance of the book of Acts—John 20:22; Acts 1:8-11, 14; 2:1-4, 24, 32-33; 4:33.

叁 升天的基督为了完成祂天上的职事,繁殖祂自己,使神的国得以建立,众召会得着建造,成为祂的丰满,祂所使用的,不是一批由人的教导训练出来的传道人,去作传道的工作,乃是一班见证人,担负这位成为肉体、钉十字架、复活、升天之基督活的见证─ 一8:

III. To carry out His heavenly ministry for the propagating of Himself so that the kingdom of God might be established for the building up of the churches as His fullness, the ascended Christ uses not a group of preachers trained by man's teaching to do a preaching work but a body of His witnesses, who bear a living testimony of the incarnated, crucified, resurrected, and ascended Christ—1:8:

一 主在升天里完成祂在诸天之上的职事,乃是借着这些在祂复活生命里,带着祂升天能力和权柄的见证人,将祂自己扩展出去,作为神国的发展,从耶路撒冷开始,直到地极─8节:

A. In His ascension the Lord carries out His ministry in the heavens through these witnesses, in His resurrection life and with His ascension power and authority, as recorded in Acts, to spread Himself as the development of the kingdom of God from Jerusalem unto the uttermost part of the earth—1:8:

1 作见证需要人对主或属灵的事物有看见并享受的经历,与仅仅施教不同─二40。

1. Testifying requires experiences of seeing and enjoyment concerning the Lord or spiritual things; it is different from merely teaching—2:40.

2 保罗被选定作执事和见证人─二六16:

2. Paul was appointed as a minister and a witness—26:16:

a 执事是为着职事,见证人是为着见证。

a. A minister is for the ministry; a witness, for the testimony.

b 职事主要的与工作有关,与执事的所作有关;见证与人有关,与见证人的所是有关。

b. The ministry is related mainly to the work, to what a minister does; a testimony is related to the person, to what a witness is.

二 主的复活是使徒见证的中心点─一22,二32,三13、15、26,十39~40,十三33,十七3、18:

B. The Lord's resurrection was the focus of the apostles' testimony—1:22; 2:32; 3:13, 15, 26; 10:39-40; 13:33; 17:3, 18:

1 借着耶稣的复活并在祂的升天里,神荣耀了祂的仆人耶稣─路二四46,弗一20~22,腓二9~11,徒三13、15、26,四10、33,五30~31。

1. God glorified His Servant Jesus through His resurrection and in His ascension—Luke 24:46; Eph. 1:20-22; Phil. 2:9-11; Acts 3:13, 15, 26; 4:10, 33; 5:30-31.

2 主耶稣的复活回头指着祂的成为肉体、人性、在地上的为人生活以及神所命定的死,并且往前指向祂的升天、天上的职事和行政,以及祂的回来─二23,一9~11。

2. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus points back to His incarnation, humanity, human living on the earth, and God-ordained death; and His resurrection points forward to His ascension, ministry and administration in heaven, and coming back—2:23; 1:9-11.

3 主是神,也是复活,有不能毁坏的生命─约一1,十一25,来七16,徒二24:

3. The Lord is both God and resurrection, possessing the indestructible life—John 1:1; 11:25; Heb. 7:16; Acts 2:24:

a 祂既是这样一位永活者,死就不能拘禁祂。

a. Since He is such an ever-living One, death is not able to hold Him.

b 祂将自己交于死,死却无法扣住祂,反而被祂击败,祂就从死里复活了─启一18。

b. He delivered Himself to death, but death had no way to detain Him; rather, death was defeated by Him, and He rose up from it—Rev. 1:18.

4 使徒是复活基督的见证人,他们不仅以言语,更以生活行动见证祂,特别是见证祂的复活;见证基督的复活,乃是完成神新约经纶的重点,中心点─徒二32,四33,十39~40,十七3。

4. The apostles were witnesses of the resurrected Christ, not only in word but also by their life and action, especially bearing witness of His resurrection; bearing witness of Christ's resurrection is the crucial point, the focus, in carrying out God's New Testament economy—Acts 2:32; 4:33; 10:39-40; 17:3.

肆 我们与升天基督天上的职事合作,以繁殖复活的基督,乃是在生命里的行动,为着福音的扩展─八26~29,九10~11,十1~3、9~22:

IV. Our cooperation with the ascended Christ for the propagation of the resurrected Christ is a move in life for the spread of the gospel—8:26-29; 9:10-11; 10:1-3, 9-22:

一 这在生命里的行动乃是配合主在祂升天里天上的职事。

A. This move in life corresponds to the Lord's heavenly ministry in His ascension.

二 在行传八、九、十章,主在外面推动祂的门徒出去传福音;祂在诸天之上尽职,感动祂的一些门徒:

B. In Acts 8, 9, and 10 the Lord moved His disciples outwardly for the preaching of the gospel; He was ministering in the heavens to move some of His disciples:

1 腓利回应主天上的职事,离开耶路撒冷往迦萨去(八26);这是腓利这一面的配合,在生命里行动来传扬福音。─引用经文

1. In response to the Lord's heavenly ministry, Philip left Jerusalem for Gaza (8:26); this was the corresponding on Philip's side to move in life for the preaching of the gospel.

2 在九章有一个奇妙的三角关系,有基督在诸天之上尽职,亚拿尼亚和扫罗在地上与之配合。

2. In Acts 9 there was a marvelous triangle of Christ ministering in the heavens, with Ananias and Saul corresponding to it on earth.

3 在十章,彼得与主合作,向外邦人传福音。

3. In Acts 10 Peter cooperated with the Lord to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.

三 这是正确的传福音,乃是在基督天上职事之下生命里的行动─五42,八4、12,十36,十一20,十三32:

C. This is the proper gospel preaching as a move in life under the heavenly ministry of Christ—5:42; 8:4, 12; 10:36; 11:20; 13:32:

1 基督是头,执行祂作头的权柄,在各处推动祂的门徒;门徒也很儆醒,回应祂诸天之上的职事─十一1~18。

1. Christ as the Head exercised His headship to move His disciples here and there, and they were on the alert, responding to His ministry from the heavens—11:1-18.

2 在主恢复里的传福音应当如此:在生命里得胜的行动,在基督的元首权柄之下,与祂天上的职事配合─一8,二32~36,五30~32,十三1~4,弗一22~23。

2. The preaching of the gospel in the Lord's recovery should be like this: a prevailing move in life, corresponding to Christ's heavenly ministry under His headship—1:8; 2:32-36; 5:30-32; 13:1-4; Eph. 1:22-23.
