第一篇 三一神作三部分人的生命,为着完成神永远的定旨

The Triune God Being Life to the Tripartite Man for the Fulfillment of God's Eternal Purpose



壹 神永远的定旨就是神在已过的永远里,为着将来的永远所定的永远计划─弗三11:

I. The eternal purpose—the purpose of the ages—is the eternal plan that God made in eternity past for eternity future—Eph. 3:11:

一 神自己是祂永远定旨的起始、起源和范围─一9:

A. God Himself is the initiation, the origination, and the sphere of His eternal purpose—1:9:

1 神造人的定旨是要人彰显祂并代表祂;神永远的定旨是要得着一个团体人,以彰显祂并代表祂─创一26~27。

1. God's purpose in creating man was that man would express Him and represent Him; the eternal purpose of God is to have a corporate man to express Him and represent Him—Gen. 1:26-27.

2 万有都为神的定旨效力,并且没有任何事物能推翻这定旨─罗八28~29。

2. Everything is working for God's purpose, and nothing can overthrow it—Rom. 8:28-29.

二 神的定旨是要得着召会,就是基督的身体,借此彰显祂自己─弗一5、9、11、22~23:

B. God's purpose is to have the church, the Body of Christ, through which He can express Himself—Eph. 1:5, 9, 11, 22-23:

1 神的旨意、喜悦和永远的定旨,乃是要得着召会─三9~11。

1. God's will, good pleasure, and eternal purpose are to have the church—3:9-11.

2 神定意要作一件事,就是要得着一班人作基督活的身体,以彰显三一神─四4~6。

2. God purposed to do one thing—to gain a group of people who would be the living Body of Christ for the expression of the Triune God—4:4-6.

三 神在宇宙中的定旨,乃是要作出一班人和祂一式一样;这就是圣经里专一的题目─约一12~13,约壹三2:

C. The purpose of God in the universe is to produce a group of people who will be exactly the same as He; this is the unique subject of the Bible—John 1:12-13; 1 John 3:2:

1 神永远的定旨是要将祂自己分赐到祂所拣选并救赎的人里面,使他们在生命和性情上与祂一式一样,只是无分于神格,使祂得着扩大并扩展的彰显─弗三2、8~11。

1. God's eternal purpose is to dispense Himself into His chosen and redeemed people to make them the same as He is in life and nature but not in the God-head for His enlarged and expanded expression—Eph. 3:2, 8-11.

2 他们要在生命、性情、形像、形状、光辉、荣耀,甚至外面的显出上,都和神一样─启四2~3,二一10~11、18。

2. In life, nature, image, appearance, radiance, glory, and outward expression, they will be the same as God—Rev. 4:2-3; 21:10-11, 18.

3 神永远的定旨乃是将自己在祂的神圣三一里作到祂所拣选并救赎的人里面,作他们的生命、性情和一切,使他们被神浸透─弗三17。

3. God's eternal purpose is to work Himself in His Divine Trinity into His chosen and redeemed people to be their life, nature, and everything so that they may be saturated with God—Eph. 3:17.

四 神按祂自己的定旨拯救我们并呼召我们,现今祂的定旨应当成为我们的目的─罗八28~29,提后一9,三10:

D. God saved us and called us according to His own purpose, and now His purpose should become our purpose—Rom. 8:28-29; 2 Tim. 1:9; 3:10:

1 我们需要从神的眼光来看救恩;神救恩的目的乃是要祂所创造并救赎的人在祂的儿子里得着永远的生命,并被模成祂儿子的形像,使祂的儿子在许多弟兄中作长子─约壹五11~12,罗八29。

1. We need to view salvation from God's perspective; the purpose of God's salvation is for His created and redeemed ones to have eternal life in His Son and be conformed to the image of His Son so that the Son would be the Firstborn among many brothers—1 John 5:11-12; Rom. 8:29.

2 救恩包括使我们从没有意义的人生中蒙拯救─传一2:

2. Salvation involves our being saved from a human life that is meaningless—Eccl. 1:2:

a 神的福音把我们从没有人生的意义,救到了宇宙的意义里─启四11。

a. The gospel of God saves us out of a human life that is without meaning into the meaning of the universe—Rev. 4:11.

b 人原来为神所创造,是非常有意义和目的的;可惜人堕落了,人生的意义失落了─创一26~27。

b. God created a man who had great meaning and purpose, but man fell, and the meaning of human life was lost—Gen. 1:26-27.

c 神用祂的救恩拯救我们,带我们回到原初的目的,就是宇宙的意义─提后一9,罗八28。

c. With His salvation, God rescues us and brings us back to our original purpose, which is the meaning of the universe—2 Tim. 1:9; Rom. 8:28.

五 神永远定旨的完成,乃是借着神圣的生命分赐到祂所拣选并救赎的三部分人里;神的生命作到人里面,就在人里面起新陈代谢的作用,使人变化而在生命、性情和彰显上与神一样─约三15,约壹五11~12,林后三18,罗八29。

E. God's eternal purpose is accomplished by the divine life dispensed into His chosen and redeemed tripartite people; as God's life is wrought into His people, a metabolic reaction takes place within them that causes them to be transformed and to become the same as God in life, nature, and expression—John 3:15; 1 John 5:11-12; 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29.

贰 三一神作三部分人的生命,这思想贯穿整本圣经,从创世记直到启示录─创一26~27,二8~9、16~17,三1~6、22~24,诗三六8~9,约三16,弗四17~18,启二一1~2、10~11,二二1~2、14:

II. The thought of the Triune God being life to the tripartite man runs through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation—Gen. 1:26-27; 2:8-9, 16-17; 3:1-6, 22-24; Psa. 36:8-9; John 3:16; Eph. 4:17-18; Rev. 21:1-2, 10-11; 22:1-2, 14:

一 神按祂的形像造人,目的是要人接受祂作生命─创一26~27,二9,约壹五11~12。

A. God's intention in creating man in His own image was that man would receive Him as life—Gen. 1:26-27; 2:9; 1 John 5:11-12.

二 神要作我们的生命,使我们彰显祂;这是神心头的愿望─约一4,十10,十一25,西一15,林后三18,弗一5。

B. God wants to be our life so that we may express Him; this is the desire of God's heart—John 1:4; 10:10; 11:25; Col. 1:15; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 1:5.

三 为着完成祂的定旨,神要作活水的泉源,源头,满足祂的选民,使他们得享受─耶二13:

C. For the fulfillment of His purpose God wants to be the fountain, the source, of living waters to satisfy His chosen people for their enjoyment—Jer. 2:13:

1 这享受的目标是要产生召会作神的扩增,神的扩大,好成为神的丰满,使祂得着彰显─弗一22~23。

1. The goal of this enjoyment is to produce the church as God's increase, God's enlargement, to be God's fullness for His expression—Eph. 1:22-23.

2 神作活水的泉源给祂的选民喝,因为祂有一个目的─要为自己产生配偶,新妇─约三29,启十九7~8:

2. God is the fountain of living waters to His elect because He has a purpose—to produce a counterpart, a bride, for Himself—John 3:29; Rev. 19:7-8:

a 神分赐祂自己作为活水,祂的用意乃是要产生祂的扩增,祂的扩大,使祂得着彰显─西二19。

a. God's intention is to dispense Himself as the living water to produce His increase, His enlargement, for His expression—Col. 2:19.

b 除了神自己作活水的泉源以外,没有什么能满足我们;除了神分赐到我们里面以外,也没有什么能使我们成为祂的扩增,使祂得着彰显─约四13~14,七37,启二二17。

b. Nothing apart from God as the fountain of living waters can satisfy us; nothing apart from God dispensed into our being can make us His increase for His expression—John 4:13-14; 7:37; Rev. 22:17.

四 神圣的生命可视为神首要且基本的属性─弗四18,约五26,约壹五11~12,罗八2:

D. The divine life may be considered the first and the basic attribute of God—Eph. 4:18; John 5:26; 1 John 5:11-12; Rom. 8:2:

1 照着神的生命神圣、永远的性质,神的生命是唯一的生命;唯有神的生命才算是生命─约一4,十10,十一25,十四6。

1. According to the divine and eternal nature of the life of God, God's life is the unique life; only the life of God can be counted as life—John 1:4; 10:10; 11:25; 14:6.

2 生命就是神的内容和神的流出;神的内容是神的所是,而神的流出是祂自己作生命分赐给我们─弗四18,启二二1。

2. Life is the content of God and the flowing out of God; God's content is God's being, and God's flowing out is the impartation of Himself as life to us—Eph. 4:18; Rev. 22:1.

3 生命乃是三一神分赐到我们里面,并活在我们里面─罗八11。

3. Life is the Triune God dispensed into us and living in us—Rom. 8:11.

五 神要作我们生命和所是的泉源,独一的源头;当我们以祂作生命的泉源,祂就对我们成为神殿的肥甘、使人满足的河、与生命的光─诗三六8~9。

E. God wants to be the fountain, the unique source, of our life and our being; when we take Him as the fountain of life, He becomes to us the fatness of God's house, the river of satisfaction, and the light of life—Psa. 36:8-9.

六 三一神已经经过过程并终极完成,为要将祂自己分赐到我们里面作生命─约一14,十二24,二十22,七37~39,罗八11:

F. The Triune God has been processed and consummated in order to dispense Himself into our being as life—John 1:14; 12:24; 20:22; 7:37-39; Rom. 8:11:

1 神的经纶就是要将祂自己分赐到我们里面,使我们这人由祂的所是所构成;这唯有借着神将祂自己作到我们里面作神圣的生命,才能完成─2、6、10~11节。

1. God's economy is to dispense Himself into our being so that our being will be constituted with His being; this can be accomplished only by God working Himself into us as the divine life—vv. 2, 6, 10-11.

2 借着将祂自己分赐到我们里面作生命,神就能完成祂的定旨,使祂得着祂自己团体的彰显,直到永远─启二一9~10,二二1。

2. By dispensing Himself into us as life, God is fulfilling His purpose to have a corporate expression of Himself for eternity—Rev. 21:9-10; 22:1.
