第五篇 为着建造基督的身体那合乎圣经的聚会与事奉之路

The Scriptural Way to Meet and to Serve for the Building Up of the Body of Christ



壹 关于为着建造基督的身体那合乎圣经的聚会与事奉之路,我们必须看见并实行我们从主所领受亮光和启示的重点:

I. We must see and practice the crucial points concerning the light and revelation we have received from the Lord regarding the scriptural way to meet and to serve for the building up of the Body of Christ:

一 我们必须尽功用作福音的祭司,访人传福音并拯救人——罗十五16,路十1~6。

A. We must function as priests of the gospel, preaching the gospel and saving people by visitation—Rom. 15:16; Luke 10:1-6.

二 我们必须到初信者家中聚会,喂养、顾惜他们,使我们的果子常存——徒五42,约十五16。

B. We must meet in the new believers’ homes, nourishing and cherishing them, so that our fruit may remain—Acts 5:42; John 15:16.

三 我们必须借着活力排聚会教导、成全圣徒,作新约职事建造基督身体的工作——来十24~25,弗四11~12:

C. We must teach and perfect the saints through the vital group meetings unto the New Testament work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ—Heb. 10:24-25; Eph. 4:11-12:

1 在活力排聚会中,信徒需要彼此交通、代祷;互相照顾、牧养;彼此教导、学习真理;互相指导以追求属灵生命的长大,好推动传福音、照顾新人、带排聚会以及召会生活中种种的事奉。

1. In the vital group meetings the believers need to have mutual fellowship and intercession, mutual care and shepherding, mutual teaching and studying of the truth, and mutual instruction in the pursuit of the growth in the spiritual life, for the promotion of the preaching of the gospel, the care for the new ones, the conducting of the group meetings, and all other kinds of service in the church life.

2 活力排聚会是召会生活和事奉的主要部分。

2. The vital group meetings are the main part of the life and service of the church.

四 我们必须带领圣徒追求并切慕在召会聚会中申言,为主说话,说出主来,将主供应人,彼此说互相听,以建造圣徒和召会——林前十四1、3~5:

D. We must lead the saints to pursue and desire prophesying in the church meetings, speaking for the Lord, speaking forth the Lord, supplying the Lord to others, and speaking and listening to one another in mutuality for the building up of the saints and the church—1 Cor. 14:1, 3-5:

1 这种申言是信徒个个都能也都该作的——31、24节。

1. This kind of prophesying is what every believer can and should do—vv. 31, 24.

2 这种为着建造召会的申言,在各种恩赐中是最超越的,所以使徒保罗在林前十四章格外地推动——12、39节。

2. This kind of prophesying for the building up of the church is the most excelling of all gifts and is highly recommended by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 14—vv. 12, 39.

五 召会是由经过种种过程之三一神,在祂神圣三一中所产生神与人调和的生机体——弗一3~14、19~23:

E. The church is an organism as a mingling of God and man produced by the processed Triune God in His Divine Trinity—Eph. 1:3-14, 19-23:

1 这个生机体的构成是生机的,不是组织的——23节。

1. This organism is constituted organically rather than organizationally—v. 23.

2 这个生机体的建造是由神的生命长成的,不是由人的手作成的——四16。

2. This organism is built up through the growth of the life of God rather than by works in the hands of man—4:16.

3 这个生机体在神的生命中是一,不可有任何的区别或划分——4节上。

3. This organism is one in the life of God and does not permit any distinction or separation—v. 4a.

4 这个生机体一切的活动,都是由其里面运行的生命带领、推动——30节。

4. All movements of this organism are led and promoted by the life that operates within it—v. 30.

六 以弗所四章十一至十六节的启示必须得着恢复:——引用经文

F. The revelation in Ephesians 4:11-16 must be recovered:

1 有恩赐的人成全众圣徒,使他们能作新约职事建造基督身体的工作——12节。

1. The gifts perfect all the saints so that the latter may do the work of the New Testament ministry for the building up of the Body of Christ—v. 12.

2 有恩赐的人作基督身体上供应的节,被成全的圣徒作基督身体上各自依其度量而尽其功用的每一部分——16节上。

2. The gifts are the joints of supply in the Body of Christ, and the perfected saints are "each one part," operating in their own measure in the Body of Christ—v. 16a.

3 有恩赐的人作为供应者,成为基督身体上联络的架构,每一部分尽功用的肢体,也成为基督身体结合的实体,二者使基督的身体联络、结合、建造在一起——16节下。

3. The gifts as the supplying ones form the connecting structure of the Body of Christ, and every functioning member becomes the compacting constituent in the Body; the two added together cause the Body to be fitted, knit, and built up together—v. 16b.

七 林前十四章的启示也必须随着以弗所四章十一至十六节得着恢复:——引用经文

G. The revelation of 1 Corinthians 14 must also be recovered following the recovery of Ephesians 4:11-16:

1 圣徒为有恩赐的人所成全,就当追求、切慕申言,为主说话,说出主来,将主供应人,使召会得建造——林前十四1、3~5。

1. The saints who are perfected by the gifts should pursue and desire prophesying, speaking for the Lord, speaking forth the Lord, and supplying others with the Lord, that the church may be built—1 Cor. 14:1, 3-5.

2 这种为着建造召会,超越其他一切恩赐的申言,乃是彼此说互相听——12、24、31节。

2. This kind of prophesying that is for the building up of the church and that excels over all other gifts is a matter of speaking and listening in mutuality—vv. 12, 24, 31.

3 这种彼此说互相听的申言,能启发基督身体众肢体的属灵生机功能,叫召会得造就并得建造——4节下,参太十六18。

3. This kind of prophesying that is full of speaking and listening in mutuality stirs up the spiritual organic function of the members of the Body of Christ; it edifies and builds up the church—v. 4b; cf. Matt. 16:18.

八 我们必须与主是一并与祂合作,恢复新约福音的祭司体系——罗十五16:

H. We must be one with the Lord and cooperate with Him to recover the New Testament priesthood of the gospel—Rom. 15:16:

1 新约里所有蒙神拯救的信徒个个都是祭司,成为普遍的祭司体系——启一5下~6,五9~10,彼前二5、9。

1. All the saved believers of God in the New Testament are priests; together they become the universal priesthood—Rev. 1:5b-6; 5:9-10; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9.

2 新约的祭司职分,主要的是去传福音救罪人,献与神作属灵的祭物,所以称为福音的祭司——9、5节,罗十五16。

2. The main duty of the New Testament priests is to preach the gospel to lead sinners to be saved and to offer them up as spiritual sacrifices; this is why they are called the priests of the gospel—vv. 9, 5; Rom. 15:16.

3 无论在活力排聚会,或在召会聚会中申言,访人传福音,或照顾新人,原则都是叫众圣徒作基督身体的众肢体,个个都作,个个都依其度量尽功用,为着建造基督生机的身体。

3. Whether it be in the vital group meeting, in the prophesying in the church meetings, in the preaching of the gospel by visiting people, or in the care for the new ones, the principle is the same—we must make all the saints the members of the Body of Christ, with everyone working, everyone functioning according to his measure, for the building up of the organic Body of Christ.

贰 我们要为着基督身体的建造,实行那合乎圣经的聚会与事奉的路,就需要有复兴的生活,以及从我们对主的爱所涌流出来牧养的劳苦:

II. In order to practice the scriptural way to meet and to serve for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need a revived living and a labor in shepherding that flow out from our love of the Lord:

一 我们所说的复兴,乃是林后四章十六节所说的更新;每一天我们都需要更新,并且新而又新:——引用经文

A. The revival that we are speaking about is the renewing described in 2 Corinthians 4:16; every day we need a renewal, and this renewal has to be refreshed day by day:

1 我们每天早晨都该让主耶稣,我们的日头,在我们里面升起,使我们得着更新——路一78~79,玛四2,士五31。

1. Every morning we should allow the Lord Jesus, our Sun, to rise up in us so that we can be renewed—Luke 1:78-79; Mal. 4:2; Judg. 5:31.

2 为着达成这事,我们每天早晨都该早起与主交通;我们要向主祷告:“主啊,谢谢你,又是一个新的起头,愿这一天是我人生中可记念的一天”;这就是晨晨复兴。

2. In order to achieve this, all of us should rise up early in the morning to fellowship with the Lord; we should pray to the Lord, "Thank You, Lord, for a new beginning; may this day be a memorable day in my life"; this is what we call a morning-by-morning revival.

3 我们应当每早晨靠着基督作我们的赎罪祭,献上祂作燔祭和平安祭,好有一个新的起头;我们不但要天天这样作,还要作得有味道,有深度——利六12~13。

3. Every morning we should offer up Christ as our burnt offering and peace offering based upon His being our sin offering so that we may have a new beginning; not only must we do this every day, but we must also do it with sweetness and depth—Lev. 6:12-13.

4 每天早晨有新的复兴,就是每天早晨有新鲜的变化;只要我们一生的年日都在这样的变化中,我们就能在主的生命里长大,以致成熟——罗十二2,林后三18。

4. To have a revival that is renewed daily is to have a transformation that is fresh daily; if we remain in this transformation our whole life, we will grow in the life of the Lord until we are matured—Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 3:18.

二 我们需要过得胜的生活,从我们对主的爱将一切摆上为着主,尽力抓住时间接触人,以牧养并成全他们——约二一15~17,彼前五1~4:

B. We need to live an overcoming life by consecrating everything that we have to the Lord out of our love for Him and to strive to redeem every bit of time to contact people for shepherding and perfecting them—John 21:15-17; 1 Pet. 5:1-4:

1 我们听见有人生病了,或遭遇什么难处,一定要关心、代祷并前去慰问;这一点的关心、代祷、慰问,叫人里面的感受比听十篇道还强。

1. As soon as we hear of anyone sick or of anyone encountering problems, we must be concerned for him, pray for him, and go to visit him; the impact that this little bit of concern, prayer, and visiting affords is far more powerful than ten messages.

2 我们若是对主有心,从这个时候起,我们该天天有复兴,过得胜的生活,一切摆上为着主,尽力抓住时间照顾一个一个的弟兄姊妹。

2. If we have a heart for the Lord, from now on we should have a revival every day to live the overcoming life, to consecrate everything for the Lord, and to strive to redeem every bit of time to care for people one by one.

3 在聚会前后接触弟兄姊妹,在我们的牧养上也很重要。

3. Another important thing to do in our shepherding is to contact people before and after the meetings.

三 唯有这样,以弗所四章十一至十六节里基督身体的生机建造,与林前十四章二十六节里相互性的聚会,才能在我们中间应验并实行;为此,我们需要有晨晨复兴,日日得胜的生活作基础,也需要有一种从我们对主的爱所涌流出来的生活和工作(复兴的生活和牧养的劳苦),以维持我们的得胜。——引用经文

C. Only by this will the organic building up of the Body of Christ in Ephesians 4:11-16 and the meetings of mutuality in 1 Corinthians 14:26 be realized and practiced among us; for this we need a daily revival and a daily overcoming as the base; we also need a life and a work (a revived living and a labor in shepherding) that flow out from our love of the Lord in order to maintain our victory.
