第一篇 照着那给祖宗的应许繁殖复活的基督作长子

Message One Propagating the Resurrected Christ as the Firstborn Son according to the Promise Made to the Fathers



壹 “从这人的后裔中,神已经照着所应许的,给以色列带来一位救主,就是耶稣。……我们也传福音给你们,就是那给祖宗的应许”─徒十三23、32:

I. "From this man's seed, God, according to promise, brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus…And we announce to you the gospel of the promise made to the fathers"—Acts 13:23, 32:

一 撒下七章十二节所提到大卫的后裔,实际上就是基督作神的长子(14,来一5,6),兼有神性和人性,由所罗门预表。─引用经文

A. The seed of David mentioned in 2 Samuel 7:12 is actually Christ as God's firstborn Son (v. 14; Heb. 1:5-6), who has both divinity and humanity and is typified by Solomon.

二 撒下七章十二节论到“你……的后裔”以及十四节论到“我的子”的话,含示大卫的后裔要成为神的儿子,也就是说,人的后裔要成为神圣的子:─引用经文

B. The word concerning "your seed" in 2 Samuel 7:12 and "My son" in verse 14 implies that the seed of David would become the Son of God; that is, a human seed would become a divine Son:

1 这符合保罗在罗马一章三至四节的话,论到基督是大卫的后裔,在复活里,在祂的人性里被标出为神的儿子。─引用经文

1. This corresponds with Paul's word in Romans 1:3-4 concerning Christ as the seed of David being designated the Son of God in His humanity in resurrection.

2 这些经节清楚揭示,人的后裔,就是人的儿子,能成为神的儿子:

2. These verses clearly reveal that a seed of man, that is, a son of man, can become the Son of God:

a 神自己这位神圣者,成了属人的后裔,一个人(大卫)的后裔。

a. God Himself, the divine One, became a human seed, the seed of a man, David.

b 这后裔就是神人耶稣,单凭祂的神性,祂就是神的儿子─路一35。

b. This seed was Jesus, the God-man, who was the Son of God by virtue of His divinity alone—Luke 1:35.

c 借着祂的复活,祂作为人的后裔,也在祂的人性里成了神的儿子。

c. Through His resurrection He as the human seed became the Son of God in His humanity as well.

贰 “神已经向我们这作儿女的完全应验,叫耶稣复活了,正如诗篇第二篇上所记:‘你是我的儿子,我今日生了你’”─徒十三33:

II.  "God has fully fulfilled this promise to us their children in raising up Jesus, as it is also written in the second Psalm, 'You are My Son; this day have I begotten You'"—Acts 13:33:

一 在三十二至三十三节我们看见,基督作神的长子,乃是神向祖宗的应许,神借着叫耶稣复活,应验这应许。─引用经文

A. In verses 32 and 33 we see that Christ as the Firstborn of God was promised to the fathers, and God fulfilled this promise by raising up Jesus.

二 复活对那人耶稣乃是出生:

B. Resurrection was a birth to the man Jesus:

1 在复活里,祂被神生为许多弟兄中的长子─罗八29。

1. He was begotten by God in His resurrection to be the firstborn Son of God among many brothers—Rom. 8:29.

2 祂从永远就是神的独生子─约一18,三16。

2. He was the only begotten Son from eternity—John 1:18; 3:16.

3 成为肉体以后,祂借着复活,在人性里被神生为长子─来一6。

3. After His incarnation, through resurrection He was begotten by God in His humanity to be God's firstborn Son—Heb. 1:6.

三 保罗能在诗篇二篇七节看见主的复活─“你是我的儿子,我今日生了你”:

C. Paul was able to see the Lord's resurrection in Psalm 2:7: "You are My Son; Today I have begotten You":

1 保罗把“今日”一辞应用到主复活的日子。

1. Paul applied the word today to the day of the Lord's resurrection.

2 这就是说,基督的复活就是祂生为神的长子。

2. This means that Christ's resurrection was His birth as the firstborn Son of God.

3 人子耶稣借着神使祂从死人中复活,生为神的儿子;所以,神使耶稣从死人中复活,乃是将祂生为神的长子─徒十三33。

3. Jesus, the Son of Man, was born to be the Son of God through being raised up from the dead; therefore, God's raising up Jesus from the dead was His begetting of Him to be His firstborn Son—Acts 13:33.

四 神的独生子借着成为肉体穿上人性,成了神人(约一14、18,路一35);然后这神人在复活里由神而生,成为神的长子(徒十三33,来一6,罗八29):─引用经文

D. Through incarnation God's only begotten Son put on humanity and became the God-man (John 1:14, 18; Luke 1:35); then in resurrection this God-man was born of God to be His Firstborn (Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:6; Rom. 8:29):

1 神的独生子在成为肉体以前,没有人的性情,只有神圣的性情。

1. Before incarnation God's only begotten Son did not have the human nature; He had only the divine nature.

2 神的长子在复活里,有神圣的性情,也有人的性情。

2. In resurrection God's firstborn Son has the human nature as well as the divine nature.

五 基督借着祂的复活,生为神的长子,同时祂所有的信徒也生为神许多的儿子─彼前一3,来二10:

E. Through His resurrection Christ was born to be the firstborn Son, and at the same time all His believers were born to be the many sons of God—1 Pet. 1:3; Heb. 2:10:

1 在神许多儿子当中,只有长子是神的独生子─约一18,约壹四9。

1. Among these many sons, only the Firstborn is God's only begotten Son—John 1:18; 1 John 4:9.

2 这位神的独生子在祂复活的人性里,也是神的长子─罗八29。

2. This only begotten Son of God, in His resurrected humanity, is also the firstborn Son of God—Rom. 8:29.

3 神的长子兼有神性和人性,我们这些作神许多儿子的信徒,也兼具人的性情和神的性情─彼后一4。

3. The Firstborn has both divinity and humanity, and we, His believers as God's many sons, also possess both the human nature and the divine nature—2 Pet. 1:4.

六 在行传十三章,保罗不是传讲基督为神的独生子,如约翰福音所传讲的(一18,三16);保罗在行传十三章乃是传讲基督为神的长子,为着繁殖:─引用经文

F. In Acts 13 Paul was not preaching Christ as the only begotten Son, as the Gospel of John does (1:18; 3:16); rather, in Acts 13 Paul was preaching Christ as the firstborn Son of God, for propagation:

1 以神的独生子而言,主是神圣生命的具体化身;约翰福音强调耶稣基督是神的儿子;作为神的儿子,祂乃是神圣生命的具体化身─一4。

1. As the only begotten Son, the Lord is the embodiment of the divine life; the Gospel of John emphasizes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that, as the Son of God, He is the embodiment of the divine life—1:4.

2 借着复活,基督成为神的长子,就是生命的分赐者,为着生命的繁殖─罗八29。

2. Through resurrection Christ became the firstborn Son of God as the life-dispenser for the propagation of life—Rom. 8:29.

3 首先基督是独生子,是生命的具体化身;现今祂也是长子,是为着生命的繁殖。

3. First, Christ was the only begotten Son as the embodiment of life; now He is also the firstborn Son for the propagation of life.

4 借着祂在复活里成为神的长子,神圣的生命已经分赐到所有相信祂的人里面,使具体化身在祂里面的生命得以繁殖。

4. Through His becoming the firstborn Son of God in resurrection, the divine life has been dispensed into all His believers to bring forth the propagation of the life that is embodied in Him.

叁 “论到神叫祂从死人中复活,……就这样说:‘我必将大卫那圣的,那可靠的,赐给你们’”─徒十三34:

III.  "As to His having raised Him up from the dead,…He spoke in this way, 'I will give you the holy things of David, the faithful things'"—Acts 13:34:

一 复活的基督是大卫那圣的并可靠的;“大卫那圣的,那可靠的”是指复活的基督─33,34节。

A. The resurrected Christ is the holy and faithful things of David; the holy things of David, the faithful things refers to the resurrected Christ—vv. 33-34.

二 “大卫那圣的,那可靠的”指明基督是出于大卫的,因为神从大卫的后裔中兴起了这样的一位─罗一3,4。

B. The phrase the holy things of David, the faithful things indicates that Christ was of David, for it was out of David's seed that God raised up such a One—Rom. 1:3-4.

三 “那圣的,那可靠的”实际上是神圣的名称,是基督的名称。

C. The phrase the holy things of David, the faithful things is actually a divine title, a title of Christ.

四 这些圣的、可靠的事物乃是基督所是的各方面,就如生命、亮光、恩典、公义、圣别、生命的粮、活水、能力、智慧、荣耀、神的深奥、头、身体、初熟的果子以及第二个人。

D. These holy and faithful things are all the aspects of what Christ is, such as life, light, grace, righteousness, holiness, the bread of life, the living water, power, wisdom, glory, the depths of God, the Head, the Body, the firstfruits, and the second man.

五 一切圣的、可靠的事物,都是基督自己作为那给我们的怜悯─赛五五3,代下六42,诗八九1。

E. All the holy and faithful things are Christ Himself as mercies to us—Isa. 55:3; 2 Chron. 6:42; Psa. 89:1.

六 我们需要看见,复活的基督是那一切圣的、可靠的事物,成为神给我们包罗万有的恩赐;这就是保罗在行传十三章所传讲的基督。─引用经文

F. We need to see that the resurrected Christ is all the holy and faithful things given to us by God as an all-inclusive gift; this was the Christ preached by Paul in Acts 13.

肆 “赦罪是借这人传给你们的”,并且“靠这人,凡信的就都得称义了”─38,39节:

IV.  "Through this One forgiveness of sins is announced to you," and "in this One everyone who believes is justified"—vv. 38-39:

一 罪得赦免是消极的,使我们从定罪得释放─38节。

A. To be forgiven of sins is on the negative side and is for our release from condemnation—v. 38.

二 得称义是积极的,使我们与神和好,蒙神悦纳─39节,加二16,罗三24,25。

B. To be justified is on the positive side and is for our reconciliation to God and our being accepted by Him—v. 39; Gal. 2:16; Rom. 3:24-25.

三 保罗在行传十三章三十八至三十九节两次说到“这人”:─引用经文

C. In Acts 13:38 and 39 Paul twice spoke of "this One":

1 祂就是那已经复活成为神长子的一位,是我们的救主,也是那许多圣的、可靠的事物。

1. This is the One who has been resurrected to be God's firstborn Son, our Savior, and the many holy and faithful things.

2 借着这位长子,救主,那圣的并可靠的,赦罪已经传给我们,并且借着这一位,我们都得称义了。

2. Through the One who is the firstborn Son, the Savior, and the holy and faithful things, forgiveness of sins has been announced to us, and through this One we are justified.

3 我们靠着得赦免并得称义的那一位,祂自己就是我们的赦免和称义:

3. The One by whom we are forgiven and justified is Himself our forgiveness and justification:

a 赦免和称义都是从神给我们的怜悯,这些怜悯是复活基督的各方面─33,34、38,39节。

a. Both forgiveness and justification are mercies from God to us, and these mercies are aspects of the resurrected Christ—vv. 33-34, 38-39.

b 基督在祂的复活里,就是我们的赦免和称义。

b. Christ in His resurrection is our forgiveness and justification.
