第七篇 耶稣的灵

The Spirit of Jesus



壹 我们可以经历并享受复活、升天的基督为耶稣的灵─圣灵─徒十六6,7。

I. We may experience and enjoy the resurrected and ascended Christ as the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit—Acts 16:6-7.

贰 我们需要仔细留意行传十六章六至七节里两个神圣的称呼─“圣灵”与“耶稣的灵”:─引用经文

II. We need to pay careful attention to two divine titles in Acts 16:6 and 7—the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus:

一 这两个称呼交互使用,启示耶稣的灵就是圣灵。

A. The interchangeable use of these two titles reveals that the Spirit of Jesus is the Holy Spirit.

二 在新约里,“圣灵”是神的灵一般的称呼:

B. The Holy Spirit is a general title of the Spirit of God in the New Testament:

1 “圣灵”这名称第一次是用在主耶稣成孕的时候─路一15、35:

1. The title the Holy Spirit is used for the first time at the conception of the Lord Jesus—Luke 1:15, 35:

a 乃是到了这时,为着引进新约的经纶,替基督的来临预备道路,并为祂预备人体,才用“圣灵”这名称─35节,太一18、20。

a. It was when the time came to prepare the way for Christ's coming and to prepare a human body for Him to initiate the New Testament dispensation that the title the Holy Spirit came into use—v. 35; Matt. 1:18, 20.

b 要明白“圣灵”这名称第一次的使用,我们需要看见这名称与主的成为肉体有关。

b. In order to understand the first usage of the title the Holy Spirit, we need to see that this title is involved with the Lord's incarnation.

c 按首次提到的原则,圣灵与基督的成为肉体和出生有关。

c. According to the principle of first mention, the Holy Spirit is related to Christ's incarnation and birth.

2 在新约里,“圣灵”这名称指明神自己现今正与人调和─路一35。

2. In the New Testament the title the Holy Spirit indicates that God is now mingling Himself with man—Luke 1:35.

三 “耶稣的灵”是神的灵特别的说法,乃指成为肉体之救主的灵,这位救主就是在人性里的耶稣,经过了为人的生活和十字架的死─31、35节,太一21,徒十六7:

C. The Spirit of Jesus is a particular expression concerning the Spirit of God and refers to the Spirit of the incarnated Savior who, as Jesus in His humanity, passed through human living and death on the cross—vv. 31, 35; Matt. 1:21; Acts 16:7:

1 在耶稣的灵里不仅有神的神圣元素,也有耶稣的人性元素,以及祂为人生活并受死的元素。

1. In the Spirit of Jesus there is not only the divine element of God but also the human element of Jesus and the elements of His human living and His suffering of death as well.

2 耶稣的灵不只是神的灵,在祂里面有神性,使我们能活神圣的生命;也是那人耶稣的灵,在祂里面有人性,使我们能过正确的人性生活,也能忍受其中的痛苦:

2. The Spirit of Jesus is not only the Spirit of God with divinity in Him so that we may live the divine life but also the Spirit of the man Jesus with humanity in Him so that we may live a proper human life and endure its sufferings:

a 保罗在他的受苦里需要耶稣的灵,因为在耶稣的灵里,有受苦的元素和忍受逼迫的能力─西一24,徒九15,16,十六7。

a. In his suffering Paul needed the Spirit of Jesus because in the Spirit of Jesus is the suffering element and the suffering strength to withstand persecution—Col. 1:24; Acts 9:15-16; 16:7.

b 今天当我们传福音时,我们也需要耶稣的灵以面对反对和逼迫。

b. In our preaching of the gospel today, we also need the Spirit of Jesus to face the opposition and persecution.

四 在行传十六章七节,路加从圣灵转到耶稣的灵:─引用经文

D. In Acts 16:7 Luke turns from the Holy Spirit to the Spirit of Jesus:

1 耶稣这人,首先过为人的生活,然后被钉十字架并复活─二23,24、32,33。

1. As a man, Jesus first lived a human life and then was crucified and resurrected—2:23-24, 32-33.

2 祂升到诸天之上,被立为主为基督─36节。

2. He ascended to the heavens and was made Lord and Christ—v. 36.

3 因此,耶稣的灵含示主的人性、为人生活、死、复活和升天─十六7。

3. The Spirit of Jesus therefore implies the Lord's humanity, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension—16:7.

4 耶稣的灵所涵括的比圣灵所涵括的更多─6,7节:

4. The Spirit of Jesus involves more than the Holy Spirit does—vv. 6-7:

a 圣灵仅仅涵括主耶稣的成为肉体和出生─路一35,太一18、20。

a. The Holy Spirit involves only the incarnation and birth of the Lord Jesus—Luke 1:35; Matt. 1:18, 20.

b 耶稣的灵涵括祂的人性、为人生活、受死、复活和升天─徒一1,3、8,二23、32、36。

b. The Spirit of Jesus involves His humanity, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension—Acts 1:1-3, 8; 2:23, 32, 36.

5 耶稣的灵乃是包罗万有之耶稣的总和与完全的实化─十六7。

5. The Spirit of Jesus is the totality and the full realization of the all-inclusive Jesus—16:7.

五 正如基督的灵是基督的实际,耶稣的灵乃是耶稣的实际─罗八9,徒十六7:

E. Just as the Spirit of Christ is the reality of Christ, so the Spirit of Jesus is the reality of Jesus—Rom. 8:9; Acts 16:7:

1 我们若没有耶稣的灵,耶稣对我们就不实际。

1. If we do not have the Spirit of Jesus, Jesus will not be real to us.

2 耶稣对我们是实际的,因为我们有耶稣的灵作耶稣的实际、实化─7节。

2. Jesus is real to us because we have the Spirit of Jesus as the reality, the realization, of Jesus—v. 7.

叁 耶稣尚未在复活里得着荣耀时还没有的那灵,是有耶稣人性的灵;那灵今天已经有耶稣得荣的人性构成在其中─路二四26,约七37,39,徒十六7:

III. The Spirit, who was not yet because Jesus had not yet been glorified in resurrection, is the Spirit with the humanity of Jesus; the Spirit today has been constituted with the glorified humanity of Jesus—Luke 24:26; John 7:37-39; Acts 16:7:

一 那灵,就是我们所喝并从我们里面涌流出来的活水,有耶稣的人性构成在其中;没有耶稣的人性,就不会有这样一位灵。

A. This Spirit, who is the living water that we drink and who is flowing out from within us, is constituted with the humanity of Jesus; without the humanity of Jesus, there could never be such a Spirit.

二 没有人的素质,神的灵无法成为生命的水流;神若要成为涌流的生命河,就必须有耶稣的人性构成在其中。

B. Without the human essence the Spirit of God could not be the flowing water of life; if God would be a flowing river of life, He must be constituted with the human nature of Jesus.

三 “现在有了那得着荣耀之耶稣的灵;……我们已接受祂像祝福的江河流入我们里面,从我们流过,并从我们流出。”(慕安得烈)

C. "There is now the Spirit of the glorified Jesus:…we have received Him to stream into us, to stream through us, and to stream forth from us in rivers of blessing" (Andrew Murray).

四 我们需要经历并享受耶稣人性的灵为着传福音,为着召会事奉,为着日常生活,并为着主的恢复─加五22,23,腓二15,四8。

D. We need to experience and enjoy the Spirit of the humanity of Jesus for gospel preaching, for the church service, for our daily walk, and for the Lord's recovery—Gal. 5:22-23; Phil. 2:15; 4:8.

肆 使徒保罗和他的同工为着开展福音而有的行动,不是照着他们的定意和爱好,也不是照着人议定的行程,乃是凭耶稣的灵─徒十六6,7:

IV. The move of the apostle Paul and his co-workers for the spread of the gospel was not according to their decision and preference or according to any schedule made by a human council but by the Spirit of Jesus—Acts 16:6-7:

一 他们的工作是凭圣灵(6),涵括了主的成为肉体和出生,并凭耶稣的灵(7),涵括了主的人性、为人生活、钉死、复活和升天;使徒是在这样一位包罗万有之灵的指引与引导下行动。─引用经文

A. Their work was by the Holy Spirit (v. 6), who was involved with the Lord's incarnation and birth, and by the Spirit of Jesus (v. 7), who was involved with the Lord's humanity, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension; the apostles were moving under the direction and guidance of such an all-inclusive Spirit.

二 我们为主作哪一种工,在于我们由哪一种灵所引导、指引、教导并构成:

B. The kind of work we do for the Lord depends on the kind of Spirit by whom we are guided, directed, instructed, and constituted:

1 保罗作为盛装三一神的器皿,完全是由圣灵(涵括了主的成为肉体和出生)与耶稣的灵(涵括了主的人性、为人生活、包罗万有的死、分赐生命的复活和升天)所构成─6,7节。

1. As a vessel containing the Triune God, Paul was fully constituted with the Holy Spirit, who was involved with the Lord's incarnation and birth, and with the Spirit of Jesus, who was involved with the Lord's humanity, human living, all-inclusive death, life-imparting resurrection, and ascension—vv. 6-7.

2 保罗乃是由这包罗万有的灵所构成的人;因此,他能真实地传讲耶稣基督─十三26,39,十七18,二八31。

2. Paul was a person constituted with this all-inclusive Spirit; thus, he could truly preach Jesus Christ—13:26-39; 17:18; 28:31.

3 那灵若成为我们的构成,我们的工作就要成为这灵的彰显,我们所作的工就是为着耶稣这位带着人性、为人生活、死、复活和升天的成为肉体者。

3. If the Spirit becomes our constitution, then our work will be the expression of this Spirit, and we will do a work for Jesus as the incarnated One with humanity, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension.

4 我们若由耶稣的灵所构成,我们所作的工,就是传讲耶稣这包罗万有者,将祂这包罗万有的一位传输给人─九20、22,十七18,二八23、31。

4. If we are constituted with the Spirit of Jesus, we will do the work of ministering Jesus as the all-inclusive One and convey Him as such a One to others—9:20, 22; 17:18; 28:23, 31.

伍 耶稣的灵清楚地描绘于腓立比书头两章:─引用经文

V. The Spirit of Jesus is clearly portrayed in the first two chapters of Philippians:

一 在一章有福音的传扬(12,18);我们要传福音,就需要耶稣的灵:─引用经文

A. In Philippians 1 we have the preaching of the gospel (vv. 12-18); in order to preach the gospel, we need the Spirit of Jesus:

1 这章说到在推广福音上的交通,没有嫉妒或争竞─5、15、17节。

1. This chapter is concerned with the fellowship unto the gospel without envy or strife—vv. 5, 15, 17.

2 福音书中所陈明耶稣的生活,是没有嫉妒、争竞或私图好争的;因此,耶稣的灵没有嫉妒、争竞或私图好争。

2. The life of Jesus as presented in the Gospels was a life without envy, strife, or rivalry; thus, the Spirit of Jesus does not have envy, strife, or rivalry.

3 我们应当在耶稣的灵里传福音,没有嫉妒、争竞或私图好争。

3. We should preach the gospel in the Spirit of Jesus, without envy, strife, or rivalry.

二 在推广福音上有交通,要求我们在一位灵里,并且同魂─27节:

B. Fellowship unto the gospel requires that we be in one spirit with one soul (v. 27):

1 我们若不在耶稣的灵里,就不在推广福音上有交通。

1. If we are not in the Spirit of Jesus, we are not in the fellowship unto the gospel.

2 我们唯有在耶稣的灵里,才可能在一位灵里,并且同魂。

2. Only in the Spirit of Jesus is it possible for us to be in one spirit and with one soul.

3 我们要经历基督,就需要借着耶稣的灵,没有嫉妒、争竞或私图好争,而在推广福音上有交通。

3. To experience Christ we need to be in the fellowship unto the gospel by the Spirit of Jesus without envy, strife, or rivalry.

三 借着耶稣的灵,我们就能以基督为我们的榜样─二1,9:

C. By the Spirit of Jesus we can take Christ as our pattern—2:1-9:

1 借着耶稣的灵,我们就能像耶稣那样谦卑─5,7节。

1. By the Spirit of Jesus we can be as humble as Jesus was—vv. 5-7.

2 借着耶稣的灵,我们就能满足使徒保罗的请求,并且顾到其他圣徒─3节。

2. By the Spirit of Jesus we can fulfill the request of the apostle Paul and care for other saints—v. 3.

3 借着耶稣的灵,我们就能思念同一件事,有相同的爱─1,2节。

3. By the Spirit of Jesus we can think the one thing and have the same love—vv. 1-2.
