第八篇 神国的发展

The Development of the Kingdom of God



壹 路加福音叙述成为肉体之耶稣的职事,作为那成为肉体之耶稣在地上的记载;使徒行传记载复活升天的基督,借着祂的信徒,在地上执行祂在天上继续的职事─一8,9:

I. The Gospel of Luke is a narrative of the ministry of the incarnated Jesus as a record of the incarnated Jesus on earth; Acts is a record of the succeeding ministry of the resurrected and ascended Christ in heaven carried out through His believers on earth—1:8-9:

一 在福音书里,主在地上的职事,由祂自己所完成,乃是将祂自己作为国度的种子撒在祂的信徒里面;那时,召会还没有建造起来─路八4,15。

A. In the Gospels the Lord's ministry on earth, carried out by Himself, was sowing Himself as the seed of the kingdom into His believers, with no church built up yet—Luke 8:4-15.

二 在使徒行传,主在天上的职事,借着祂的信徒在祂的复活和升天里所完成,乃是将祂作为神国的发展扩展出去,为要在全地建造召会,构成祂的身体,就是祂的丰满,以彰显祂,甚至是神的丰满,以彰显神─一8,八12,十四22,十九8,二十25,二八23、31,太十六18,弗一23,三19。

B. In Acts the Lord's ministry in heaven, carried out through His believers in His resurrection and ascension, spreads Him as the development of the kingdom of God for the building up of the church throughout the entire world to constitute His Body, His fullness, to express Him, even the fullness of God for God's expression—1:8; 8:12; 14:22; 19:8; 20:25; 28:23, 31; Matt. 16:18; Eph. 1:23; 3:19.

贰 神的国乃是使徒们在使徒行传中传讲的主题(八12,十四22,十九8,二十25,二八23、31);这是由复活的基督有四十天之久向使徒们显现,对他们讲说神国的事(一3)所指明:─引用经文

II. The kingdom of God is the main subject of the apostles' preaching in Acts (8:12; 14:22; 19:8; 20:25; 28:23, 31); this is indicated by the fact that the resurrected Christ, in His appearing to the apostles through a period of forty days, spoke to them concerning the kingdom of God (1:3):

一 在福音书里,主耶稣自己来宣扬国度的福音─路四43:

A. In the Gospels the Lord Jesus Himself had announced the gospel of the kingdom—Luke 4:43:

1 神的国乃是救主作生命的种子,撒到祂的信徒,就是神的选民里面,并发展为一个范围,就是神的国,使神在祂神圣的生命里,能在其中掌权─十七21,可四3、26。

1. The kingdom of God is the Savior as the seed of life sown into His believers, God's chosen people, and developing into a realm over which God can rule as His kingdom in His divine life—17:21; Mark 4:3, 26.

2 神国的入门是重生,其发展是信徒在神圣生命里的长大─约三5,彼后一3,11。

2. The entrance into the kingdom of God is regeneration, and the development of the kingdom is the believers' growth in the divine life—John 3:5; 2 Pet. 1:3-11.

3 神的国在今天是召会的生活,是忠信的信徒在其中生活的,并要发展为要来的国度,作得胜圣徒在千年国里所承受的赏赐─罗十四17,加五21,弗五5,启二十4、6。

3. The kingdom of God is the church life today, in which the faithful believers live, and it will develop into the coming kingdom as a reward to be inherited by the overcoming saints in the millennium—Rom. 14:17; Gal. 5:21; Eph. 5:5; Rev. 20:4, 6.

4 至终,神的国要完成于新耶路撒冷,作神永远的国,就是神永远生命之永远福分的永远范围,在新天新地里给神所有的赎民享受,直到永远─二一1,4,二二1,5、14。

4. Eventually, the kingdom of God will consummate in the New Jerusalem as the eternal kingdom of God, an eternal realm of the eternal blessing of God's eternal life, which all of God's redeemed will enjoy in the new heaven and new earth for eternity—21:1-4; 22:1-5, 14.

5 神的国乃是救主当作福音,好信息,所传扬给与神生命隔绝之人的─弗四18。

5. The kingdom of God is what the Savior announced as the gospel, the good news, to those who were alienated from the life of God—Eph. 4:18.

6 主在路加十七章二十至二十一节的话,指明神的国不是物质的,乃是属灵的;神的国就是救主─在祂第一次的来临里(21,22),在祂第二次的来临里(23,30),在祂得胜信徒的被提里(31,36),以及在祂毁灭敌基督(37),以恢复全地,使祂得在其上的掌权里(启十一15)。─引用经文

6. The Lord's word in Luke 17:20-21 indicates that the kingdom of God is not material but spiritual; it is the Savior in His first coming (vv. 21-22), in His second coming (vv. 23-30), in the rapture of His overcoming believers (vv. 31-36), and in His destroying of the Antichrist (v. 37) to recover the whole earth for His reign there (Rev. 11:15).

7 神的国就是救主自己;祂从前在法利赛人中间,但如今就在信徒里面─路十七21,林后十三5,西一27:

7. The kingdom of God is the Savior Himself, who was in the midst of the Pharisees but who is now within the believers—Luke 17:21; 2 Cor. 13:5; Col. 1:27:

a 救主在哪里,哪里就有神的国;神的国与祂同在,祂将神的国带给祂的门徒─路四43,十七21。

a. Wherever the Savior is, there the kingdom of God is; the kingdom of God is with Him, and He brings it to His disciples—Luke 4:43; 17:21.

b 基督是神国的种子,撒在神所拣选的人里面,发展为神掌权的范围─八5、10。

b. Christ is the seed of the kingdom of God to be sown into God's chosen people to develop into God's ruling realm—8:5, 10.

c 祂复活以后,就在祂的信徒里面;因此,今天神的国就在召会里─约十四20,罗八10,十四17。

c. Since His resurrection He has been within His believers; hence, the kingdom of God is within the church—John 14:20; Rom. 8:10; 14:17.

二 在行传一章三节,主耶稣这在复活里的一位,必定帮助门徒对神的国有这样正确的领悟:─引用经文

B. In Acts 1:3 the Lord Jesus as the One in resurrection must have helped the disciples to have such a proper realization concerning the kingdom of God:

1 门徒必定开始看见,神的国就是基督作生命在信徒里面扩展,也是基督作生命在信徒里面繁殖,形成神在祂生命里管治的范围─约三3、5。

1. The disciples must have begun to see that the kingdom of God is the spreading of Christ as life in the believers, that it is the propagation of Christ as life in His believers to form a realm in which God rules in His life—John 3:3, 5.

2 门徒必然已经领会,他们现今是基督繁殖、扩展的一部分,因此是神国的一部分─徒一8,9,八12,二十25,二八23、31。

2. The disciples certainly must have understood that they were now part of the propagation, the spreading, of Christ, and thereby were part of the kingdom of God—Acts 1:8-9; 8:12; 20:25; 28:23, 31.

叁 神的国是基督作生命扩展到祂的信徒里,形成神在祂生命里管治的范围─彼后一3,11:

III. The kingdom of God is the spreading of Christ as life into His believers to form a realm in which God rules in His life—2 Pet. 1:3-11:

一 人要进这国,就需要为罪悔改,相信福音,使他们的罪得赦免,并由神重生,得着符合这国神圣性质的神圣生命─可一15,约三3、5。

A. To enter into this kingdom, people need to repent of their sins and believe in the gospel so that their sins may be forgiven and so that they may be regenerated by God to have the divine life, which matches the divine nature of this kingdom—Mark 1:15; John 3:3, 5.

二 所有在基督里的信徒,在召会时代都能有分于这国,在神的公义、和平并圣灵中的喜乐里享受神─罗十四17。

B. All the believers in Christ can share the kingdom in the church age for their enjoyment of God in His righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit—Rom. 14:17.

三 这国在要来的国度时代,要成为基督和神的国,给得胜的信徒承受并享受,叫他们与基督同王一千年─林前六9,11,加五19,21,弗五5,启二十4、6。

C. The kingdom of God will become the kingdom of Christ and of God for the overcoming believers to inherit and enjoy in the coming kingdom age so that they may reign with Christ for a thousand years—1 Cor. 6:9-11; Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:5; Rev. 20:4, 6.

四 神的国是永远的国,要成为神永远生命的永远福分,在新天新地里给神所有的赎民享受,直到永远─二一1,4,二二1,5、14、17。

D. As the eternal kingdom, the kingdom of God will be an eternal blessing of God's eternal life for all of God's redeemed to enjoy in the new heaven and new earth for eternity—21:1-4; 22:1-5, 14, 17.

肆 众召会与神的国是并行的;由复活基督的繁殖所产生的众召会,乃是今天在地上神的国─徒十四22,二十25:

IV. The churches and the kingdom of God go together; the churches produced by the propagation of the resurrected Christ are the kingdom of God on earth today—Acts 14:22; 20:25:

一 这位在升天里,凭着那灵,借着门徒,繁殖祂自己的复活基督,乃是神国的实际;神的国就是祂的扩展─一8,八12:

A. The resurrected Christ, who is propagating Himself in His ascension, by the Spirit, and through the disciples, is the reality of the kingdom of God; the kingdom of God is His expansion—1:8; 8:12:

1 众召会就是这位来把自己当作神国种子撒播出去之基督的扩展;这是福音书里所启示的─可四3、26。

1. The churches are the expansion of Christ, who came to sow Himself as the seed of the kingdom of God; this is revealed in the Gospels—Mark 4:3, 26.

2 在福音书里,基督乃是国度的种子;在使徒行传里有这种子的繁殖,以产生众召会,就是神的国─八1、12,十三1,4。

2. In the Gospels Christ was the seed of the kingdom; in the book of Acts we have the propagation of this seed to produce the churches as the kingdom of God—8:1, 12; 13:1-4.

二 我们在众召会里乃是基督的繁殖,也是基督的扩展,并且我们正在扩大神的国─启一9、11。

B. We in the churches are the propagation of Christ and the expansion of Christ, and we are enlarging the kingdom of God—Rev. 1:9, 11.

伍 在行传十四章二十二节,保罗恳求那些恒守信仰的信徒要领悟,我们进入神的国,必须经历许多患难,因为全世界都反对我们进入其中;进入神的国就是进入对基督作为国度的完全享受。─引用经文

V. In Acts 14:22 Paul entreated the believers who were continuing in the faith to realize that through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God, because the whole world opposes our entering in; to enter into the kingdom of God is to enter into the full enjoyment of Christ as the kingdom.

陆 在行传十九章我们看见,撒但抵挡神在地上开展祂的国;为着繁殖基督的优胜职事,乃是为着神国的争战─9、23,41节。

VI. In Acts 19 we see that Satan is fighting against God's spreading of His kingdom on earth; the prevailing ministry for the propagation of Christ is a fighting, a battle, for God's kingdom—vv. 9, 23-41.

柒 保罗在二十八章三十一节宣扬神的国,乃是复活、升天、包罗万有之基督的繁殖─23、31节:

VII. Paul's proclaiming the kingdom of God in 28:31 was the propagation of the resurrected, ascended, and all-inclusive Christ—vv. 23, 31:

一 这可由“教导主耶稣基督的事”这句话得着证明;主耶稣基督的事乃是与神的国并行的─23节。

A. This is proved by the words teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, which things go together with the kingdom of God—v. 23.

二 将基督的事教导人,就是开展神的国;所以,神的国实际上就是复活基督的繁殖─这过程今天继续借由信徒得以实行─31节。

B. To teach concerning Christ is to spread the kingdom of God; therefore, the kingdom of God is actually the propagation of the resurrected Christ—a process that continues to be carried out through the believers today—v. 31.
