
第一篇 实际的灵乃是基督身体的实际

The Spirit of Reality Being the Reality of the Body of Christ



壹 约翰的著作启示那灵是实际的灵─约十四17,十五26,十六13,约壹五6、20:

I. The writings of John reveal that the Spirit is the Spirit of reality-John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 5:6, 20:

一 在整个宇宙中,只有一位是真实的,就是三一神;唯有三一神是实际─约十四6,约壹五20。

A. In the whole universe only One is real-the Triune God; only the Triune God is the reality-John 14:6; 1 John 5:20.

二 在神新约的经纶里,那灵有实际的属性─约十四17,十五26,十六13:

B. In God's New Testament economy the Spirit has the attribute of reality-John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13:

1 实际是神的灵包罗万有的属性,因为其中包括父、子基督以及一切神圣的项目和实体─一17。

1. Reality is the all-inclusive attribute of the Spirit of God, for it includes the Father, Christ the Son, and all the divine items and entities-1:17.

2 那灵是包罗万有的实际;所以,实际是那灵最奇妙的属性之一─约壹五6。

2. The Spirit is the all-inclusive reality; reality, therefore, is one of the most marvelous attributes of the Spirit-1 John 5:6.

3 照上下文看,约翰十六章十三节的“实际”,指三一神一切的所是和所有。─引用经文

3. According to the context, the reality in John 16:13 refers to all that the Triune God is and has.

三 实际的灵就是三一神的实际;这就是说,祂乃是三一神所是、所成就、所达到并所得着之一切的实际─十四17,十五26。

C. The Spirit of reality is the reality of the Triune God; that is, He is the reality of all that the Triune God is, all that He has accomplished, and all that He has attained and obtained-14:17; 15:26.

四 离了实际的灵,在我们的经历中,我们无法有三一神或任何神圣的属性;三一神和祂一切属性的实际,就是实际的灵─十六13。

D. Apart from the Spirit of reality, in our experience we cannot have the Triune God or any of the divine attributes; the reality of the Triune God and of all His attributes is the Spirit of reality-16:13.

贰 实际的灵引导我们进入一切的实际─13~14节:

II. The Spirit of reality guides us into all the reality-vv. 13-14:

一 在实际之灵里的事物才是属灵的实际─十四17,十五26:

A. Only that which is in the Spirit of reality is spiritual reality-14:17; 15:26:

1 所有属灵的事物只有在实际的灵里,才是真的、活的、生机的─约壹五6。

1. All spiritual things must be in the Spirit of reality before they can be real, living, and organic-1 John 5:6.

2 实际的灵是一切属灵事物的执行者─约十六13~14。

2. The Spirit of reality is the Executor of all spiritual things-John 16:13-14.

二 实际的灵引导信徒进入三一神的实际并一切神圣事物的实际─林后十三14。

B. The Spirit of reality guides the believers into all the reality of the Triune God and of all divine matters-2 Cor. 13:14.

三 约翰十六章十三节的“实际”,指父所有、子所有以及那灵从子并从父所有而领受的:─引用经文

C. In John 16:13 the reality refers to what the Father has, what the Son has, and what the Spirit receives of the Son and of what the Father has:

1 父所有的是实际,子所有的是实际,那灵所领受的也是实际─十四6、17。

1. What the Father has is reality, what the Son has is reality, and what the Spirit receives is also reality-14:6, 17.

2 父所有的成了子的,子所有的由那灵领受,那灵所领受的又宣示与我们─十五26。

2. What the Father has becomes the Son's, what the Son has is received by the Spirit, and what the Spirit receives is disclosed to us-15:26.

3 父具体表现在子里面,子变了形像成为那灵,那灵就是神圣的三一临到我们─林后十三14。

3. The Father is embodied in the Son, the Son is transfigured to be the Spirit, and the Spirit is the reaching of the Divine Trinity to us-2 Cor. 13:14.

四 借着那灵,三一神的实际传输到我们里面;因此,那灵引导我们进入的实际,乃是三一神的实际─约壹四13~14,五6。

D. Through the Spirit, the reality of the Triune God is transmitted into us; thus, the reality into which the Spirit guides us is the reality of the Triune God-1 John 4:13-14; 5:6.

五 实际的灵引导我们进入神圣的实际,是借着将这实际传输到我们里面,而这神圣的实际─经过过程并终极完成的三一神─就成为我们这人的构成成分─弗三14~17上。

E. As the Spirit of reality guides us into the divine reality by transmitting this reality into us, the divine reality-the processed and consummated Triune God-becomes the constituent of our being-Eph. 3:14-17a.

六 实际的灵─子的完全实化─引导我们进入基督一切的实际,包括祂一切所是和所有,以及一切所达到和所得着的─约十六13~14。

F. The Spirit of reality-the full realization of the Son-guides us into all the reality of Christ, including all that He is and has and all that He has attained and obtained-John 16:13-14.

七 实际的灵引导我们进入基督身体的实际─弗四4。

G. The Spirit of reality guides us into the reality of the Body of Christ-Eph. 4:4.

叁 那灵作为三一神的实际,也是基督身体的实际─约十四17,十五26,十六13,约壹五6,林前十二12~13,弗四4:

III. The Spirit as the reality of the Triune God is also the reality of the Body of Christ-John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 5:6; 1 Cor. 12:12-13; Eph. 4:4:

一 基督的身体就是召会,其一切实际就是经过过程并终极完成之三一神实际的灵;若没有实际的灵,就没有基督的身体,就没有召会─约十六13。

A. The Body of Christ is the church, and all its reality is the Spirit of the reality of the processed and consummated Triune God; if there were no Spirit of reality, there would be no Body of Christ, no church-John 16:13.

二 基督身体的实际,乃是我们在许多方面所接受、经历并享受的那灵─七37~39,二十22。

B. The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit whom we have received, experienced, and enjoyed in many aspects-7:37-39; 20:22.

三 这实际的灵使经过过程并终极完成之三一神的一切,都在基督的身体里成为实际─林后十三14,林前十二12~13、27。

C. The Spirit of reality makes everything of the processed and consummated Triune God a reality in the Body of Christ-2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Cor. 12:12-13, 27.

四 全足的神(创十七1,腓一19),作为实际的灵住在我们灵里,联合成为一个调和的灵(罗八10,林前六17),这灵就是经过过程并终极完成的三一神之于基督身体一切所是的秘诀。─引用经文

D. The All-sufficient God (Gen. 17:1; Phil. 1:19), as the Spirit of reality dwelling in our spirit to be joined as one mingled spirit (Rom. 8:10; 1 Cor. 6:17), is the secret to all that the processed and consummated Triune God is to the Body of Christ.

五 经过过程并终极完成之三一神所经历的一切,包括成为肉体,钉十字架和复活,都由实际的灵实化为基督身体实际的属性和经历─弗四4~6。

E. All that the processed and consummated Triune God experienced, including incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, is realized by the Spirit of reality to be the attributes and experiences of the Body of Christ in reality-Eph. 4:4-6.

六 只有当我们借着实际的灵摸着实际,我们才能活出身体的生活─约壹五6,约十六13~14,弗四4、12、15~16。

F. Only when we touch reality through the Spirit of reality can we live out the Body life-1?John 5:6; John 16:13-14; Eph. 4:4, 12, 15-16.

肆 我们若要在基督身体的实际里,就需要有实际的灵构成到我们这人里面─约十四16~20:

IV. If we would be in the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to have the Spirit of reality constituted into our being-John 14:16-20:

一 实际的灵已进入信徒里面,在他们里面作基督的实际─十五26,十六13~14。

A. The Spirit of reality has come into the believers to be the reality of Christ within them-15:26; 16:13-14.

二 包罗万有的基督,就是三一神的具体化身,完全实化为那住在我们里面实际的灵;这内住之实际的灵是基督的实际─十四10~11、16~20。

B. The all-inclusive Christ, who is the embodiment of the Triune God, is fully realized as the Spirit of reality who dwells within us; the indwelling Spirit of reality is the reality of Christ-14:10-11, 16-20.

三 在基督身体的实际里,就是得着实际的灵作到我们里面并构成到我们这人里面─弗三16~21,四4~6、12、16。

C. To be in the reality of the Body of Christ is to have the Spirit of reality wrought into us and constituted into our being-Eph. 3:16-21; 4:4-6, 12, 16.

伍 基督身体的实际就是“那在耶稣身上是实际者”─21节:

V. The reality of the Body of Christ is "the reality...in Jesus"-v. 21:

一 那在耶稣身上是实际者,是指耶稣一生的真实光景,如四福音书所记载的─弗四21。

A. The reality in Jesus is the actual condition of the life of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels-v.?21.

二 耶稣生活的素质乃是实际─约一14、17,十四6。

B. The essence of the life of Jesus is reality-John 1:14, 17;14:6.

三 以弗所四章二十四节的“那实际”,乃是神的人位化:─引用经文

C. "The reality" in Ephesians 4:24 is the personification of God:

1 这实际是展示在耶稣的生活里。

1. This reality was exhibited in the life of Jesus.

2 耶稣的人性生活是照着这实际,就是照着神自己。

2. The human living of Jesus was according to the reality, that is, according to God Himself.

3 神与祂同在,并且祂与神是一且彰显神;这就是“那在耶稣身上是实际者”的意思。

3. God was with Him, and He was one with God and expressed God; this is the meaning of the reality is in Jesus.

四 主耶稣在地上生活的方式,乃是今天基督身体的肢体所该生活的方式─17、20~21节,五1~2、8:

D. The way that the Lord Jesus lived on earth is the way that the members of the Body of Christ should live today-vv. 17, 20-21; 5:1-2, 8:

1 我们生活的标准必须是照着那在耶稣身上是实际者,就是照着主耶稣在地上时所活出的实际─四20~21。

1. Our standard of living must be according to the reality in Jesus, the reality lived out by the Lord Jesus when He was on earth-4:20-21.

2 我们需要学基督,并在祂里面受教导,过实际的生活─20~21节,约贰1,约四23~24。

2. We need to learn Christ and be taught in Him to live a life of reality-vv. 20-21; 2 John 1; John 4:23-24.

3 我们作为基督身体的肢体,该过一种实际的生活,如同那在耶稣身上是实际者─就是彰显神的生活─弗五30,四20~21。

3. As members of the Body of Christ, we should live a life of reality, as the reality is in Jesus-a life of expressing God-Eph. 5:30; 4:20-21.

4 那在耶稣身上是实际者该复制在祂许多的肢体身上,好使他们能团体地活在基督身体的实际里─约十四19。

4. The reality in Jesus should be duplicated in His many members so that they may live corporately in the reality of the Body of Christ-John 14:19.


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