

标 语


Because God desires a corporate man to represent Him in subduing and regaining the earth from the usurping hand of Satan,God's chosen and redeemed people need to be formed into an armyto journey with God and to fight with God for His interest on earth.


God desires that all His people be Nazarites;to be a Nazarite is to be sanctified, separated, absolutely and ultimately to God,that is, to be for nothing other than God and for nothing other than His satisfaction.


As partners of Christ fighting for God's interest,we need to have faith in God's word, honor God by believing in Him,see a vision of the all-inclusive Christ typified by the good land,conquer the satanic chaos, and triumph in the divine economy.


Christ is the center of God's move on the earthfrom His incarnation through His ascension to His second coming;God is still moving on this earth in and through the church,and He is moving with Christ as the unique Leader and center of the church.
