

标 语

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God was leading His people into the good land, a type of Christ, by Christ, and He was sustaining them on their way to the good land also by Christ, who is everything that proceeds out through the mouth of God; every word in Deuteronomy is the very Christ, who is now the word of God for us to receive as our life and life supply.


The government of God is the governmental administration of the righteous, holy, faithful, tender, loving, and compassionate God.


Because we are practically joined to Christ as the reality of the good land and are enjoying His riches, God's eyes are upon us continually, causing us to enjoy God's presence and making us the object of His care.


Those who are qualified to inherit and live in the good land know God's heart and God's government, love God, trust in God, fear God, subject themselves to God's ruling, mind the tender feelings of God, and live in the presence of God.


At the entrance of the church there is the cross, and in order to meet as the church, we must experience the cross for the crucifying of the self, for the overthrowing of "reasonings and every high thing rising up against the knowledge of God," and for the exalting of Christ alone so that He may be all and in all for God's expression and the unique testimony of oneness.


Believers in Christ who live under the government of God choose life and receive blessing, living according to the principle of life and realizing that in the Christian life and the church life everything depends on the Lord's blessing.
