第三篇 那地的美好─其食物

The Goodness of the Land——Its Food



壹 基督作居首位和包罗万有者,乃是众圣徒所分得的分─西一12:

I. Christ, as the preeminent and all-inclusive One, is the allotted portion of the saints——Col. 1:12:

一 所分得的分是指业分,如以色列人分得迦南美地之分,作他们的产业─书十四1。

A. The allotted portion refers to the lot of the inheritance, as illustrated by the allotment of the good land of Canaan given to the children of Israel for their inheritance—— Josh. 14:1.

二 新约信徒所分得的分,不是物质的土地,乃是包罗万有的基督作为赐生命的灵─西二6~7,加三14,五16,罗八4:

B. The New Testament believers' allotted portion is not a physical land; it is the all-inclusive Christ as the life-giving Spirit——Col. 2:6-7; Gal. 3:14; 5:16; Rom. 8:4:

1 美地的丰富预表基督那追测不尽之丰富的不同方面,在祂的灵里作祂信徒全备的供应─申八7~10,弗三8,腓一19。

1. The riches of the good land typify the unsearchable riches of Christ in different aspects as the bountiful supply to His believers in His Spirit——Deut. 8:7-10; Eph. 3:8; Phil. 1:19.

2 在基督里的信徒借着享受那地的丰富,被建造为基督的身体,作神的家与神的国─弗一22~23,二21~22,提前三15,太十六18~19,罗十四17。

2. By enjoying the riches of the land, the believers in Christ are built up to be Christ's Body as the house of God and the kingdom of God——Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22; 1 Tim. 3:15; Matt. 16:18-19; Rom. 14:17.

三 因着我们实际地联于基督这美地的实际,并享受祂的丰富,神的眼目就一直看顾我们,使我们享受神的同在,并使我们成为祂眷顾的对象─申十一12,启一14,五6,代下十六9,诗三二8。

C. Because we are practically joined to Christ as the reality of the good land and are enjoying His riches, God's eyes are upon us continually, causing us to enjoy God's presence and making us the object of His care——Deut. 11:12; Rev. 1:14; 5:6; 2 Chron. 16:9; Psa. 32:8.

贰 神呼召的目的,是要将神所拣选的人带进流奶与蜜的美地所预表包罗万有之基督的享受里─出三8,林前一2、9:

II. The purpose of God's calling is to bring God's chosen people into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ, typified by the good land flowing with milk and honey——Exo. 3:8; 1 Cor. 1:2, 9:

一 奶和蜜是动物生命与植物生命的调和,是基督生命的两面─救赎的一面和生产的一面─申八8,二六9,参约一29,十二24:

A. Milk and honey, which are the mingling of both the animal life and the vegetable life, are two aspects of the life of Christ——the redeeming aspect and the generating aspect——Deut. 8:8; 26:9; cf. John 1:29; 12:24:

1 基督的生命救赎这一面是为着我们法理的救赎,基督的生命生产这一面是为着我们生机的拯救─一29,十二24,启二7,二二14,罗五10。

1. The redeeming aspect of Christ's life is for our judicial redemption, and the generating aspect of Christ's life is for our organic salvation——1:29; 12:24; Rev. 2:7; 22:14; Rom. 5:10.

2 主桌子的表记之物,表征基督的生命救赎与生产这两面,为着神完整的救恩;因此,美地成了桌子,筵席,作我们的享受─太二六26~28,林前十16~17。

2. The symbols of the Lord's table signify the redeeming and generating aspects of Christ's life for God's complete salvation; thus, the good land has become a table, a feast for our enjoyment——Matt. 26:26-28; 1 Cor. 10:16-17.

二 我们借着享受基督作流奶与蜜之地,就被祂这奶与蜜所构成─“我新妇,你的嘴唇滴下新蜜;你的舌下有蜜有奶”─歌四11上,彼前二2,诗一一九103。

B. By enjoying Christ as the land of milk and honey, we will be constituted with Him as milk and honey——"Your lips drip fresh honey, my bride; I Honey and milk are under your tongue"—— S. S. 4:11a; 1 Pet. 2:2; Psa. 119:103.

叁 美地有小麦;小麦预表受限制的耶稣,那成为肉体、被钉死并埋葬者─申八8,约十二24:

III. The good land is a land of wheat, typifying the limited Jesus, the One who was incarnated, crucified, and buried——Deut. 8:8; John 12:24:

一 我们在受限制、受压迫的处境中,可以经历主作一粒麦子─24~26节上,启一9,徒十六7:

A. In the midst of situations that limit us and press us, we may experience the Lord as a grain of wheat——vv. 24-26a; Rev. 1:9; Acts 16:7:

1 当我们在限制我们并约束我们的处境中接触主时,我们就领悟到祂是那位无限的神成了有限的人,并且领悟到在祂里面有能力承受任何限制─腓四13。

1. When we contact the Lord in our limiting and restricting circumstances, we will realize that He is the infinite God who became a finite man and that there is power in Him to bear any kind of limitation——Phil. 4:13.

2 基督是我们的生命,在我们里面乃是一粒麦子,过成为肉体者、受限制者的生活;祂是我们的生命,使我们愿意受限制,愿意死,愿意被埋葬─西一27,三4。

2. Christ our life is within us as a grain of wheat to live the life of the incarnated One, the limited One; He is our life to make us willing to be limited and to die and be buried——Col. 1:27; 3:4.

3 我们若接触主,就会经历祂是一粒麦子;在祂里面,我们对我们的景况就会知足─腓四11~12。

3. If we contact the Lord, we will experience Him as a grain of wheat, and in Him we will be content with our situation—— Phil. 4:11-12.

二 保罗认为自己是基督耶稣的囚犯;表面上他是拘禁在监牢里,实际上他是被囚在基督里─弗三1,四1。

B. Paul considered himself the prisoner of Christ Jesus; apparently, Paul was confined in a physical prison; actually, he was imprisoned in Christ——Eph. 3:1; 4:1.

三 至终每一个忠信爱慕基督的人,不仅要受基督监禁,也要被监禁在基督里;我们越爱祂,我们就越在他里面,到一个地步,祂成了我们的囚牢;我们在这囚牢里能享受基督到极致─腓四4。

C. Eventually, every faithful lover of Christ will be imprisoned not only by Christ but in Christ; the more we love Him, the more we will be in Him to such an extent that He becomes our prison where we can enjoy Him to the uttermost——Phil. 4:4.

肆 美地有大麦;大麦预表复活的基督─申八8:

IV. The good land is a land of barley, typifying the resurrected Christ——Deut. 8:8:

一 因着大麦早成熟,所以大麦是庄稼中的初熟果子─预表复活的基督─林前十五20,利二三10。

A. Because barley ripens early, it is the firstfruits of the harvest—— a type of the resurrected Christ——1 Cor. 15:20; Lev. 23:10.

二 作为初熟的果子,基督已经成为生命的粮(饼);因此,大麦饼表征在复活里的基督作我们的食物─约六48,申八9上:

B. As the firstfruits, Christ has become the bread of life; hence, barley loaves signify Christ in resurrection as food to us—— John 6:48; Deut. 8:9a:

1 五这数字表征责任;这指明复活的基督能承担责任─约六9。

1. The number five signifies responsibility; this indicates that the resurrected Christ is able to bear responsibility—— John 6:9.

2 我们从基督这大麦饼得喂养时,我们就成为大麦饼,以我们所经历的基督喂养别人─参士七13~14。

2. As we feed on Christ as the barley loaves, we become a loaf of barley to feed others with the Christ whom we have experienced——cf. Judg. 7:13-14.

三 我们要经历小麦(就是受限制的耶稣),就需要应用大麦(就是无限的基督);我们在复活基督的大能里,跟从受限制的耶稣─来十三12~13。

C. In order to experience the wheat, the limited Jesus, we need to apply the barley, the unlimited Christ; we follow the limited Jesus in the power of the resurrected Christ——Heb. 13:12-13.

四 我们在那加我们能力者的里面,凡事都能作,因为祂是复活且无限的基督─腓四13。

D. We can do all things in the One who empowers us because He is the resurrected and unlimited Christ——Phil. 4:13.

伍 美地有葡萄树;葡萄树预表献祭(牺牲)的基督,就是将祂自己一切全献上的基督;本于祂的牺牲,祂产生了新酒,使神与人喜乐─申八8,士九13,诗一〇四15上:

V. The good land is a land of vines, typifying the sacrificing Christ, the Christ who sacrificed everything of Himself, and out of His sacrifice He produced new wine to cheer God and man——Deut. 8:8; Judg. 9:13; Psa. 104:15a:

一 基督是生产酒的人,献上自己以产生酒,使神与别人喜乐;我们若接触这位由葡萄树所预表的基督,并经历祂牺牲的生命,祂就会使我们有力过牺牲的生活,产生酒使神和别人快乐─罗十二1,弗五2,林后一24。

A. Christ is the wine-producer, sacrificing Himself to produce wine to cheer God and others; if we contact the Christ typified by the vine and experience His sacrificing life, He will energize us to live a life of sacrifice, producing wine to make God and others happy——Rom. 12:1; Eph. 5:2; 2 Cor. 1:24.

二 我们在自己里面无法过牺牲的生活,因为我们的生命是天然的生命,自私的生命─伯二4,太十六25:

B. In ourselves we are not able to live a life of sacrifice, for our life is a natural life, a selfish life—— Job 2:4; Matt. 16:25:

1 我们若是接触主,经历祂牺牲的生命,祂就要加给我们力量,刚强我们,使我们为神为人牺牲─腓四13,罗十二1,弗五2。

1. If we contact the Lord and experience His sacrificing life, He will energize and strengthen us to sacrifice for God and for others——Phil. 4:13; Rom. 12:1; Eph. 5:2.

2 我们越经历基督作葡萄树连同祂牺牲的生命,我们就越得着加力,能牺牲自己,使神和别人快乐:

2. The more we experience Christ as the vine with His sacrificing life, the more we will be energized to sacrifice ourselves to make God and others happy:

a 我们要被快乐“灌醉”,看见最快乐的人乃是最不自私的人。

a. We will be "drunken" with happiness, realizing that the happiest person is the one who is the most unselfish.

b 我们要将快乐带给那些和我们接触的人,也要将喜乐带给神─林后一24,五13上。

b. We will bring happiness to those who contact us, and we will bring cheer to God——2 Cor. 1:24; 5:13a.

陆 美地有无花果树;无花果树表征基督作我们供应的甘甜与满足─申八8,民十三23,士九11:

VI. The good land is a land of fig trees, signifying the sweetness and satisfaction of Christ as our supply——Deut. 8:8; Num. 13:23; Judg. 9:11:

一 保罗是经历并享受基督的甘甜和满足作供应之人的榜样─腓一7、18~19,二17~18,三1,四4、10~13。

A. Paul is a pattern of one who experienced and enjoyed the sweetness and satisfaction of Christ as his supply——Phil. 1:7, 18-19; 2:17-18; 3:1; 4:4, 10-13.

二 虽然保罗情愿离世与基督同在,但他为着使众圣徒得到信仰上的进步和喜乐,愿意留在肉身里─一21~26:

B. Although Paul's desire was to depart and be with Christ, he was willing to remain in the flesh for the sake of the saints' progress and joy of the faith——1:21-26:

1 借着保罗这管道,众圣徒能经历基督,并得到信仰上的进步和喜乐─25节。

1. Through Paul as a channel, the saints could experience Christ and have the progress and joy of the faith——v. 25.

2 今天急切需要供应的管道;圣徒们若要经历基督,必须有人作供应的管道。

2. Today there is an urgent need for channels of supply; if the saints are to experience Christ, someone must serve as a channel of supply.

三 保罗是有分于恩典的人,他在主里大大的喜乐;保罗在主里喜乐,他的喜乐没有随着时间消减─4节,二2,三1,四4、10。

C. Paul was a partaker of grace, and he rejoiced in the Lord greatly; he was happy in the Lord, and his happiness did not diminish as time went by——v. 4; 2:2; 3:1; 4:4, 10.

四 保罗借着基督的身体,接受耶稣基督之灵全备的供应;恩典乃是神在基督里作我们的享受,借着耶稣基督之灵全备的供应,传输给我们─一19,四23。

D. Through the Body Paul received the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; grace is God in Christ as our enjoyment conveyed to us through the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ——1:19; 4:23.

柒 美地有石榴树;石榴树预表生命的丰满,生命的丰盛和美丽,以及生命丰富的彰显─申八8,出二八33~34,王上七18~20:

VII. The good land is a land of pomegranates, typifying the fullness of life, the abundance and beauty of life, and the expression of the riches of life——Deut. 8:8; Exo. 28:33-34; 1 Kings 7:18-20:

一 大祭司的外袍表征召会,其底边有石榴和金铃─出二八33~34。

A. Pomegranates and golden bells were on the bottom part of the high priest's robe, which signifies the church——Exo. 28:33-34.

二 召会该在人性里满了生命,这就是用麻作的石榴的意义。

B. The church should be full of life in her humanity; this is the significance of pomegranates made of linen.

三 召会有人性为着彰显生命的丰满,也有神性为着金铃的声音:

C. The church has humanity for the expression of the fullness of life and also divinity for the sounding of the golden bells:

1 生命的丰满彰显在召会的人性里,而警告的声音彰显在召会的神性(金铃)里─35节。

1. The fullness of life is expressed in the church's humanity, but the voice of warning is expressed in the church's divinity (the golden bells)——v. 35.

2 首先我们有生命丰满的彰显,然后有金铃的声音,就是出自召会之神性的说话。

2. We first have the expression of the fullness of life and then the sounding of the golden bells, that is, the speaking from the divinity of the church.

3 彰显在我们人性里生命的华美,以及来自金铃之神圣的声音,乃是正确召会生活的标记。

3. The beauty of life expressed in our humanity and the divine sounding from the golden bells are signs of a proper church life.

四 环绕殿中柱子上端之柱顶的二百个石榴,表征生命丰富的彰显─王上七18~20,代下三15~16,耶五二22~23,启三12:

D. The two hundred pomegranates surrounding the capitals at the top of the pillars in the temple signify the expression of the riches of life——1 Kings 7:18-20; 2 Chron. 3:15-16; Jer. 52:22-23; Rev. 3:12:

1 审判自己的人(铜),不重看自己的人,能在错综复杂的光景(装修的格子网和拧成的炼索形成的花圈)中完全担负责任,因为他们不是凭自己活,乃是凭在神里面的信心(刻着百合花)而活;因此,他们二百倍的显出生命的丰富(石榴)─王上七15~22。

1. Those who judge themselves (bronze) and regard themselves as nothing will be able to bear responsibility in full in the midst of an intermixed and complicated situation (nets of checker work and wreaths of chain work) because they live not by themselves but by faith in God (lily work); thus, they express the riches of life two hundredfold (pomegranates)——1 Kings 7:15-22.

2 每一百个石榴中,九十六个是外露的,四个是遮盖起来的─耶五二22~23:

2. Out of every one hundred pomegranates, ninety-six were exposed to the open air, and four were covered—— Jer. 52:22-23:

a 生命丰富的彰显是永远完全的,在复活的新鲜中,也在那灵里。

a. The expression of the riches of life is eternally complete, in the freshness of resurrection, and in the Spirit.

b 每一百个石榴中有四个是隐藏的,这指明我们天然的人,我们天然的生命,和我们的己,必须遮藏起来。

b. The fact that four of every one hundred pomegranates were hidden indicates that our natural being, our natural life, and our self must be concealed.

c 当我们天然的人消失时,我们就有九十六个石榴,就是在属灵空气的实际中基督生命丰富的彰显。

c. When our natural being disappears, we have the ninety-six pomegranates, the rich expression of the life of Christ in the reality of the spiritual air.

捌 美地有橄榄树;橄榄树预表基督是被圣灵充满并为圣灵所膏的一位─申八8,亚四12:

VIII. The good land is a land of olive trees, typifying Christ as the One who was filled and anointed with the Spirit——Deut. 8:8; Zech. 4:12:

一 橄榄树的油预表圣灵,是用来尊重神和人的─士九9,参撒上二30:

A. The olive tree's oil, typifying the Holy Spirit, is used to honor God and man—— Judg. 9:9; cf. 1 Sam. 2:30:

1 我们若没有圣灵,就不能服事主或帮助别人─徒六3。

1. We cannot serve the Lord or help others without the Holy Spirit——Acts 6:3.

2 我们要服事主并帮助别人,就必须被那灵充满;唯有当我们被那灵充满时,我们才能尊重神并尊重人。

2. In order to serve the Lord and help others, we must be filled with the Spirit; only when we are filled with the Spirit can we honor God and honor others.

二 我们将基督供应给别人,用油供应他们的时候,我们就是用神(金)供应他们─亚四11~12:

B. When we minister Christ to others, supplying them with oil, we are supplying them with God (gold)——Zech. 4:11-12:

1 我们都该是橄榄树,从我们自己里面流出神来,流到别人里面。

1. We all should be olive trees emptying God from ourselves into others.

2 这样,借着那些作橄榄树流出神的人,需要的人就得着油的供应。

2. In this way oil will be provided to the needy ones by those who are olive trees out of which God is flowing.

三 我们作为基督徒乃是橄榄树,不是作个别的树,乃是作基督这独一橄榄树的枝子─11~12节:

C. As Christians, we are olive trees, not in the sense of being separate trees but in the sense of being branches of Christ, the unique olive tree——vv. 11-12:

1 基督是那唯一的橄榄树,但从祂已经有许多分枝、许多苗生出来,这些分枝或苗,就是今天在地上的许多橄榄树。

1. Although Christ is the unique olive tree, out from Him many branches, many shoots, have issued forth; these branches, or shoots, are the many olive trees on earth today.

2 我们是基督这独一橄榄树的枝子,需要用油,就是用那灵,供应别人,使他们得以被点活,作神独一的见证。

2. As branches of Christ, the unique olive tree, we need to supply others with oil, that is, with the Spirit, so that they may be enlivened for God's unique testimony.
