
标 语

Jehovah is the tenderhearted God, and in being tenderhearted, Jeremiah was absolutely one with God; thus, God could use the prophet Jeremiah, an overcomer, to express Him, speak for Him, and represent Him, even in his weeping.
Jeremiah, a book full of speaking concerning Israel’s sin and God’s wrath, chastisement, and punishment, reveals that God’s intention in His economy is to be the fountain, the source, of living waters to dispense Himself into His chosen people for their satisfaction and enjoyment with the goal of producing the church, God’s counterpart, as God’s increase, God’s enlargement, to be God’s fullness for His expression.
God is eternal and immutable, not subject to any change due to the environment and circumstances, and God’s throne is the throne of His eternal and unchanging government; in his speaking about God’s eternal being and throne, Jeremiah came out of his human feelings, touched God’s person and God’s throne, and entered into God’s divinity.
God as our Potter has sovereignly created us to be His vessels, His containers, to contain Himself according to His predestination; God’s purpose in creating man was to make man His vessel, His earthenware container, to contain and be filled with Christ as life for the building up of the Body of Christ as God’s great corporate vessel for His expression.
As the Shepherd according to God’s heart, Christ, the great Shepherd of the sheep, is continuing His shepherding by incorporating the apostolic ministry with His heavenly ministry to shepherd God’s flock; in the Lord’s recovery today, we need to realize that the shepherding that builds up the Body of Christ is a mutual shepherding, and we need to shepherd one another according to God, taking all-inclusive, tender care of the flock.
In order to be one with God, we need Christ as the Shoot of David to be our redemption and justification; this ushers the Triune God into us to be our life, our inner life law, our capacity, and our everything to dispense Himself into our being to carry out His economy; this is the new covenant, in which we can know God, live God, and become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead so that we may become His corporate expression as the New Jerusalem.
