
第六篇 进入基督身体之实际的内在意义─神经纶中的最高峰以及圣经拔尖的启示

Entering into the Intrinsic Significance of the Reality of the Body of Christ— the Highest Peak in God's Economy and the Top Revelation of the Bible



壹 基督身体的实际乃是神经纶中的最高峰以及圣经拔尖的启示,借由智慧和启示的灵启示出来─弗一17、22~23:

I. The reality of the Body of Christ is the highest peak in God's economy and the top revelation of the Bible, revealed through a spirit of wisdom and revelation—Eph. 1:17, 22-23:

一 我们需要启示以认识基督身体的实际,并进入基督身体之实际的范围和内在意义,这身体乃是神的心愿并祂终极的定旨─5、9~11、22~23节,罗十二1~2。

A. We need revelation to know the reality of the Body of Christ and to enter into the realm and intrinsic significance of the reality of the Body of Christ as God's heart's desire and His ultimate purpose—vv. 5, 9-11, 22-23; Rom. 12:1-2.

二 唯有从神来的启示,能把我们带进基督身体的实际这范围里;唯有如此,基督的身体才能成为我们的经历─徒九1~5、15,二六18~19,弗一17~23,三3~5、9,林前十二12。

B. Only a revelation from God will usher us into the realm of the reality of the Body of Christ, and only then will the Body become our experience—Acts 9:1-5, 15; 26:18-19; Eph. 1:17-23; 3:3-5, 9; 1 Cor. 12:12.

三 我们要看见神终极的定旨这属天的异象,其秘诀乃是愿意付代价─太五3、8,六22,诗二五9、14,启三18。

C. The secret of seeing the heavenly vision of God's ultimate purpose is our willingness to pay the price for it—Matt. 5:3, 8; 6:22; Psa. 25:9, 14; Rev. 3:18.

贰 由锡安所预表的得胜者,乃是基督身体的实际,并且终极完成众地方召会中基督身体的建造,带进永世里终极完成的圣城新耶路撒冷,就是作神居所的至圣所;在新天新地里,整个新耶路撒冷将成为锡安,所有的信徒都是得胜者─二一1~3、7、16、22:

II. The overcomers typified by Zion are the reality of the Body of Christ and consummate the building up of the Body in the local churches to bring in the consummated holy city, New Jerusalem, the Holy of Holies as God's dwelling place in eternity; in the new heaven and new earth, the entire New Jerusalem will become Zion, with all the believers as the overcomers—21:1-3, 7, 16, 22:

一 由锡安所预表的得胜者乃是基督身体的实际,是召会的高峰、中心、高举、加强、丰富、华美和实际─诗四八2、11~12,五十2,二十2,五三6上。

A. The overcomers typified by Zion as the reality of the Body of Christ are the high peak, the center, the uplifting, the strengthening, the enriching, the beauty, and the reality of the church—Psa. 48:2, 11-12; 50:2; 20:2; 53:6a.

二 耶路撒冷(召会)的特色、生命、祝福、建立,都是来自于锡安(得胜者):

B. The characteristics, the life, the blessing, and the establishment of Jerusalem (the church) come from Zion (the overcomers):

1 在王上八章一节,长老是在耶路撒冷,约柜是在锡安。─引用经文

1. In 1 Kings 8:1 the elders were in Jerusalem, and the Ark of the Covenant was in Zion.

2 诗篇五十一篇十八节说,神按祂的美意善待锡安,建造耶路撒冷的城墙。─引用经文

2. Psalm 51:18 says that God did His good pleasure unto Zion and built the walls of Jerusalem.

3 诗篇一百零二篇二十一节说,耶和华的名是在锡安传述,赞美祂的话是在耶路撒冷传述。─引用经文

3. Psalm 102:21 says that the name of Jehovah was declared in Zion and that His praise was declared in Jerusalem.

4 诗篇一百二十八篇五节说,耶和华赐福是从锡安,美福是见于耶路撒冷。─引用经文

4. Psalm 128:5 says that Jehovah blessed from Zion and that the prosperity was seen in Jerusalem.

5 诗篇一百三十五篇二十一节说,耶和华是住在耶路撒冷,却是从锡安受颂赞。─引用经文

5. Psalm 135:21 says that Jehovah dwelt in Jerusalem but that He was to be blessed from Zion.

6 在以赛亚四十一章二十七节,话先对锡安说,然后报给耶路撒冷。─引用经文

6. In Isaiah 41:27 the word was first announced to Zion and then preached to Jerusalem.

7 约珥书三章十七节说,神住在锡安时,耶路撒冷就成为圣。─引用经文

7. Joel 3:17 says that when God dwelt in Zion, Jerusalem would be holy.

8 神今日在失败的召会中,寻找那十四万四千人,他们将要站立在锡安山上─启十四1~5。

8. Today God is looking for the one hundred and forty-four thousand amidst the defeated church, those who will stand on Mount Zion—Rev. 14:1-5.

三 神每次都是借少数的信徒,把生命流到召会里,以复兴召会;得胜者代替召会在苦难中站住基督得胜的地位;我们要求神在我们里面运行,使我们愿意被基督征服、俘掳并击败,好叫祂在我们的经历中可以是得胜的─腓二13,林后二12~14。

C. God always uses a small number of believers to pass on the flow of life to the church and to revive the church; on behalf of the church, the overcomers take the stand of Christ's victory in the midst of sufferings; we need to ask God to operate in us the willingness to let ourselves be conquered, captured, and defeated by Christ so that He can be the Victor in our experience—Phil. 2:13; 2 Cor. 2:12-14.

四 按预表说,得胜者─得成全并成熟的神人─就是今日耶路撒冷(召会生活)里的锡安─来十二22,启十四1~5:

D. In typology the overcomers, the perfected and matured God-men, are today's Zion within today's Jerusalem (the church life)—Heb. 12:22; Rev. 14:1-5:

1 在召会生活里必定有一班得胜者,这些得胜者乃是今日的锡安。

1. Within the church life there must be a group of overcomers, and these over comers are today's Zion.

2 没有锡安(得胜者),耶路撒冷(召会生活)就无法蒙保守并得维持;在一个地方召会里如果没有得胜者,那个召会就像耶路撒冷没有锡安一样;那个召会就会变成像瘪气的轮胎一样。

2. Without Zion (the overcomers), Jerusalem (the church life) cannot be kept and maintained; if there are no overcomers in a local church, that church is like Jerusalem without Zion; it will become like a flat tire.

五 主的恢复是要建造锡安─得胜者作基督身体的实际,终极完成于新耶路撒冷;在召会生活中我们必须竭力达到今日的锡安─弗一22~23,四16,林前一2,十二27,启十四1,二一2,诗八四5。

E. The Lord's recovery is to build up Zion—the overcomers as the reality of the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem; in the church life we must endeavor to reach today's Zion—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:16; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:27; Rev. 14:1; 21:2; Psa. 84:5.

六 基督身体的实际乃是得成全的神人,就是得胜者,所过的团体生活;他们是真正的人,但他们不凭自己的生命,乃凭经过过程之神的生命而活,经过过程之神的属性借着他们的美德彰显出来─腓四5~9:

F. The reality of the Body of Christ is the corporate living by the perfected Godmen, the overcomers, who are genuine men not living by their life but by the life of the processed God, whose attributes have been expressed through their virtues—Phil. 4:5-9:

1 主迫切需要得胜者连同他们的神人生活,作为基督身体的实际彰显在地方召会中;除非这个身体有相当的彰显,否则主耶稣不会回来─弗一22~23,四16,五27、30,启十九7。

1. The Lord urgently needs the overcomers with their God-man living as the reality of the Body of Christ to be expressed in the local churches; unless there is a substantial expression of the Body, the Lord Jesus will not return—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:16; 5:27, 30; Rev. 19:7.

2 主需要得胜者完成神的经纶,好得着基督的身体并毁坏祂的仇敌;没有得胜者,基督的身体就无法建造起来,而基督的身体若没有建造起来,基督就无法回来迎娶祂的新妇─弗一10,三10,启十二11,十九7~9。

2. The Lord needs the overcomers to carry out the economy of God in order to have the Body of Christ and to destroy His enemy; without the overcomers, the Body of Christ cannot be built up, and unless the Body of Christ is built up, Christ cannot come back for His bride—Eph. 1:10; 3:10; Rev. 12:11; 19:7-9.

叁 为要与其他肢体一同活在基督身体的实际里,我们都需要有基督身体的感觉─林前十二24~27,林后十一28~29:

III. In order to live together with other members in the reality of the Body of Christ, we all need to have the consciousness of the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 12:24-27; 2 Cor. 11:28-29:

一 “关于基督的身体,倪弟兄教导说,凡我们所作的,我们必须考虑众召会有什么感觉”─召会生活中引起风波的难处,二六页。

A. "When Brother Nee taught about the Body, he said that with whatever we do, we have to consider how the churches would feel about it"—The Problems Causing the Turmoils in the Church Life, pp. 28-29.

二 在身体里不可能有独立或个人主义,因为我们是肢体,而肢体无法脱离身体而生活─林前十二27,罗十二5,弗五30。

B. In the Body there can be no independence or individualism, for we are members, and members cannot live in detachment from the Body—1 Cor. 12:27; Rom. 12:5; Eph. 5:30.

三 我们的生活连同所有的一切都是在身体里,都是经过身体,也都是为着身体的;这是神今天所寻找的人;愿主拯救我们脱离个人主义。

C. Our living with all that we have is in the Body, through the Body, and for the Body; this is the kind of person God is looking for today; may the Lord deliver us from individualism.

四 那些看见自己是肢体的人,定规宝爱身体,并且看重别的肢体;在基督的身体里,每一个人都是基督身体上的肢体,也只是基督身体上的一个肢体;所以每一个肢体都不能缺少别的肢体,更不能轻看别的肢体─林前十二15、21、23~24,罗十二3,腓二29,林前十六18,士九9。

D. Those who see that they are members of the Body treasure the Body and honor the other members; in the Body of Christ everyone is a member and nothing more than a member; hence, no member can live without the other members, much less despise them—1 Cor. 12:15, 21, 23-24; Rom. 12:3; Phil. 2:29; 1 Cor. 16:18; Judg. 9:9.

五 每一个肢体都有其功用,所有的功用也都是为着身体;一个肢体的功用,就是全身体的功用;因此,我们不要仿效别的肢体,或羡慕别的肢体(林前十二15);同时也不要以为自己最行,最有用,以致轻看别的肢体(21);每一个信徒都是基督身体上的肢体,都是不可少的。─引用经文

E. Every member has a function, and all the functions are for the Body; the function of one member is the function of the whole Body; for this reason we should not imitate other members or be covetous of other members (1 Cor. 12:15); at the same time we should not despise other members, thinking that we are better and more useful (v. 21); every believer is a member in the Body of Christ, and every believer is indispensable.

六 保罗在歌罗西四章七至十七节所提及的每一个名字,指明保罗里面有身体的感觉,就是一个新人的感觉:─引用经文

F. All the names mentioned by Paul in Colossians 4:7-17 indicate that with him there was a sense, a consciousness, of the Body as the one new man:

1 这些名字也给我们看见,众召会中没有差别─保罗写给歌罗西人的,也是为着老底嘉人的;他写给老底嘉人的,也是为着歌罗西人的;这含示何等的交通、合一、和谐、与亲密的接触!

1. All the names also show that there should be no differences among the churches—what Paul wrote to the Colossians was also for the Laodiceans, and what he wrote to the Laodiceans was for the Colossians; what fellowship, oneness, harmony, and intimate contact this implies!

2 保罗嘱咐推基古要将一切关于他的事,都告诉歌罗西人,因为他有身体─一个新人─的感觉。

2. Paul charged Tychicus to make known to the Colossians all that concerned him because of his consciousness of the Body as the one new man.

七 我们各人都知道自己的度量,并且不越过这度量,这对身体的长大和发展乃是必需的;我们需要学习与别的弟兄姊妹调和在一起─林前十二15~18,林后十13~14。

G. It is essential for the growth and development of the Body that we each recognize our measure and not go beyond it; we should learn to be blended with other brothers and sisters—1 Cor. 12:15-18; 2 Cor. 10:13-14.

八 每一个肢体都该知道自己的度量,不要看自己过于所当看的;这样就没有妒忌,没有野心,没有雄心要作别人所作的了─腓二2~4,罗十二1~5。

H. Every member should know his own capacity and not consider himself more highly than he ought; if everyone does this, there will be no jealousy, ambition, or craving to do what others can do—Phil. 2:2-4; Rom. 12:1-5.

九 我们一有身体的启示,就有身体的感觉;一有身体的感觉,一切个人的想法和行动就都除去了:

I. Wherever there is Body-revelation, there is Body-consciousness, and wherever there is Body-consciousness, individualistic thought and action are ruled out:

1 如果我们要认识身体,我们不但要蒙拯救脱离犯罪与天然的生命,更要蒙拯救脱离个人的生命。

1. If we want to know the Body, we need deliverance not only from our sinful life and our natural life but also from our individualistic life.

2 看见基督,就自然有一个结果,就是从罪得释放;看见身体,就自然有一个结果,就是从个人主义得释放;基督身体的范围不是借着作什么进入的,乃是借着看见而进入的。

2. Seeing Christ results in deliverance from sin; seeing the Body results in deliverance from individualism; we cannot enter into the realm of the Body by anything other than seeing.

3 我们不知道的,身体里别的肢体会知道;我们看不见的,身体里别的肢体能看见;我们不能作的,身体里别的肢体能作─林前十二17~22。

3. What we do not know, another member of the Body will know; what we cannot see, another member of the Body will see; what we cannot do, another member of the Body will do—1 Cor. 12:17-22.

4 如果我们拒绝在身体里同作肢体者的帮助,我们就是拒绝基督的帮助;单独的基督徒迟早要枯干;借着身体的肢体间彼此的倚靠,整个身体就得着建造─12节。

4. If we refuse the help of our fellow members, we are refusing the help of Christ; sooner or later all individualistic Christians will dry up; the whole Body is built up through the interdependence among the members—v. 12.

5 我们许多人都有这样的经历,当我们觉得枯干、碰壁的时候,需要别的弟兄姊妹为我们代祷,那种情形才可以过去─弗一16,西一9,腓一19,帖前五25,帖后三1,西四3,来十三18。

5. Many of us have the experience that when we are dry and have no way to go on, we need other brothers and sisters to intercede for us before we can get through—Eph. 1:16; Col. 1:9; Phil. 1:19; 1 Thes. 5:25; 2 Thes. 3:1; Col. 4:3; Heb. 13:18.

肆 为着基督身体的实际,神已经将身体调和在一起(林前十二24);“调和”这辞的意思是调整、使之和谐、调节并调在一起,含示失去区别;这调和的目的是要将我们众人引进基督身体的实际:─引用经文

IV. For the reality of the Body of Christ, God has blended the Body together (1 Cor. 12:24); the word blended means "adjusted," "harmonized," "tempered," and "mingled," implying the losing of distinctions; the purpose of the blending is to usher us all into the reality of the Body of Christ:

一 我们需要在作为手续的众地方召会里,好被带进基督身体的实际这目标里。

A. We need to be in the local churches as the procedure to be brought into the reality of the Body of Christ as the goal.

二 主恢复的最高峰,能真正、实际、真实完成神经纶的,不是叫神以有形的作法产生许多地方召会,乃是让神产生生机的身体作祂的生机体。

B. The highest peak of the Lord's recovery that can really, practically, and actually carry out God's economy is for God to produce not many local churches in a physical way but an organic Body to be His organism.

三 保罗认为召会是一个饼(十17),这种想法不是他自己发明的,乃是取自旧约里的素祭(利二4);素祭的细面,每一部分都是用油调和的──那就是相调。─引用经文

C. Paul's thought of the church being one bread (10:17) was not his own invention; rather, it was taken from the Old Testament with the meal offering (Lev. 2:4); every part of the flour of the meal offering was mingled with the oil—that is the blending.

四 少有人说到相调,因为这事不仅非常高深,也非常奥秘;相调不是一件物质的事;我们相调的意义,乃是基督身体的实际。

D. Hardly anyone speaks about blending because this is not only very high and deep but also very mysterious; it is not a physical matter; the significance of our blending is the reality of the Body of Christ.

五 我们要为着基督身体的实际而相调,就必须经过十字架,凭着那灵,为着基督身体的建造,将基督分赐给别人。

E. In order to be blended for the reality of the Body of Christ, we have to go through the cross and be by the Spirit to dispense Christ to others for the building up of the Body of Christ.

六 调和的意思是,我们总该停下来与别人交通;我们若有基督身体的感觉,并在基督身体的调和与实际中,我们就不会作任何事却不与我们一同配搭的圣徒交通;因为交通调节我们,调整我们,使我们和谐,把我们调在一起。

F. Blending means that we should always stop in order to fellowship with others; if we have the consciousness of the Body of Christ and are in the blending and reality of the Body of Christ, we will not do anything without fellowshipping with the other saints who are coordinating with us, because fellowship tempers us, fellowship adjusts us, fellowship harmonizes us, and fellowship mingles us.

七 一位同工要作什么之前,该与其他同工交通;长老该与其他长老交通;在召会生活里,在主的工作中,我们在配搭里都必须学习,若没有交通就不要作什么。

G. Before a co-worker does anything, he should fellowship with the other co-workers; an elder should fellowship with the other elders; in our coordination in the church life, in the Lord's work, we all have to learn not to do anything without fellowship.

八 一班负责弟兄也许常常在一起聚会而没有相调;相调的意思是,我们要经过十字架,凭着那灵行事,并且作每件事都为着基督身体的缘故分赐基督,借此我们就被别人摸着,我们也摸着别人。

H. A group of responsible brothers may meet together often without being blended; to be blended means that we are touched by others and that we are touching others by going through the cross, doing things by the Spirit, and doing everything to dispense Christ for His Body's sake.

九 这样的调和不是交际,乃是个别肢体、区内的众召会、同工、长老所享受、经历并有分于之基督的调和。

I. Such a blending is not social but the blending of the very Christ whom the individual members, the district churches, the co-workers, and the elders enjoy, experience, and partake of.

十 调和就是身体,调和就是一,调和就是同心合意。

J. Blending is the Body, blending is the oneness, and blending is the one accord.

十一 调和是为着建造基督宇宙的身体(弗一23),好照着神的喜悦,完成那作神经纶最终目标的新耶路撒冷(9~10,三8~10,启二一2)。─引用经文

K. The blending is for the building up of the universal Body of Christ (Eph. 1:23) to consummate the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2) as the final goal of God's economy according to His good pleasure (Eph. 3:8-10; 1:9-10).
