第四篇 因复活生命的新鲜供应日日得更新,以顶替我们的文化,并借着成为像新耶路撒冷一样的新,而在实际里成为一个新人

Being Renewed Day by Day with the Fresh Supply of the Resurrection Life to Replace Our Culture and to Become the One New Man in Reality by Becoming as New as the New Jerusalem



壹 以弗所四章二十二节说,“在从前的生活样式上,脱去了旧人”:

I. Ephesians 4:22 says, "Put off, as regards your former manner of life, the old man":

一 “旧人”指我们魂里天然的生命;旧人乃是我们这个由神所创造却因罪堕落的人─罗六6:

A. The old man refers to our natural life in our soul; the old man is our very being, which was created by God but became fallen through sin—Rom. 6:6:

1 旧人以及旧人所包括的一切,对召会生活乃是一种损害;哪里有旧人,哪里就无法有召会;这意思是说,我们的所是、所有并所作,使召会生活不可能实行。

1. The old man with all that it includes is a damage to the church life; wherever the old man is, there can be no church; this means that what we are, what we have, and what we do make the church life an impossibility.

2 我们若继续按着旧人活着,召会生活就会受到严重的破坏,甚至被了结;我们若脱去旧人和从前的生活样式,就会有一个美妙的召会生活,一个新耶路撒冷之缩影的召会生活;在这样的召会生活中,不可能有分裂。

2. If we continue to live according to the old man, the church life will be seriously damaged, even terminated; if we put off the old man with its former manner of life, we will have a marvelous church life, a church life that will be a miniature of the New Jerusalem; in such a church life it is impossible to have division.

二 “生活样式”一辞所含示的很广;世界上的各个国家、各个民族,都有特殊的生活样式:

B. The words manner of life imply a great deal; in every country of the world and among every people there is a characteristic manner of life:

1 从前的生活样式包括每一件与我们有关的事;我们必须脱去我们一切所是的、一切所作的和一切所有的;我们必须脱去我们生活的方式和我们的文化;我们的文化越强,对别人就越挑剔─参弗四31~32,西三12~14。

1. The former manner of life includes everything related to us; we must put off whatever we are, whatever we do, and whatever we have; we are to put off our very way of living and our culture; the stronger our culture is, the more critical we will be of others—cf. Eph. 4:31-32; Col. 3:12-14.

2 我们若真的渴望得更新,就必须脱去从前的生活样式;从前的生活样式与我们的生活方式和我们的文化有关;在新人里,希利尼人和犹太人、化外人和西古提人、为奴的和自主的,都不可能存在,因为见于这些人中间从前的生活样式已经除去了。

2. If we truly desire to be renewed, we need to put off the former manner of life, which involves our way of living and our culture; in the new man there is no possibility for Greek and Jew, barbarian and Scythian, slave and free man to exist, because the former manner of life found among these peoples has been put away.

3 每当我们回到老旧的生活样式时,我们就自然而然地感觉到我们里面是昏暗的,并且与神的生命隔绝─弗四17~19。

3. Whenever we return to the old manner of life, we will spontaneously sense that we are darkened within and estranged from God's life—Eph. 4:17-19.

4 为了过召会生活,从不同文化和不同国家来的人,必须脱去那具体表现在他们从前生活样式里的旧人;在召会生活中,只有基督有地位─西三10~11。

4. In order to have the church life, people from different cultures and countries have to put off the old man embodied in their former manner of life; in the church life there is room only for Christ—Col. 3:10-11.

5 有些所谓的召会是按着国籍组成的,那是何等可悲!我们不该宝贝我们的遗传,而该否认它;我们自然而然地就喜好旧的团体生活,但我们的生活方式必须在性情上、在样式上并在实行上完全是新的。

5. How deplorable it is to see so-called churches formed according to nationality; instead of treasuring our heritage, we should disown it; we automatically prefer our old community life, but our way of life must become absolutely new in nature, manner, and practice.

贰 既然以弗所二章十五至十六节里的新人是一个团体的人,四章二十四节的新人必定也是团体的;根据四章二十四节,我们需要穿上那在基督里已经创造成的新人:─引用经文

II. Since the new man in Ephesians 2:15-16 is a corporate man, the new man in 4:24 must also be corporate; according to Ephesians 4:24, we need to put on the very new man that has already been created in Christ:

一 我们受浸时已经脱去了旧人,这旧人已经与基督同钉十字架,并且已经埋葬了;我们也是在受浸时穿上了新人─22~24节,罗六6、4。

A. In baptism we put off the old man, which was crucified with Christ and buried; it was also in baptism that we put on the new man—vv. 22-24; Rom. 6:6, 4.

二 脱去旧人以及穿上新人,乃是已完成的事实;现今我们必须借着在我们心思的灵里得以更新,来经历并实化这些事实─弗四23:

B. The putting off of the old man and the putting on of the new man are accomplished facts; now we must experience and realize these facts by being renewed in the spirit of our mind—Eph. 4:23:

1 脱去旧人,就是借着将十字架应用于己,否认并弃绝我们老旧的己─22节,太十六24。

1. To put off the old man is to deny and renounce our old self by applying the cross to the self—v. 22; Matt. 16:24.

2 穿上新人,就是借着耶稣基督之灵全备的供应,活基督并显大基督(腓一19~21上);这是应用基督在创造新人时所完成的(弗二15,四24)。─引用经文

2. To put on the new man is to live and magnify Christ through the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:19-21a); this is to apply what Christ has accomplished in creating the new man (Eph. 2:15; 4:24).

三 我们那与神的灵调和的灵必须成为我们心思的灵(23);这样,我们一切的生活就都是凭着灵,我们所作的也都是照着灵;当我们被这灵更新时,我们就穿上了新人。─引用经文

C. Our spirit mingled with the Spirit of God must become the spirit of our mind (v. 23); then all our living will be by the spirit, and whatever we do will be according to the spirit; as we are renewed by this spirit, we put on the new man.

四 我们行事为人必须照着那正扩展到我们心思里,并充满其中的调和之灵;这样,新人的日常生活就是在心思的灵里;这乃是召会生活的秘诀─23节。

D. We need to walk according to the mingled spirit that is spreading into our mind and filling it; in this way the daily walk of the new man will be in the spirit of the mind; this is the secret of the church life—v. 23.

五 新人是在我们的灵里;穿上新人的路,在于让我们那与圣灵调和的灵(其中有神、神的居所和新人),成为我们心思的灵─二22,四23:

E. The new man is in our spirit; the way to put on the new man is for our spirit (which is mingled with the Spirit), in which are found God, God's dwelling place, and the new man, to become the spirit of our mind—2:22; 4:23:

1 灵成了我们心思的灵,意思就是说,灵指引、管理、支配、制伏并据有我们的心思(参林前二15~16,林后二13,十4~5);当灵指引我们的心思时,灵就管理我门的全人。─引用经文

1. For the spirit to become the spirit of our mind means that the spirit directs, controls, dominates, overrules, and possesses our mind (cf. 1 Cor. 2:15-16; 2 Cor. 2:13; 10:4-5); when the spirit directs our mind, our whole being is under the control of our spirit.

2 我们穿上新人有多少,乃在于我们的灵指引我们这个人有多少(林前二15);当我们的灵支配并指引我们时,文化、意见或规条就没有地位;因着我们全人是受我们的灵支配、管理、管制并指引,所以我们的办法没有地位。─引用经文

2. How much we put on the new man depends on how much our spirit directs our being (1 Cor. 2:15); when our spirit dominates and directs us, there is no ground for culture, for opinions, or for ordinances; there is no room for our way because our whole being is dominated, controlled, governed, and directed by our spirit.

3 调和的灵越多渗透、浸透、据有我们的心思,我们就越让基督的心思成为我们的心思─腓二5,林前二16,罗十二2。

3. The more the mingled spirit penetrates, saturates, and possesses our mind, the more we let Christ's mind become our mind—Phil. 2:5; 1 Cor. 2:16; Rom. 12:2.

六 当我们相信主耶稣时,赐生命的灵就进到我们灵里,随祂同来的是新人这个已经完成的产品;现今新人必须浸透并扩展到我们的每一部分;这个扩展就是穿上新人,也是更新。

F. When we believed in the Lord Jesus, the life-giving Spirit came into our spirit, bringing with Him the new man as a finished product; now the new man must saturate and spread into every part of our being; this spreading is both the putting on of the new man and the renewing.

七 我们不该照着心思的虚妄生活,乃该照着心思的灵生活;这是团体的一个新人日常生活的关键,也是召会生活满有神的特性、基督的香气和那灵的一的秘诀─弗四3~4、17~18、23~24。

G. We should not live according to the vanity of the mind but according to the spirit of the mind; this is the key to the daily living of the corporate one new man, the secret to having a church life filled with the character of God, the aroma of Christ, and the oneness of the Spirit—Eph. 4:3-4, 17-18, 23-24.

八 借着我们爱主,操练我们的灵祷告,并天天读主的话,我们的心思就被调和的灵充满;这使我们的心思得以改变并更新;我们在心思的灵里得以更新,乃是在一切对人生事物的观念上,受圣经的教训和圣灵的光照,而有的去旧更新─诗一一九105、130,提后三15~17,申十七18~20。

H. By our loving the Lord and by the exercise of our spirit in prayer and in reading the Word day by day, our mind is filled with the mingled spirit; this changes and renews our mind; for us to be renewed in our mind is to get rid of all the old concepts concerning the things of the human life and be made new again by the teaching of the Holy Scriptures and the enlightening of the Holy Spirit—Psa. 119:105, 130; 2 Tim. 3:15-17; Deut. 17:18-20.

九 神的定旨在今世得以完成,以得着一个新人的实际,唯一的可能乃是我们都愿意在我们心思的灵里得以更新。

I. The only possibility of God's purpose being fulfilled in this age, to have the one new man in reality, is if we would all be willing to be renewed in the spirit of our mind.

叁 保罗给歌罗西人的话,其中心点是关乎心思的更新,以致对那是神形像的基督有充足的知识;新人是在我们灵里创造的,并且正在照着基督的形像,在我们的心思里渐渐得更新,以致有充足的知识─弗二15,西三10~11:

III. The central point of Paul's word to the Colossians concerns the renewing of the mind unto the full knowledge of Christ, who is the image of God; the new man was created in our spirit and is being renewed in our mind unto full knowledge according to the image of Christ—Eph. 2:15; Col. 3:10-11:

一 新人原是用我们属于旧造的人创造的,所以需要更新;这更新主要地发生在我们的心思里,如“以致有充足的知识”所指明的─10节。

A. Because the new man was created with us who belong to the old creation, he needs to be renewed; this renewing takes place mainly in our mind, as indicated by the phrase unto full knowledge—v. 10.

二 新人照着神被创造,这已经完成;但在我们的经历中,新人正一点一点地渐渐更新,以致有充足的知识;我们越穿上新人,就越照着神的所是被更新,也越有祂的形像,就是祂所是的彰显─10节。

B. The creation of the new man according to God has already been completed, but in our experience the new man is being renewed unto full knowledge little by little; the more we put on the new man, the more we are renewed according to what God is, and the more we bear His image, the expression of what He is—v. 10.

三 得更新就是得着神的元素加到我们里面,以顶替并排除我们老旧的元素─启二一5上,林后五17,罗十二2,林后四16:

C. To be renewed is to have God's element added into our being to replace and discharge our old element—Rev. 21:5a; 2 Cor. 5:17; Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 4:16:

1 我们天然和本国的头脑,是照着我们的种族和文化背景受教育并建立起来的;这是新人得以实际出现的最大拦阻。

1. Our natural and national mentality was educated and built up according to our racial and cultural background; this is the greatest hindrance to the practical existence of the new man.

2 要使一个新人得以完满地出现,我们就必须经历心思彻底地更新,这心思是照着我们的国籍和文化建立起来的。

2. In order for the one new man to come into full existence, we must experience a thorough renewal of our mind, which has been built up according to our nationality and culture.

四 新就是神;所以,成为新的就是在生命、性情上,但不在神格上成为神:

D. Newness is God; therefore, to become new is to become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead:

1 神是常新的,祂将祂那常新不旧的素质灌注到我们内部,以更新我们全人─罗十二2,西三10。

1. God is forever new, and He infuses His ever-new essence into our being to renew our entire being—Rom. 12:2; Col. 3:10.

2 神的灵更新我们,乃是用神常新不旧、永存不衰的属性,灌注我们里面的各部分─启二一5上。

2. The Spirit of God renews us by infusing our inward parts with God's attributes, which are forever new, can never become old, and are everlasting and unchanging—Rev. 21:5a.

3 更新的灵将新人的神圣素质分赐到我们里面,使我们成为新造,新人─多三5,林后五17,加六15。

3. The renewing Spirit imparts the divine essence of the new man into our being to make us a new creation, the new man—Titus 3:5; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15.

肆 我们需要因复活生命的新鲜供应日日得更新,以顶替我们的文化,并借着成为像新耶路撒冷一样的新,而在实际里成为一个新人─林后四16:

IV. We need to be those who are being renewed day by day with the fresh supply of the resurrection life to replace our culture and to become the one new man in reality by becoming as new as the New Jerusalem—2 Cor. 4:16:

一 穿上新人不是一次而永远完成的;相反的,这是一生之久的事,是我们基督徒一生中渐进的过程。

A. Putting on the new man does not take place once for all; on the contrary, it is a lifelong matter, a gradual process that goes on throughout our Christian life.

二 我们重生的信徒是新人的一部分,应当在复活里,在神圣生命的新样中生活行动,并在灵的新样里服事─罗六4,七6。

B. We, the regenerated believers, as parts of the new man, should walk in the newness of the divine life in resurrection and serve in newness of spirit—Rom. 6:4; 7:6.

三 信徒既然都要在生命的新样中生活行动(六4)而成为新耶路撒冷,并都要在灵的新样里服事(七6)而建造新耶路撒冷,就该得更新,好成为像新耶路撒冷一样的新。─引用经文

C. The believers should be renewed to be as new as the New Jerusalem since they all are becoming the New Jerusalem by walking in newness of life (6:4) and building the New Jerusalem by serving in newness of spirit (7:6).

四 我们在心思的灵里得以更新,乃是为着使我们逐日变化成为基督的形像,这是借着我们外面的人被环境中的苦难所销毁,好使我们里面的人被更新─林后四16:

D. Our being renewed in the spirit of our mind is for our daily transformation into the image of Christ through the consuming of our outer man by the suffering in our environment for the renewing of our inner man—2 Cor. 4:16:

1 当我们在苦难中,我们需要得着更新;不然,我们所经过的苦难,对我们就毫无意义;在我们里面有一避难所─我们的灵─诗九一1,二七5,三一20,赛三二2,提后四22,加六17~18。

1. While we are in the midst of suffering, we need to receive the renewing; otherwise, the suffering we pass through means nothing to us; within us there is a refuge—our spirit—Psa. 91:1; 27:5; 31:20; Isa. 32:2; 2 Tim. 4:22; Gal. 6:17-18.

2 神安排我们的环境,好使我们外面的人一点一点、一天一天地被销毁,我们里面的人被是灵的基督这复活生命之新鲜的供应所更新─林后四16。

2. God arranges our environment so that little by little and day by day our outer man will be consumed and our inner man will be renewed by the fresh supply of the pneumatic Christ as the resurrection life—2 Cor. 4:16.

五 我们要日日得更新,就需要每早晨得复兴─太十三43,路一78~79,箴四18,士五31,林后四16。

E. In order to be renewed day by day, we need to be revived every morning—Matt. 13:43; Luke 1:78-79; Prov. 4:18; Judg. 5:31; 2 Cor. 4:16.

六 我们凭四个项目而日日得更新:十字架(10~12、16~18);圣灵,凭圣灵我们就因神圣的生命得着重修、再制和改造(多三5);我们调和的灵(弗四23);以及神的圣言(五26)。─引用经文

F. We are renewed day by day through four items: the cross (vv. 10-12, 16-18); the Holy Spirit by which we are reconditioned, remade, and remodeled with the divine life (Titus 3:5); our mingled spirit (Eph. 4:23); and the holy word of God (5:26).

七 我们需要在新样里来赴主的筵席(太二六29);主绝不吃喝旧的筵席;我们需要得更新,学习说,“对不起,请赦免我。”─引用经文

G. We need to come to the Lord's table in newness (Matt. 26:29); the Lord never takes an old table; we need to be renewed by learning to say, "I'm sorry; forgive me."

伍 新人的更新,在于我们寻求在上面的事─西三1~2,弗二5~6:

V. The renewing of the new man depends on our seeking the things which are above—Col. 3:1-2; Eph. 2:5-6:

一 寻求在上面的事乃是回应并返照基督在祂天上职事里的活动─来二17,四14,七26,八1~2,启五6,西三1~2:

A. To seek the things which are above is to respond to and reflect Christ's activities in His heavenly ministry—Heb. 2:17; 4:14; 7:26; 8:1-2; Rev. 5:6; Col. 3:1-2:

1 从天上的基督那里,到地上我们这里,借着我们灵里包罗万有的灵,有一种传输在进行─弗一19、22~23,二22:

1. There is a transmission taking place from Christ in heaven to us on earth by means of the all-inclusive Spirit in our spirit—Eph. 1:19, 22-23; 2:22:

a 我们的灵是接受神圣传输的一端,而天上神的宝座是输送的一端─启五6。

a. Our spirit is the receiving end of the divine transmission, whereas the throne of God in heaven is the transmitting end—Rev. 5:6.

b 我们转到灵里,就被提高到天上;因着从天上神的宝座达到我们灵里的传输,当我们在地上经历并享受基督时,同时也在天上了─四1~2。

b. By turning to our spirit, we are lifted into heaven; because of the transmission from the throne of God in heaven into our spirit, when we experience and enjoy Christ here on earth, we are simultaneously in heaven—4:1-2.

2 基督在祂天上的职事里一直在牧养人,我们需要与祂合作牧养人;我们若接受这个交通,地上会有一个大复兴,将主带回来─彼前五1~4,参太九36,十1~6,约二一15~17,彼前二25,来十三20。

2. In His heavenly ministry Christ is shepherding people, and we need to cooperate with Him by shepherding people; if this fellowship is received by us, there will be a big revival on the earth to bring the Lord back—1 Pet. 5:1-4; cf. Matt. 9:36; 10:1-6; John 21:15-17; 1 Pet. 2:25; Heb. 13:20.

二 我们若转向属天的基督连同祂一切的活动,并将我们的心思置于这些事,新人的更新就会自然而然地发生─八1~2,十二2,西三2。

B. If we turn to the heavenly Christ with all His activities and set our mind on these things, the renewing of the new man will take place spontaneously—8:1-2; 12:2; Col. 3:2.

三 这完成神使信徒成为新造的新人以终极完成于新耶路撒冷的意愿;新人作为神工作的杰作,乃是宇宙中全新的东西,是神的新发明─10~11节,林后五17,加六15~17,弗二10、15。

C. This consummates God's intention in making the believers the new man as the new creation to consummate in the New Jerusalem; the new man as the masterpiece of God's work is an absolutely new item in the universe, a new invention of God—vv. 10-11; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15-17; Eph. 2:10, 15.

四 神的目标是要得着一个新人,这新人最终将终极完成于新耶路撒冷,作为一个新人最终的完成。

D. God's goal is to have the one new man that ultimately will consummate in the New Jerusalem, which will be the final consummation of the one new man.
