
第四篇 众召会内在的交通,为着众召会生机的关系

The Intrinsic Fellowship of the Churches for Their Organic Relationship



壹 我们需要看见并进入众召会内在的交通里:

I. We need to see and enter into the intrinsic fellowship of the churches:

一 交通乃是基督生机身体在所有肢体里面、经过所有肢体并在所有肢体中间永远生命的流,由新耶路撒冷里从神和羔羊的宝座所流出来生命水的流所说明─启二二1。

A. The fellowship is the flow of the eternal life within, through, and among all the members of the organic Body of Christ; it is illustrated by the flow of the water of life proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the New Jerusalem—Rev. 22:1.

二 就像人身体里有血液的循环,基督的身体里也有一个循环,新约称这个循环为交通─约壹一3、7。

B. Just as there is the circulation of blood in the human body, so there is a circulation in the Body of Christ that the New Testament calls fellowship—1 John 1:3, 7.

三 基督身体的交通,就是众召会之间的交通,乃是使徒的交通─徒二42,约壹一3:

C. The fellowship of the Body of Christ, which is the fellowship among the churches, is the fellowship of the apostles—Acts 2:42; 1 John 1:3:

1 交通来自教训;我们若教导错误或教导不同于使徒的教训,神经纶的教训,我们的教训就会产生宗派的、分裂的交通─徒二42,提前一3~6,六3~4,林后三8~9,五18:

1. Fellowship comes from teaching; if we teach wrongly and differently from the apostles’ teaching, the teaching of God’s economy, our teaching will produce a sectarian, divisive fellowship—Acts 2:42; 1 Tim. 1:3-6; 6:3-4; 2 Cor. 3:8-9; 5:18:

a 教训产生交通,交通来自教训─林前四17,一9,十16。

a. Teaching creates fellowship, and fellowship comes from teaching—1 Cor. 4:17; 1:9; 10:16.

b 今天在主的恢复里,我们是在使徒的教训下,并在使徒的交通里─徒二42。

b. In the Lord’s recovery today, we are under the apostles’ teaching and in the apostles’ fellowship—Acts 2:42.

2 在使徒的交通里与三一神有交通,乃是放下我们个人的利益,联于使徒和三一神,为着完成神的定旨─腓四14,二1,徒二42,约壹一3,林前一9,三6、12。

2. To have fellowship with the Triune God in the apostles’ fellowship is to put aside our private interests and join with the apostles and the Triune God for the carrying out of God’s purpose—Phil. 4:14; 2:1; Acts 2:42; 1 John 1:3; 1 Cor. 1:9; 3:6, 12.

四 这一个神圣的交通乃是交织的交通─平面的交通交织着垂直的交通:

D. The one divine fellowship is an interwoven fellowship—the horizontal fellowship is interwoven with the vertical fellowship:

1 使徒们起初的经历,乃是与父并与祂儿子耶稣基督垂直的交通,但是当使徒们将永远的生命传与别人时,他们就经历神圣交通平面的一面─约壹一2~3,参徒二42。

1. The initial experience of the apostles was the vertical fellowship with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ, but when the apostles reported the eternal life to others, they experienced the horizontal aspect of the divine fellowship—1 John 1:2-3; cf. Acts 2:42.

2 我们与圣徒平面的交通,将我们带进与主垂直的交通;然后,我们与主垂直的交通,将我们带进与圣徒平面的交通:

2. Our horizontal fellowship with the saints brings us into vertical fellowship with the Lord; then our vertical fellowship with the Lord brings us into horizontal fellowship with the saints:

a 我们借着神的灵,圣灵,进入神圣交通垂直的一面;这一面的交通,是指我们因着爱三一神,而有与祂的交通─林后十三14,约壹一3、6,可十二30。

a. We enter into the vertical aspect of the divine fellowship by the divine Spirit, the Holy Spirit; this aspect of fellowship refers to our fellowship with the Triune God in our loving Him—2 Cor. 13:14; 1 John 1:3, 6; Mark 12:30.

b 我们借着人的灵,进入神圣交通平面的一面;这一面的交通,是指我们借着操练灵,彼此相爱,而有彼此之间的交通─腓二1,启一10,约壹一2~3、7,林前十六18,可十二31,罗十三8~10,加五13~15。

b. We enter into the horizontal aspect of the divine fellowship by the human spirit; this aspect of fellowship refers to our fellowship with one another by the exercise of our spirit in our loving one another—Phil. 2:1; Rev. 1:10; 1 John 1:2-3, 7; 1 Cor. 16:18; Mark 12:31; Rom. 13:8-10; Gal. 5:13-15.

3 在这神圣的交通里,神与我们交织在一起;这种交织就是神与人的调和,把神圣的成分带到我们属灵的所是里,使我们在生命里长大并变化─利二4~5。

3. In this divine fellowship God is interwoven with us; this interweaving is the mingling of God and man to bring the divine constituent into our spiritual being for our growth and transformation in life—Lev. 2:4-5.

五 在基督徒的生活里,神圣的交通乃是一切:

E. The divine fellowship is everything in the Christian life:

1 正如电流就是电的本身,照样,神圣生命的交通,神圣生命的流,就是神圣生命的本身。

1. Just as the current of electricity is the electricity itself, the fellowship of the divine life, the flow of the divine life, is the divine life itself.

2 当交通没有了,神也消失了;神乃是作为交通而来─林后十三14,启二二1。

2. When fellowship disappears, God also disappears; God comes as the fellowship—2 Cor. 13:14; Rev. 22:1.

贰 我们需要看见并进入众召会生机的关系;这是独一召会(由所有地方召会所组成的宇宙召会)的独一关系─林前十二章二十八节的“召会”,乃指召会宇宙和地方的两面:─引用经文

II. We need to see and enter into the organic relationship of the churches; this is the unique relationship of the unique church (the universal church composed of all the local churches); “the church” in 1 Corinthians 12:28 refers to the church in both its universal and local aspects:

一 这生机的关系在众地方召会之间独一并普遍的实行,众地方召会乃是基督独一生机的身体─林后十三14,约壹一3、7。

A. This organic relationship is practiced uniquely and universally among all the local churches as the unique, organic Body of Christ—2 Cor. 13:14; 1 John 1:3, 7.

二 众地方召会是一个召会;众地方召会生机的关系是基于神圣生命的生机交通;在组成基督一个宇宙身体的众召会中间没有组织,但有基督身体的交通─腓一5,参徒九31。

B. All the local churches are one church; their organic relationship is based upon the organic fellowship of the divine life; among all the churches that compose the one universal Body of Christ, there is no organization, but there is the fellowship of the Body of Christ—Phil. 1:5; cf. Acts 9:31.

三 在一个地方上的召会不该有一种态度,认为他们与别地召会没有关系;对于众召会之间的关系,有一种内在的错误领会,以及不同的教训,认为众召会是分开、自治的;这种错误和不同的教训已经存在于我们中间,造成一再的分裂。

C. The church in one locality should not have the attitude that they have nothing to do with the church in another locality; an intrinsically wrong realization and different teaching of the separate, autonomous relationship of the churches has been existing among us; this wrong and different teaching causes division after division.

四 主的恢复是基于这真理:基督只有一个身体,这身体在许多地方彰显为众地方召会;因着灵是一位,所以只有一个身体,在身体里也只有一个生命的循环;这循环就是基督身体的交通,也就是众召会中间的交通─弗一22~23,四4~6,约壹一3、7,启一11。

D. The Lord’s recovery is based upon the truth that Christ has only one Body, which is expressed in many localities as the local churches; because there is one Spirit, there is only one Body, and there is only one circulation of life in the Body; this circulation is the fellowship of the Body of Christ, which is the fellowship among the churches—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4-6; 1 John 1:3, 7; Rev. 1:11.

五 地方召会乃是基督独一身体的一部分,而在宇宙一面,身体的交通乃是一;在神圣的交通中没有分离─11节,二7上:

E. A local church is a part of the unique Body of Christ, and the fellowship of the Body is universally one; in the divine fellowship there is no separation—v. 11; 2:7a:

1 任何一个召会或区域都不应该与身体的交通隔离;任何一个召会或区域从基督身体的交通隔离自己的结果,乃是黑暗、混乱、分裂和死亡。

1. No church or region should isolate itself from the fellowship of the Body; the result of a church or a region isolating itself from the fellowship of the Body of Christ is darkness, confusion, division, and death.

2 我们若与身体的交通隔离,就没有资格有分于主的晚餐,因为在主的晚餐中,桌上的饼表征整个基督的身体─林前十16~17,十一25~28。

2. If we isolate ourselves from the fellowship of the Body, we are not qualified to partake of the Lord’s supper, because the loaf on the table in the Lord’s supper signifies the entire Body of Christ—1 Cor. 10:16-17; 11:25-28.

叁 神圣的交通就是在那灵的一里活在基督身体里的实际─一9,十16~18,十二12~13、27,徒二42,弗四3:

III. The divine fellowship is the reality of living in the Body of Christ in the oneness of the Spirit—1:9; 10:16-18; 12:12-13, 27; Acts 2:42; Eph. 4:3:

一 神圣的交通调和我们,也就是调节我们,调整我们,使我们和谐,并将我们调在一起,成为一个身体─林前十17,十二24~25:

A. The divine fellowship blends us; that is, it adjusts, harmonizes, tempers, and mingles us together into one Body—1 Cor. 10:17; 12:24-25:

1 调和在一起就是经过十字架并凭着那灵作每件事,为着基督身体的缘故,将基督分赐给人─参代下一10。

1. To be blended together is to go through the cross and do everything by the Spirit to dispense Christ into others for the sake of the Body of Christ—cf. 2 Chron. 1:10.

2 若没有与其他一同配搭的圣徒交通,我们就不该作什么;交通要求我们要作什么的时候先停下来─参结一11下~14。

2. We should not do anything without fellowshipping with the other saints who are coordinating with us; fellowship requires us to stop when we are about to do something—cf. Ezek. 1:11b-14.

二 借着在神圣的交通里受限制,基督的身体就蒙保守在一里,职事的工作就继续往前;交通使一切都活起来─弗四11~12,参结四七9。

B. By being restricted in the divine fellowship, the Body of Christ is kept in oneness, and the work of the ministry continues to go on; the thing that makes everything alive is fellowship—Eph. 4:11-12; cf. Ezek. 47:9.

三 我们需要效法使徒,将各地的召会带进基督身体的交通里,并跟随使徒的脚踪,将众圣徒带到基督身体全体相调的生活中─罗十四3,十五7~9、25~33,十六。

C. We need to imitate the apostle to bring the local churches into the fellowship of the Body of Christ and follow the apostle’s footsteps to bring all the saints into the blending life of the entire Body of Christ—Rom. 14:3; 15:7-9, 25-33; ch. 16.

四 我们必须有基督身体交通和相调的实际,否则无论我们多么追求,无论我们如何单纯、谦卑,我们中间迟早总会出问题,甚至会有分裂。

D. We must have the reality of the fellowship and blending of the Body of Christ; otherwise, regardless of how much we pursue and how simple and humble we are, sooner or later there will be problems, even divisions, among us.

五 相调的目的是要将我们众人引进基督身体的实际;我们宝贵众地方召会,是为着一个目的─我们需要在作为手续的众地方召会里,使我们能被引进基督身体的实际里。

E. The purpose of the blending is to usher us all into the reality of the Body of Christ; we treasure the local churches for a purpose—we need to be in the local churches as the procedure to usher us into the reality of the Body of Christ.
