
第三篇 因素三:召会是在三一神里,众地方召会作基督身体的彰显,以及众圣徒在身体的感觉里实行召会生活

The Factor of the Church Being in the Triune God, the Local Churches Being Expressions of the Body of Christ, and the Believers Practicing the Church Life in the Consciousness of the Body



壹 召会是在三一神里─“在父神和主耶稣基督里,帖撒罗尼迦人的召会”─帖前一1:

I. The church is in the Triune God—"the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ"—1 Thes. 1:1:

一 帖前一章一节向我们启示出一个重大的事实:召会是在独一的神里,这位神是我们的父和主耶稣基督:─引用经文

A. In 1 Thessalonians 1:1 we have the revelation of the tremendous fact that the church is in the unique God and that this God is our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

1 召会不仅属于神并属于基督,也是在神里并在基督里的。

1. The church is not only of God and of Christ; the church is also in God and in Christ.

2 我们要看见,我们所在地的召会是神的,也是在神里的;是基督的,也是在基督里的;这样的看见是极其重要的。

2. It is important for us to see that the church in our locality is of God and in God, of Christ and in Christ.

二 召会是由人所组成,但这些人─信徒─乃是在三一神里的─1节,帖后一1。

B. The church is composed of human beings, but they, the believers, are in the Triune God—v. 1; 2 Thes. 1:1.

三 召会乃是一班由父神而生,有祂生命和性情,并被带进与基督生机联结的人:

C. The church is a group of human beings who have been born of God the Father with His life and nature and who have been brought into the organic union with Christ:

1 召会要在神里,神必须成为我们的父,我们也必须与祂有生命的关系─约壹三1上:

1. For the church to be in God, God must become our Father, and we must have a life relationship with Him—1 John 3:1a:

a 帖前一章一节里的“父”字指明生命的关系;在父神里,我们已经重生,如今我们是祂的儿女,与祂有生命的关系─约一12~13。

a. In 1 Thessalonians 1:1 the word Father indicates a relationship in life; in God the Father, we have been born again, regenerated, and now, as His children, we have a life relationship with Him—John 1:12-13.

b 召会是在父神里,含示召会是在神的定旨、计划、拣选和预定里─弗一4~5。

b. The church being in God the Father implies that the church is in God's purpose, plan, selection, and predestination—Eph. 1:4-5.

c 在父神里的召会,就是在那是独一发起者和起始者里的召会─罗十一36,林前八6,太十五13。

c. The church in God the Father is the church in the One who is the unique Initiator and Originator—Rom. 11:36; 1 Cor. 8:6; Matt. 15:13.

2 在主耶稣基督里,就是在基督一切所是和所作里与祂有生机的联结─帖前一1,林前一30:

2. To be in the Lord Jesus Christ is to be united with Christ organically in all that He is and has done—1 Thes. 1:1; 1 Cor. 1:30:

a 在主耶稣基督里,我们一切属旧造的都已了结,因为在基督里就是在祂的死里,这死了结一切消极的事物─罗六4。

a. In the Lord Jesus Christ we have the termination of everything of the old creation, for to be in Christ is to be in His death, the death that terminates all negative things—Rom. 6:4.

b 帖前一章一节里“基督”这名称指明复活一切的丰富;因此,在基督里就是在复活里─罗八10~11。

b. The title Christ in 1 Thessalonians 1:1 denotes all the riches of resurrection; thus, to be in Christ is to be in resurrection—Rom. 8:10-11.

四 召会是在经过过程的三一神─父、子和圣灵─里,这一位成了赐生命的灵,同着父和子─林前十五45下,约十四17、23。

D. The church is in the processed Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—the One who has become the life-giving Spirit with the Father and the Son—1 Cor. 15:45b; John 14:17, 23.

贰 地方召会乃是基督的身体在某一地方的显出─林前一2,十32下、17,十二12~13、20、27:

II. A local church is an expression of the Body of Christ in a certain locality— 1 Cor. 1:2; 10:32b, 17; 12:12-13, 20, 27:

一 基督这独一的身体,彰显于许多地方召会里,乃是在神圣的一里,如三一神所是的,也是在神圣的性质、元素、素质、彰显、功用和见证上;虽然有许多召会,但众召会有一个神圣性质、一个神圣元素、一个神圣素质、一个神圣彰显、一个神圣功用和一个神圣见证,因为众召会乃是一个身体─启一11,约十七11、21、23。

A. The unique Body of Christ is expressed in many local churches in the divine oneness as it is with the Triune God and in the divine nature, element, essence, expression, function, and testimony; there are many churches, yet they have one divine nature, one divine element, one divine essence, one divine expression, one divine function, and one divine testimony because they are one Body—Rev. 1:11; John 17:11, 21, 23.

二 马太十六章十八节所启示的召会是宇宙召会,基督独一的身体;十八章十七节所启示的召会是地方召会,是基督独一的身体在某一地方的显出。─引用经文

B. The church revealed in Matthew 16:18 is the universal church, the unique Body of Christ, whereas the church revealed in 18:17 is the local church, the expression of the unique Body of Christ in a certain locality.

三 一个宇宙召会─基督的身体─成了许多地方召会─基督身体在地方上的显出─罗十二4~5,十六16。

C. The one universal church—the Body of Christ—becomes the many local churches— local expressions of the Body of Christ—Rom. 12:4-5; 16:16.

四 基督独一的身体在许多地方显为众地方召会─弗四4,启一4、11:

D. The unique Body of Christ is expressed in many localities as the local churches— Eph. 4:4; Rev. 1:4, 11:

1 基督的身体是众地方召会的源头─弗一22~23,二21~22。

1. The Body of Christ is the source of the local churches—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22.

2 宇宙身体之于众召会就像父亲,众召会就像父亲的儿女─罗十二4~5,十六4。

2. The universal Body is like the father to all the churches, and all the churches are like the children to the father—Rom. 12:4-5; 16:4.

五 每一个地方召会都是基督独一宇宙身体的一部分,是这身体一个地方上的彰显─弗四4,林前一2,十二27:

E. Every local church is a part of the unique, universal Body of Christ, a local expression of this Body—Eph. 4:4; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:27:

1 就宇宙一面说,众地方召会乃是一个身体;就地方一面说,每一个地方召会都是这宇宙身体在地方上的显出;因此,地方召会不是身体,只是身体的一部分,身体的一个显出。

1. Universally, all the local churches are one Body, and locally, every local church is a local expression of the universal Body; therefore, a local church is not the Body but only a part of the Body, an expression of the Body.

2 宇宙的基督在每个地方召会里都有祂自己的一部分;每个地方召会都是基督的一部分,所有这些部分就构成基督的身体─弗一23,二22。

2. The universal Christ has a part of Himself in every local church; every local church is a part of Christ, and all these parts constitute the Body—Eph. 1:23; 2:22.

六 召会地方的立场,基本上就是基督身体那独一的一,实行于众地方召会中─四4,帖前一1:

F. The local ground of the church is basically the unique oneness of the Body of Christ practiced in the local churches—4:4; 1 Thes. 1:1:

1 基督宇宙的身体和地方召会都是独一无二的。

1. Both the universal Body of Christ and the local churches are uniquely one.

2 全宇宙中有一个独一的身体,而每个地方各自有一个独一的地方召会。

2. There is one unique Body in the whole universe, and there is one unique local church in each locality respectively.

3 这独一的一是召会生活中基本的元素─徒一14,二46,林前一10,腓一27,二1~2。

3. This unique oneness is the basic element in the church life—Acts 1:14; 2:46; 1 Cor. 1:10; Phil. 1:27; 2:1-2.

七 在不同地方的众召会,乃是为着基督宇宙的彰显─弗一23,启一4、11,二二16上:

G. The churches in different localities are for the universal expression of Christ— Eph. 1:23; Rev. 1:4, 11; 22:16a:

1 一个地方召会若将一切变成地方的,只彰显自己的地方,就成了一个地方的宗派,地方的分裂。

1. A local church that makes everything local and that expresses only its locality has become a local sect, a local division.

2 基督的身体所有基本的事─那灵、基督、神、圣经、使徒的教训和使徒的交通─都不是地方的。

2. All the basic things for the Body are not local—the Spirit, Christ, God, the Bible, the apostles' teaching, and the apostles' fellowship.

八 在我们的考量里,基督的身体应当是第一,地方召会应当是第二─太十六18,十八17,弗四4、16,二21~22,林前十二12,一2:

H. In our consideration the Body should be first and the local churches should be second—Matt. 16:18; 18:17; Eph. 4:4, 16; 2:21-22; 1 Cor. 12:12; 1:2:

1 地方召会是神达到祂经纶目标─基督的身体─所采取的手续─罗十六1、4、16,十二4~5。

1. Local churches are the procedure God takes to reach the goal of His economy— the Body of Christ—Rom. 16:1, 4, 16; 12:4-5.

2 我们应当把我们的地方召会看作基督身体的一部分─林前一2,十16~17,十二12~13、20、27。

2. We should consider our local church as a part of the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 1:2; 10:16-17; 12:12-13, 20, 27.

叁 我们需要在身体的感觉里实行召会生活─12~27节:

III. In practicing the church life, we need to have the consciousness of the Body—vv. 12-27:

一 我们要有身体的生活,就必须满有对身体的感觉,以头的感觉为自己的感觉─罗十二15,林前十二26~27,徒九4~5:

A. In order to have the Body life, we must be full of feeling for the Body, taking the feeling of the Head as our own feeling—Rom. 12:15; 1 Cor. 12:26-27; Acts 9:4-5:

1 我们作肢体的,若在凡事上都能有头的感觉,又能顾到身体,我们的心思、意念、言语、行动,就都能以身体为是─弗四15~16,西二19。

1. If we as members have the feeling of the Head in everything and care for the Body, we will take the Body as the rule in our mind, thoughts, words, and actions—Eph. 4:15-16; Col. 2:19.

2 我们该否定自己,认同身体(太十六24,罗十二4~5、15,林前一2,十二12~27);我们若这样作,我们所过的生活就是身体的生活,主也就能得着祂身体的彰显─弗四15~16,一22~23。

2. We should deny ourselves and identify ourselves with the Body (Matt. 16:24; Rom. 12:4-5, 15; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:12-27); if we do this, the life we live will be the Body life, and the Lord will gain the expression of the Body—Eph. 4:15-16; 1:22-23.

3 我们享受基督,就使我们对基督的身体有感觉─西二16~17、19。

3. Our enjoyment of Christ causes us to become conscious of the Body of Christ— Col. 2:16-17, 19.

二 我们无论作什么,都与身体有关;所以,每当我们作什么事,我们必须正确地考虑到身体─林后八21,弗四16:

B. Whatever we do involves the Body; therefore, whenever we do something, we must have a proper consideration of the Body—2 Cor. 8:21; Eph. 4:16:

1 我们不该作任何事而没有顾到身体─林前十二12~27。

1. We should not do anything without taking care of the Body—1 Cor. 12:12-27.

2 我们需要考虑身体对我们所作的会有怎样的感觉;也要考虑身体,主的恢复,会如何反应。

2. We need to consider how the Body would feel about what we are doing and how the Body, the recovery, will react.

3 我们如何行为举止,乃在于我们看见身体的程度。

3. How we behave ourselves depends upon the degree of our seeing the Body.

4 如果我们单单在自己的地方召会里同心合意,而不顾到其他的召会,这种同心合意乃是一个宗派,一个分裂─徒一14,十五25。

4. If we are in one accord only in our local church and do not care for the other churches, this kind of one accord is a sect, a division—Acts 1:14; 15:25.

5 我们若顾到身体,关心身体,就不会有难处了─弗四4、16。

5. If we take care of the Body and are concerned for the Body, there will be no problems—Eph. 4:4, 16.

三 在组成基督那独一宇宙身体的众召会当中,没有组织,但有基督身体的交通─徒二42,约壹一3,林前一9,十16~17,十一29:

C. Among all the churches that compose the one universal Body of Christ, there is no organization, but there is the fellowship of the Body of Christ—Acts 2:42; 1 John 1:3; 1 Cor. 1:9; 10:16-17; 11:29:

1 地上所有的召会乃是一个身体,在这一个身体里有神圣生命的循环─基督身体的交通─约壹一3。

1. All the churches on earth are one Body, and within this one Body there is the circulation of the divine life—the fellowship of the Body—1 John 1:3.

2 交通与一有关;基督身体里神圣生命的循环,把身体所有肢体带进一里─弗四3~4,罗十六1~23。

2. Fellowship is related to oneness; the circulation of the divine life in the Body brings all the members of the Body into oneness—Eph. 4:3-4; Rom. 16:1-23.

3 众地方召会该与全地上所有真正的地方召会有交通,以保守基督身体宇宙的交通。

3. The local churches should fellowship with all the genuine local churches on the whole earth to keep the universal fellowship of the Body of Christ.

4 虽然召会的行政是地方的(徒十四23),但召会的交通乃是宇宙的(二42);在许多城市中有许多召会,但在整个宇宙中只有一个交通。─引用经文

4. Although the administration of the church is local (Acts 14:23), the fellowship of the church is universal (2:42); there are churches in many cities, but there is one fellowship in the entire universe.
