
第七篇 我们需要经营包罗万有的基督,好得着出产,在召会中展览基督,并得着基督的富余带到召会聚会中,而团体地敬拜我们的父神

Our Need to Labor on the All-inclusive Christ to Have the Produce to Exhibit Christ in the Church and to Have a Surplus of Christ to Bring to the Church Meetings for the Corporate Worship of God Our Father



壹 我们这些在基督里的信徒,受基督的带领,进入了祂自己这由迦南地所预表的美地,就需要经营基督─林前一30,西一12:

I. As believers in Christ who have been led by Christ into Himself as the good land typified by the land of Canaan, we need to labor on Christ—1 Cor. 1:30; Col. 1:12:

一 以色列人进入并据有迦南地,得着他们所分得的分以后,就经营那地─申八7~10,十二6~7、11~12、18:

A. After the people of Israel entered into and possessed the land of Canaan and received their allotted portion, they labored on the land—Deut. 8:7-10; 12:6-7, 11-12, 18:

1 他们肯不肯经营那地,是个严肃的问题;他们必须在那地上经营耕种。

1. Whether or not they were willing to labor on the land was a serious matter; they had to labor on and cultivate the land.

2 这一幅图画说出,我们该如何殷勤地经营基督,使我们能享受祂包罗万有的丰富─弗三8,一7,二7,林前十五58,腓三10。

2. This is a picture of how we need to labor diligently on Christ so that we may enjoy His all-inclusive riches—Eph. 3:8; 1:7; 2:7; 1 Cor. 15:58; Phil. 3:10.

二 我们进入那作美地的基督以后所过的生活,乃是经营基督的生活─西一12,罗十五16,林前十五10:

B. The life we live after entering into Christ as the good land is a life of laboring on Christ—Col. 1:12; Rom. 15:16; 1 Cor. 15:10:

1 我们这些主的子民是活在包罗万有的基督里,需要在每一处境中经营基督、寻求基督并享受基督─西一12,三1、4、10~11。

1. As the Lord's people who are living in the all-inclusive Christ, we need to labor on Christ, seeking Christ and enjoying Christ in every situation—Col. 1:12; 3:1, 4, 10-11.

2 我们在一块很肥美的地上,但是我们若不在其上经营,就没有出产可以给我们经历并享受─弗一7,二7,三8,林前十五58。

2. We are in a very rich land, but if we do not labor on it, there is no produce for us to experience and enjoy—Eph. 1:7; 2:7; 3:8; 1 Cor. 15:58.

三 虽然我们需要经营基督这地好生产基督,我们需要领悟,不是我们生产基督,乃是基督借着我们的劳苦在我们里面生产祂自己─腓二13,弗三17,西三15~16:

C. Although we need to labor on Christ as the land to produce Christ, we need to realize that it is not we who produce Christ but Christ who produces Himself in us through our labor—Phil. 2:13; Eph. 3:17; Col. 3:15-16:

1 我们都需要在基督身上劳苦,并让基督给我们许多的出产,然后我们对基督就会有丰富的经历─弗三8,腓四19。

1. We all need to labor on Christ and let Christ give us much produce; then we will have rich experiences of Christ—Eph. 3:8; Phil. 4:19.

2 基督的收成乃是我们所经营并收成的基督─三10。

2. The harvest of Christ is the Christ on whom we have labored and have reaped to be our harvest—3:10.

四 每天早晨我们需要祷告,向主求当天的一分恩典,并将自己奉献给主,目的是要在祂身上劳苦经营,好经历并享受祂─罗十二1~2,十五16。

D. Every morning we need to pray, asking the Lord for the day's portion of grace and consecrating ourselves to the Lord for the purpose of experiencing and enjoying Him by laboring on Him—Rom. 12:1-2; 15:16.

五 在一整天中,我们要维持我们与主的交通,借此接触祂,在祂身上经营,应用祂,经历祂并享受祂─约十五4~5、11,十六22,彼前一8。

E. Throughout the day we need to maintain our fellowship with the Lord and thereby contact Him, labor on Him, apply Him, experience Him, and enjoy Him—John 15:4-5, 11; 16:22; 1 Pet. 1:8.

六 要经营基督、经历基督并出产基督,关键乃是操练我们的灵─提前四7:

F. Exercising our spirit is the key to laboring on Christ, experiencing Christ, and producing Christ—1 Tim. 4:7:

1 经营基督的路乃是操练我们的灵以接触那灵,就是作美地之包罗万有基督的实际─加三14。

1. The way to labor on Christ is to exercise our spirit to contact the Spirit, the reality of the all-inclusive Christ as the good land—Gal. 3:14.

2 在一整天的每个处境和我们一切的环境中,我们应当操练我们的灵接触主并经历祂─提前四7,罗八4,林前六17,腓四11~13。

2. Throughout the day, in every situation and in all our circumstances, we should exercise our spirit to contact the Lord and experience Him—1 Tim. 4:7; Rom. 8:4; 1 Cor. 6:17; Phil. 4:11-13.

七 我们经营基督这美地,是借着运用心而对主有信并爱主,也是借着操练我们的灵接触主,并接受包罗万有赐生命之灵的分赐,这灵乃是基督这美地的实际─林后三16,十三14,加三14。

G. We labor on Christ as the good land by exercising our heart to have faith in the Lord and to love the Lord and by exercising our spirit to contact the Lord and to receive the dispensing of the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit, the reality of Christ as the good land—2 Cor. 3:16; 13:14; Gal. 3:14.

贰 我们若忠信地经营包罗万有的基督,就会得着基督的丰富作为出产,可以在召会中展览基督─弗三8,林前十四26:

II. If we faithfully labor on the all-inclusive Christ, we will have the riches of Christ as the produce to exhibit Christ in the church—Eph. 3:8; 1 Cor. 14:26:

一 正确的基督徒生活,乃是每天经营基督,然后就会得着基督丰富的富余带到聚会中,作基督丰富的展览─26节:

A. The proper life of Christians is to labor on Christ every day and thus have the rich surplus of Christ to bring to the meetings for a rich exhibition of Christ—v. 26:

1 我们在召会聚会中来在一起,为要展览基督─西一18、27。

1. We come together in the church meetings to have an exhibition of Christ—Col. 1:18, 27.

2 借着我们天天经历基督的丰富,这些丰富就会成为基督之出产的展览─弗三8、17~18,西二6、9~10、17。

2. Through our daily experiences of the riches of Christ, these riches will become an exhibition of the produce of Christ—Eph. 3:8, 17-18; Col. 2:6, 9-10, 17.

3 我们的聚会应当总是一个展览,展示基督的所是、基督的所有以及基督的所作─来一3,二9、14,约壹三8,四9、15,徒二24、32~33,启一17下~18。

3. Our meetings should always be an exhibition to show forth what Christ is, what Christ has, and what Christ does—Heb. 1:3; 2:9, 14; 1 John 3:8; 4:9, 15; Acts 2:24, 32-33; Rev. 1:17b-18.

二 我们聚集不只是展览神所给我们的基督,也是展览我们所出产的基督,我们所经营、所经历的基督;这就是我们来在一起所要展览的基督─西一12~13,腓三10。

B. We meet to exhibit not only the Christ given to us by God but also the Christ we have produced, the Christ on whom we have labored and whom we have experienced; this is the Christ whom we come together to exhibit—Col. 1:12-13; Phil. 3:10.

三 我们若一直经营基督,我们就会得着基督丰富的富余带到聚会中,作基督丰富的展览─林前一24、30,十3~4,十四26。

C. If we continually labor on Christ, we will have the rich surplus of Christ to bring to meetings for a rich exhibition of Christ—1 Cor. 1:24, 30; 10:3-4; 14:26.

四 每当我们来在一起,无论是什么聚会,我们都该带着所经历的基督而来,作为富余献上给神,并向全宇宙展示,也向仇敌展示而羞辱他─约四23~24,弗三10、17,四15:

D. Whenever we come together, regardless of the kind of meeting we are having, we should come with the Christ experienced by us as the surplus to be offered to God and exhibited to the whole universe and to the enemy, putting him to shame—John 4:23-24; Eph. 3:10, 17; 4:15:

1 我们的聚会就会得以丰富并加强,因为其中满了基督─西三4、10~11。

1. Then our meetings will be enriched and strengthened because they are full of Christ—Col. 3:4, 10-11.

2 这样的召会生活乃是基督的展览,基督的彰显─弗三21。

2. Such a church life is an exhibition of Christ, an expression of Christ—Eph. 3:21.

3 我们需要将基督的富余带到每一个聚会中,为要展览基督─8节。

3. We need to bring the surplus of Christ to every meeting to exhibit Christ—v. 8.

4 我们需要在日常生活中享受基督,并且来在一起展览祂─彼前一8。

4. We need to enjoy Christ in our daily life and come together to exhibit Him—1 Pet. 1:8.

五 我们要有正确的基督徒聚会,就需要每天在我们个人的生活中接触主,然后我们必须来聚会,领悟并领会我们是来展览基督,并与别人分享基督─林前十四26。

E. To have proper Christian meetings, we need to contact the Lord daily in our personal life and then come to the meetings with the realization and understanding that we are coming to exhibit Christ and share Christ with others—1 Cor. 14:26.

六 “每逢聚集带来基督,将祂所赐有余丰富,同来献上作神食物,如此展览基督。前来展览基督,前来展览基督;共同带来祂的丰富,前来展览基督”─诗歌六二四首,第一节及副歌。

F. "Whene'er we meet with Christ endued, / The surplus of His plenitude / We offer unto God as food / And thus exhibit Christ. / Let us exhibit Christ, / Let us exhibit Christ; / We'll bring His surplus to the church / And thus exhibit Christ"—Hymns, #864, stanza 1 and chorus.

叁 我们需要经营包罗万有的基督,好得着基督的富余带到召会聚会中,而团体的敬拜我们的父神─约四23~24,弗三21:

III. We need to labor on the all-inclusive Christ in order to have a surplus of Christ to bring to the church meetings for the corporate worship of God our Father—John 4:23-24; Eph. 3:21:

一 以色列人的经历,是正确基督徒聚会的一幅图画─申十二6,十六15~16:

A. The experience of the children of Israel is a picture of a proper Christian meeting—Deut. 12:6; 16:15-16:

1 神吩咐以色列人来在一起敬拜祂时,不可空手;他们必须双手满了劳苦经营的出产而来─出二三15,申十二11,十六16。

1. God commanded them to not be empty-handed when they came together to worship Him; they had to come with their hands full of the produce of their labor—Exo. 23:15; Deut. 12:11; 16:16.

2 当他们来到神所指定的地方敬拜,他们乃是将他们在那地上经营拔尖的富余献上给神,以此敬拜神─15、17节。

2. When they came to worship in the place designated by God, they worshipped God by offering to Him the top surplus of their labor on the land—vv. 15, 17.

二 父要我们带着基督的收成来敬拜父;所以我们需要带着基督的丰富来到召会的聚会里─约四23~24,弗三8。

B. For our worship of Him, the Father requires that we come to Him with a harvest of Christ; thus, we need to come to the church meetings with the riches of Christ—John 4:23-24; Eph. 3:8.

三 我们应当天天经营基督,好得着基督丰富的收成,带到召会的聚会中,而团体地敬拜父神─申十二6,林前十四26,约四23~24,申十六15~17。

C. Daily, we should labor on Christ to have a harvest of Christ's riches to bring to the church meetings for the corporate worship of God the Father—Deut. 12:6; 1 Cor. 14:26; John 4:23-24; Deut. 16:15-17.

四 在作为美地之包罗万有基督里的生活,乃是经营基督,出产基督,享受基督,与别人分享基督,并且把基督献上给父神,使祂能与我们同享基督的生活─约四23~24,林前十四26,弗三21,启五13:

D. A life in the all-inclusive Christ as the good land is a life of laboring on Christ, producing Christ, enjoying Christ, sharing Christ with others, and offering Christ to God the Father that He may enjoy Christ with us—John 4:23-24; 1 Cor. 14:26; Eph. 3:21; Rev. 5:13:

1 这样的享受和分享,就是对整个宇宙展示基督─十九7。

1. This kind of enjoyment and sharing is an exhibiting of Christ to the entire universe—19:7.

2 这对于父神是敬拜,对于仇敌是羞辱─约四23~24。

2. This is a worship to God the Father and a shame to the enemy—John 4:23-24.

五 要紧的是我们在祂身上殷勤经营,使我们的手满了基督,然后我们就来到召会聚会,与神的儿女们,并与父神自己一同享受这丰富又荣耀的基督─林前十31,十四26,约四23~24,罗十五6。

E. It is crucial that we diligently labor on Christ to have our hands full of Christ and then come to the church meetings to enjoy this rich and glorious Christ with God's children and with God the Father Himself—1 Cor. 10:31; 14:26; John 4:23-24; Rom. 15:6.

六 每逢我们来到擘饼聚会记念主和敬拜父,我们必须带着我们天天经营基督所出产之基督的丰富而来─申十六15~17:

F. Whenever we come to the Lord's table meeting to remember the Lord and worship the Father, we must come with the riches of Christ produced by our daily laboring on Christ—Deut. 16:15-17:

1 带着基督来敬拜神,乃是与所有神的儿女一同来敬拜祂,彼此分享并与神同享基督─林前十四26。

1. To worship God with Christ is to worship Him collectively with all the children of God by enjoying Christ with one another and with God—1 Cor. 14:26.

2 我们需要出产够多的基督,才有富余可与别人分享,并将出产最好的部分献给父神,叫祂喜乐、喜悦并满足─申十五11,十八3~4,十二11。

2. We need to produce enough of Christ so that there will be a surplus to share with others and to offer the best part of the produce to God the Father for His joy, delight, and satisfaction—Deut. 15:11; 18:3-4; 12:11.
