
标 语


To live in the Divine Trinity is to abide in Him, to remain in Him, to dwell in Him as our home; to live with the Divine Trinity is for Him to abide in us so that we may have His presence, His person, with us for our enjoyment.


To live with the Divine Trinity is to have the resurrected Christ living in us; resurrection means that everything is of God and not of us, that God alone is able and we are not able, and that everything is done by God, not by ourselves.


We can live with the Divine Trinity by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ─ the Spirit of the suffering Jesus and the resurrected Christ─ which enables us to live Christ and magnify Christ in all circumstances.


The experience and enjoyment of the Divine Trinity in full─ participating in the love of God, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit─is consummated by the One who is, who was, and who is coming, by the seven Spirits, and by Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth.
