标 语



In 1 and 2 Samuel we can see that the Triune God with His embodiment and redemption was fully involved with bringing forth Samuel and David so that the kingdom of God might be brought in; it is crucial for us to see that the Triune God is involved with us today, operating in us to accomplish His will, fulfill His purpose, and satisfy the desire of His heart.

There is no other way to reach the high peak of God's eternal economy, the reality of the Body of Christ, except by praying; our becoming the overcomers as the reality of the Body of Christ to be the bride of Christ will close this age, the age of the church, and will bring Christ as the King of glory back to take, possess, and rule over this earth with His overcomers in the kingdom age.

Through His incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, Christ, who was already the Son of God, became the Son of God in a new way─the firstborn Son─ designated as the Son of God with humanity; in Romans 1:3-4 Christ, the Son of God, is the prototype, whereas in 8:29 the many brothers are those who have been "mass-produced" from the prototype and, by being saved in life, will be conformed to the image of the firstborn Son.

God's economy is to work Himself into us so that we may experience a metabolic process of spiritual digestion and assimilation that produces transformation as a gradual and intrinsic metabolic change in our natural life with the divine life; this is for the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem.
