
标 语


Receiving Christ as the Spirit of grace in our spirit is a lifelong, continuous matter; day by day a marvelous divine transmission should take place as the Triune God supplies the Spirit of grace bountifully, and we receive the Spirit of grace continually.


The New Testament believers' living under the grace of God in the economy of God— a total living of experiencing the processed and consummated Triune God as grace— consummates in the church as the organic Body of Christ.


Grace is Christ as our Burden-bearer and is multiplied to us through our sufferings, limitations, and weaknesses; the more burdens we have, the more opportunities we have to experience Christ as grace.


The consummate and ultimate product of the grace of God in His economy is the Body of Christ as God's poem to be the New Jerusalem as the consummation of God's righteousness in the new heavens and new earth; the riches of God Himself for our enjoyment surpass every limit and will be publicly displayed for eternity.
