
第一篇 新约里所启示神的恩典极重大的意义

The Tremendous Significance of the Grace of God as Revealed in the New Testament



壹 神的恩典有极重大的意义─约一14、16~17,弗二7,启二二21:

I. The grace of God is a matter of tremendous significance—John 1:14, 16-17; Eph. 2:7; Rev. 22:21:

一 恩典是神新约经纶中最大的真理和最高的启示─约一14、16~17,来十29,林前十五10,腓四23,启二二21。

A. Grace is the greatest truth and the highest revelation in God's New Testament economy—John 1:14, 16-17; Heb. 10:29; 1 Cor. 15:10; Phil. 4:23; Rev. 22:21.

二 我们若要领会新约里所启示神的恩是什么,就需要对全本新约有清楚的看见。

B. If we would understand what the grace of God is as revealed in the New Testament, we need a clear view of the New Testament as a whole.

贰 按新约看,恩典实际上是神之于我们的所是,作我们的享受─约一16~17,林后十二9:

II. According to the New Testament, grace is actually what God is to us for our enjoyment—John 1:16-17; 2 Cor. 12:9:

一 恩典不是道理上的神,乃是我们经历中的神,因为恩典就是神在基督里带着祂的一切所是,作我们的享受;这包括生命、力量、安慰、安息、亮光、公义、圣别、能力和其他神圣的属性。

A. Grace is God not in doctrine but in our experience, for grace is God in Christ with all that He is for our enjoyment; this includes life, strength, comfort, rest, light, righteousness, holiness, power, and the other divine attributes.

二 恩典主要不是神为我们作的工作;恩典乃是三一神自己分赐到我们这人里面,给我们经历,作我们的享受─十三14。

B. Grace is mainly not the work God does for us; grace is the Triune God Himself dispensed into our being and experienced by us for our enjoyment—13:14.

三 新约乃是神恩典的历史,就是成为肉体的三一神在祂的神圣三一里经过过程并终极完成,在信徒里面并在信徒中间行动与生活─约一14、16~17,启二二21。

C. The New Testament is a history of the grace of God as the incarnation of the Triune God in His Divine Trinity processed and consummated and moving and living in and among the believers—John 1:14, 16-17; Rev. 22:21.

叁 恩典就是三一神在祂父、子、灵三方面化身里的显明─林后十三14,民六22~27,诗三六8~9:

III. Grace is the manifestation of the Triune God in His embodiment in three aspects—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—2 Cor. 13:14; Num. 6:22-27; Psa. 36:8-9:

一 恩典乃是三一神在祂的成为肉体里,由作源头的父、作元素的子以及作应用的那灵,分赐到信徒里面─林后十三14:

A. Grace is the Triune God in His incarnation to be dispensed into the believers by the Father as the source, by the Son as the element, and by the Spirit as the application—2 Cor. 13:14:

1 恩典的源头、恩典的元素和恩典的应用,属于神圣三一的三个身位,作我们的一切─太二八19。

1. The source of grace, the element of grace, and the application of grace are of the three persons of the Divine Trinity to be our everything—Matt. 28:19.

2 在神圣的分赐里,这恩典称为神的恩典、基督的恩典和那灵所属的恩典─林前十五10,林后一12,八1、9,九14,十二9,十三14,来十29。

2. In the divine dispensing, grace is called the grace of God, the grace of Christ, and the grace of which the Spirit is—1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 1:12; 8:1, 9; 9:14; 12:9; 13:14; Heb. 10:29.

二 恩典就是神的化身,成为一个神人,带着神性和人性,经过为人生活、死与复活,并且进入升天;如今,祂是住在我们里面赐生命的灵─林前十五45下,六17。

B. Grace is the embodiment of God, who became a God-man with divinity and humanity, passed through human living, died, resurrected, and entered into ascension; now He is the life-giving Spirit dwelling in us—1 Cor. 15:45b; 6:17.

三 恩典就是三一神为我们经过过程并终极完成,使我们能享受祂─约一14、16~17,彼前五10,林后十三14,来十29,林前十五10、45下,启二二21。

C. Grace is the Triune God processed and consummated for us so that we may enjoy Him—John 1:14, 16-17; 1 Pet. 5:10; 2 Cor. 13:14; Heb. 10:29; 1 Cor. 15:10, 45b; Rev. 22:21.

四 三一神若没有经过过程,就不能作我们的恩典─约一14,林前十五45下:

D. Without being processed, the Triune God could not be grace to us—John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b:

1 父化身在子里,子又实化为灵,这灵进到我们里面,来作恩典给我们享受─来十29。

1. The Father is embodied in the Son, the Son is realized as the Spirit, and the Spirit enters into us as grace for our enjoyment—Heb. 10:29.

2 这位经过过程并终极完成的三一神,将祂自己分赐到我们里面,成为我们的分,作我们的恩典,使我们在祂神圣的三一里享受祂作一切─林后十三14。

2. The processed and consummated Triune God dispenses Himself into us to be our portion as grace so that we may enjoy Him as everything in His Divine Trinity—2 Cor. 13:14.

肆 这恩典是我们的神与父“在那蒙爱者里面所恩赐我们的”─弗一6下:

IV. Our God and Father has "graced us in the Beloved"—Eph. 1:6b:

一 神恩赐我们,意思就是祂把我们摆在恩典的地位上,使我们成为神赐恩并恩宠的对象,就是使我们得以享受神之于我们的一切所是─6节下:

A. For God to grace us means that He has put us into the position of grace so that we may be the object of His grace and favor, that is, that we may enjoy all that God is to us—v. 6b:

1 因着我们是在恩典的地位上,也是赐恩的对象,神就喜悦我们。

1. Because we are in the position of grace and are the object of grace, God is pleased with us.

2 神的喜悦是在于我们,我们也在祂里面喜乐;至终,这里有相互的享受;我们享受祂,祂也享受我们。

2. God's delight is in us, we are happy in Him, and eventually, there is mutual enjoyment; we enjoy Him, and He enjoys us.

二 那蒙爱者就是神的爱子,神所喜悦的─太三17,十七5:

B. The Beloved is God's beloved Son, in whom He delights—Matt. 3:17; 17:5:

1 在那蒙爱者里,我们已蒙神恩赐,成为神所恩宠并喜欢的对象─弗一6下。

1. In the Beloved we have been graced, made the object of God's favor and pleasure—Eph. 1:6b.

2 我们既是这样的对象,就在神的恩典里,在祂所喜悦的爱子里享受神,也给神享受;在祂的爱子里,我们也成了祂所喜悦的─太三17,十七5。

2. As such an object, we enjoy God, and God enjoys us in His grace in His Beloved, who is His delight; in His Beloved we too become His delight—Matt. 3:17; 17:5.

伍 在以弗所二章八节保罗说,“你们得救是靠着恩典,借着信;这并不是出于你们,乃是神的恩赐”:

V. In Ephesians 2:8 Paul says, "By grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God":

一 恩典指分赐到我们里面的神;所以,靠着恩典得救,意即得着经过过程的三一神分赐到我们里面而得救。

A. Grace is God dispensed into us; therefore, to be saved by grace means to be saved by having the processed Triune God dispensed into us.

二 以弗所书启示,拯救的恩典乃是神自己在基督里作到我们这人里面;因此,靠着恩典得救,实际的意思就是靠着三一神分赐到我们里面而得救。

B. Ephesians reveals that saving grace is God Himself in Christ wrought into our being; hence, to be saved by grace actually means to be saved by the dispensing of the Triune God into us.

三 经过过程的三一神分赐到我们里面,就在我们的经历中对我们成为拯救的恩典─林后十三14。

C. When the processed Triune God is dispensed into us, He becomes saving grace to us in our experience—2 Cor. 13:14.

陆 神预定了我们得儿子的名分,“使祂恩典的荣耀得着称赞”─弗一5~6上:

VI. God has predestinated us unto sonship to "the praise of the glory of His grace"—Eph. 1:5-6a:

一 荣耀是彰显出来的神(出四十34);“祂恩典的荣耀”指明神的恩典(神的自己作我们的享受)将祂彰显出来。─引用经文

A. Glory is God expressed (Exo. 40:34); the glory of His grace indicates that God's grace, which is Himself as our enjoyment, expresses Him.

二 神预定我们得儿子的名分,是为了使祂在祂恩典里的彰显,就是祂恩典的荣耀,得着称赞─弗一5~6上。

B. God's predestinating us unto sonship is for the praise of His expression in His grace, that is, for the praise of the glory of His grace—Eph. 1:5-6a.

柒 神要“在要来的诸世代中,显示祂在基督耶稣里,向我们所施恩慈中恩典超越的丰富”─二7:

VII. God will "display in the ages to come the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus"—2:7:

一 因着神在基督耶稣里向我们所施的恩慈,神就借着祂的恩典救了我们;神的恩典是在这样的恩慈中赐给我们的─7节,罗二4。

A. In His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus, God has saved us by His grace; it is in such kindness that the grace of God is given to us—v. 7; Rom. 2:4.

二 神恩典的丰富就是神自己的丰富,分赐到我们里面,给我们经历和享受;神恩典的丰富超越各样的限制。

B. The riches of God's grace are the riches of God Himself dispensed into us for our experience and enjoyment; the riches of God's grace surpass every limit.

三 在要来的诸世代中─在千年国和永世里─神要向全宇宙显示祂恩典超越的丰富─弗二7。

C. In the ages to come—in the millennium and eternity—God will display the surpassing riches of His grace to the whole universe—Eph. 2:7.
