
第三篇 信徒经历神在祂经纶中的恩典,终极完成于召会作为基督生机的身体

The Believers' Experience of the Grace of God in the Economy of God Consummating in the Church as the Organic Body of Christ



壹 新约信徒在神经纶中之恩典下的生活,乃是一个经历经过过程并终极完成之三一神作恩典之整体的生活─加六18,来四16,启二二21:

I. The New Testament believers' living under the grace in God's economy is a total living of experiencing the processed and consummated Triune God as grace—Gal. 6:18; Heb. 4:16; Rev. 22:21:

一 基督徒的生活必须是恩典的生活,恩典的经历;我们基督徒的生活根本就是神来作我们恩典的生活─林后一12。

A. The Christian living must be the living of grace, the experience of grace; our Christian life is essentially a life of having God as our grace—2 Cor. 1:12.

二 整体的生活,意思是我们整个的生活乃是三一神经过过程作我们恩典的生活─十三14。

B. A total living means that our entire living is a living of the Triune God processed to be grace to us—13:14.

三 复合的灵天天在我们里面运行,作膏油的涂抹,叫我们享受这经过过程的三一神作恩典─约壹二20、27。

C. The compound Spirit is moving within us daily as the anointing so that we may enjoy the processed Triune God as grace—1 John 2:20, 27.

四 主耶稣基督的恩,那灵的恩,与我们已经得了重生作三一神居所和器皿的灵同在─来十29下,加六18,腓四23,门25,提后四22。

D. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit of grace, is with our spirit, which has been regenerated to be the dwelling place and vessel of the Triune God— Heb. 10:29b; Gal. 6:18; Phil. 4:23; Philem. 25; 2 Tim. 4:22.

五 我们是领受了恩典的人,恩典就是三一神,就是父在子里给了我们,也是子实化为那灵住在我们的灵中─林前十五45下,六17。

E. We are those who have received grace, which is the Triune God—the Father given to us in the Son, and the Son realized as the Spirit dwelling in our spirit— 1 Cor. 15:45b; 6:17.

六 因为我们是圣徒,主的恩必须在我们日常生活的每一方面,与我们每一个人同在─腓四23,弗四7。

F. Because we are saints, the grace of the Lord must be with each one of us in every aspect of our daily life—Phil. 4:23; Eph. 4:7.

贰 真正的召会乃是以神在基督耶稣里所赐给她的恩典为基础─林前一2~4:

II. A genuine church is based upon the grace given to it in Christ Jesus—1 Cor. 1:2-4:

一 神的恩典赐给召会,不是基于召会的属灵或光景。

A. The grace of God is not given to the church based upon the spirituality or condition of the church.

二 唯独神的恩典是召会的基础─十六23。

B. The grace of God alone is the base of the church—16:23.

三 保罗在林前一章四节感谢神,乃是根据神在基督耶稣里所赐给召会之恩典的恩赐。─引用经文

C. Paul's thanks to God in 1 Corinthians 1:4 was based upon the gift of grace which was given to the church in Christ Jesus.

四 召会站在恩典的基础上,为要领受进一步的恩典─启二二21。

D. The church is standing on the base of grace in order that it may receive further grace—Rev. 22:21.

五 我们领受了恩典作我们的基础,今天我们是站在恩典上,不是站在我们的属性、美德或优越上;因此,我们有资格领受更多的恩典,甚至恩上加恩─约一16。

E. We have received grace as our base, and we are standing upon grace, not upon our attributes, virtues, or excellencies; therefore, we are qualified to receive more grace, even grace upon grace—John 1:16.

叁 信徒在神的经纶中经历神恩典的终极完成,乃是召会作为基督生机的身体─林前十二12~13、27,弗一6~8、22~23:

III. The consummation of the believers' experience of the grace of God in His economy is the church as the organic Body of Christ—1 Cor. 12:12-13, 27; Eph. 1:6-8, 22-23:

一 恩典就是流通的三一神,将祂一切的所是分赐到我们里面,给我们享受;整个召会生活都在于恩典作神圣三一在我们里面的流通─彼前五10,徒四33,林后八1,十三14。

A. Grace is the circulating Triune God dispensing all that He is into us for our enjoyment; the entire church life depends on grace as the circulation of the Divine Trinity within us—1 Pet. 5:10; Acts 4:33; 2 Cor. 8:1; 13:14.

二 基督身体实际的生活和建造,乃是从内里享受神的恩典而产生的─林前一9,林后十三14。

B. The practical life and building up of the Body of Christ come forth out of the inward enjoyment of the grace of God—1 Cor. 1:9; 2 Cor. 13:14.

三 基督生机身体的每一部分都是神在祂经纶中的恩典所产生的─罗十二4~6上。

C. Every part of the organic Body of Christ is an issue of the grace of God in the economy of God—Rom. 12:4-6a.

四 照着所赐给我们的恩典,我们在身体里得了不同的恩赐,这些恩赐是我们经历基督恩典的结果─6节:

D. In the Body we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us and that are a result of our experience of the grace of Christ—v. 6:

1 这恩典乃是神在基督里,作神圣的元素,进到我们里面作生命,成了我们的享受─约一16,林后十三14。

1. This grace is God in Christ as the divine element coming into our being to be our life for our enjoyment—John 1:16; 2 Cor. 13:14.

2 这恩典进到我们里面的时候,也带来某种属灵技能与才干的元素,随着生命在我们里面的增长,发展成为生命的恩赐,使我们可以在基督的身体里尽功用事奉神─罗十二6~8。

2. When this grace comes into us, it brings with it the element of certain spiritual skills and abilities, which, accompanying our growth in life, develop into the gifts in life so that we may function in the Body of Christ to serve God— Rom. 12:6-8.

3 在罗马十二章六节,恩赐是照着恩典而有不同;在以弗所四章七节,恩典是照着恩赐赐给的:─引用经文

3. In Romans 12:6 the gifts differ according to grace; in Ephesians 4:7 grace was given according to the gift:

a 恩典就是神圣的生命,这生命产生并供应恩赐。

a. Grace is the divine life that produces and supplies the gifts.

b 在罗马十二章,是恩典产生恩赐;因此,恩赐是照着恩典。

b. In Romans 12 it is the grace that produces the gift; thus, the gift is according to grace.

c 在以弗所四章,恩典是照着恩赐,照着恩赐的度量。

c. In Ephesians 4 the grace is according to the gift, according to the measure of the gift.

五 在召会作为基督生机的身体里,败坏的话一句都不可出口,“只要按需要说建造人的好话,好将恩典供给听见的人”─29节:

E. In the church as the organic Body of Christ, we should let no corrupt word proceed out of our mouth, "but only that which is good for building up, according to the need, that it may give grace to those who hear"—v. 29:

1 我们的话应当将恩典─基督作我们的享受和供应─载送给人─林后十三14,罗十六20,林前十六23,加六18。

1. Our word spoken to others should convey grace, Christ as our enjoyment and supply—2 Cor. 13:14; Rom. 16:20; 1 Cor. 16:23; Gal. 6:18.

2 建造人的话,总是将基督当作恩典供应听见的人─弗四29。

2. The word that builds up others always ministers Christ as grace to the hearer—Eph. 4:29.

肆 在以弗所三章二节使徒保罗说,恩典的管家职分为着身体的肢体赐给了他─五30:

IV. In Ephesians 3:2 the apostle Paul says that the stewardship of grace was given to him for the members of the Body—5:30:

一 在三章二节和九节,保罗用了一个希腊字,oikonomia,奥依克诺米亚;在九节,这字指神的经纶,在二节,这字指使徒管家的职分。─引用经文

A. In Ephesians 3:2 and 9 Paul uses the Greek word oikonomia; in verse 9 this word refers to God's economy, and in verse 2 it refers to the stewardship of the apostle.

二 神恩典的管家职分已经赐给我们,使我们生活事奉为着建造基督的身体─2~7节:

B. The stewardship of the grace of God has been given to us so that we may live and serve for the building up of the Body of Christ—vv. 2-7:

1 恩典的管家职分是为着将神的恩典分赐到神所拣选的人里面,以产生并建造召会作基督的身体─林前四1~2。

1. The stewardship of the grace is for the dispensing of the grace of God into His chosen people for the producing and building up of the church as the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 4:1-2.

2 使徒的职事来自这管家的职分,他是神家中的管家,将基督这神的恩典供应神的家人─九17。

2. Out of this stewardship comes the ministry of the apostle, who is a steward in God's house, ministering Christ as God's grace to God's household—9:17.

3 保罗的职事是将基督的丰富分赐给众信徒作恩典,给他们享受─弗三8。

3. Paul's ministry was to dispense the riches of Christ as grace to the believers for their enjoyment—Eph. 3:8.

4 神的经纶只在于神自己,但恩典的管家职分不仅赐给保罗一个人;这管家的职分已经赐给了所有的信徒。

4. The economy of God is with God Himself, but the stewardship of grace was given not merely to Paul as one person; this stewardship has been given to all the believers.

5 恩典的管家职分是普遍的;为着基督的身体,所有的圣徒都有照着神经纶之恩典的管家职分─2、9节。

5. The stewardship of grace is universal; for the Body of Christ all the saints have the stewardship of grace according to God's economy—vv. 2, 9.
