
第六篇 与主一同从帐幕的召会生活往前到殿的召会生活,为着建造基督的身体作活神的殿

Going On with the Lord from the Tabernacle Church Life to the Temple Church Life for the Building Up of the Body of Christ as the Temple of the Living God

晨兴 - 纲目 | outline - 听抄 - 目录

读经: 太十二3~4、42,约十四21、23,罗八28~29,诗二七4,三六8~9,四三4,八四4~5

壹 主在我们里面渴望要从帐幕的召会生活往前到殿的召会生活,前者是在魂的旷野里,后者有基督这包罗万有的灵在我们灵里作美地的实际─ 来六1上,书三14~17,申八8,弗二21~22,西一12,二6~7。

I. The Lord within us is aspiring to go on from the tabernacle church life in the wilderness of the soul to the temple church life with Christ, the all-inclusive Spirit, as the reality of the good land in our spirit—Heb. 6:1a; Josh. 3:14-17; Deut. 8:8; Eph. 2:21-22; Col. 1:12; 2:6-7.

贰 帐幕和殿预表召会的两面:

II. The tabernacle and the temple typify two aspects of the church:

一 王上八章一至十一节表明,帐幕是与殿合并的;帐幕是可移动的前身,行经旷野,殿在预表上是神建造的终极完成。─ 引用经文

A. First Kings 8:1-11 shows that the tabernacle was merged with the temple; the tabernacle was a portable precursor moving through the wilderness, whereas the temple was the consummation of God's building in typology.

二 殿是帐幕的扩大,说出召会的加强和稳固;圣殿里面更新并加大的器具,表征众圣徒对基督之经历的更新并加大;殿和殿里至圣所的尺寸是帐幕及其内至圣所尺寸的两倍;不仅如此,除了约柜以外,其余物件和器具的大小和数量都大为扩大,作祂扩大的彰显─ 六2、20,代下四1~8,参出二六3、16、18、22~24、33。

B. The temple as the enlargement of the tabernacle signifies the strengthening and stabilizing of the church, and the renewing and enlargement of the furniture in the temple signify the renewing and enlargement of the saints' experience of Christ; the dimensions of the temple and of the Holy of Holies in the temple were twice those of the tabernacle; furthermore, with the exception of the Ark, the size and number of the furnishings and the utensils were greatly enlarged for His enlarged expression—6:2, 20; 2 Chron. 4:1-8; cf. Exo. 26:3, 16, 18, 22-24, 33.

三 帐幕预表神在地上的召会,或在各地的召会,而殿表征召会作基督身体的实际;众地方召会乃是宝贵的手续,将我们带进那作神经纶荣耀目标之身体的实际里─ 弗一22~23,参启二一10~11。

C. The tabernacle typifies God's church on earth, or His church in the localities, whereas the temple signifies the church as the reality of the Body of Christ; the local churches are the precious procedure to bring us into the reality of the Body as the glorious goal of God's economy—Eph. 1:22-23; cf. Rev. 21:10-11.

四 独一的职事乃是为着神独一的见证;而神独一的见证,就是基督身体的实际,乃是实化于众地方召会─ 出二五22,三八21,启一2、9,参弗四4,约十六13。

D. The unique ministry is for God's unique testimony, and God's unique testimony, the reality of the Body of Christ, is realized in the local churches—Exo. 25:22; 38:21; Rev. 1:2, 9; cf. Eph. 4:4; John 16:13.

五 林前十二章所描述的身体,乃是一个地方召会应有的见证,也就是身体的见证;今天的地方召会必须是显出基督身体实际的一个见证─ 14~18、20节。

E. The Body described in 1 Corinthians 12 is the testimony that a local church should have; it is the testimony of the Body; the local church today must be a testimony that expresses the reality of the Body of Christ—vv. 14-18, 20.

六 召会的存在乃是为着一的见证;我们说“地方召会”,所着重的乃是召会,而不是地方;各地召会所拥有的生命乃是一的生命─ 约十七11、21、23,启一10~12。

F. The church exists for the testimony of oneness; when we refer to the "local church," our emphasis is on the church and not on the "local-ness"; the life that the churches possess is a life of oneness—John 17:11, 21, 23; Rev. 1:10-12.

七 基督身体之实际的见证乃是神末了的恢复─神永远经纶的恢复,有基督作我们的一切,基督身体的一,以及祂身体上众肢体都尽功用─ 提前一3~6,六3~5,来十三9,弗一17,三2、8~11、16~21,四1~6、16。

G. The testimony of the reality of the Body of Christ is God's final recovery—the recovery of God's eternal economy with Christ being everything to us, with the oneness of the Body of Christ, and with all the members of His Body functioning—1 Tim. 1:3-6; 6:3-5; Heb. 13:9; Eph. 1:17; 3:2, 8-11, 16-21; 4:1-6, 16.

叁 约翰福音乃是基督作生命为着建造召会作活神的殿的福音;这建造的工作是借着我们经历并享受钉死并复活的基督作生命树而完成的─ 启二4~7,彼前二24,约十一25,六57、63,林后六16:

III. The Gospel of John is the gospel of Christ as life for the building up of the church as the temple of the living God; this building work is carried out through our experience and enjoyment of the crucified and resurrected Christ as the tree of life—Rev. 2:4-7; 1 Pet. 2:24; John 11:25; 6:57, 63; 2 Cor. 6:16:

一 生命的原则是变死亡为生命(约二1~11),生命的目的乃是建造召会作神的家,神的殿(12~22);因此,主宣告:“你们拆毁这殿,我三日内要将它建立起来。”(19)─ 引用经文

A. The principle of life is to change death into life (John 2:1-11), and the purpose of life is to build the church as the house of God, the temple of God (vv. 12-22); thus, the Lord declared, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" (v. 19).

二 借着主在十字架上的死,就是祂物质的身体被拆毁,祂担当我们的过犯和罪孽,以救赎并称义我们,并且祂的死乃为医治我们的疾病─ 赛五三4~6,罗三23~26,彼前二24。

B. Through His death, the destruction of His physical body on the cross, He bore our transgressions and iniquities to redeem and justify us, and His death was for the healing of our diseases—Isa. 53:4-6; Rom. 3:23-26; 1 Pet. 2:24.

三 主物质的身体被拆毁,也使那掌死权的魔鬼被废除;当祂死在十字架上时,旧造、旧人、肉体、撒但、罪、诸罪和世界都被钉在十字架上;因此,在神的眼中,在基督钉十字架后,整个宇宙就已经被清理了─ 来二14,罗六6,加二20,五24,约一29,三14,六70~71,十二31,太十六23,林前十五3。

C. The destruction of the Lord's physical body was also the destruction of the devil, who has the power of death; when He died on the cross, the old creation, the old man, the flesh, Satan, sin, sins, and the world were crucified on the cross; thus, in the eyes of God, after Christ's crucifixion, the entire universe has been cleared up—Heb. 2:14; Rom. 6:6; Gal. 2:20; 5:24; John 1:29; 3:14; 6:70-71; 12:31; Matt. 16:23; 1 Cor. 15:3.

四 主物质的身体被拆毁,以及祂在三天内复活,也是祂作为一粒麦子死了,并且复活,将神的神圣生命,就是神的神圣之火,释放并分赐到祂许多信徒里面,使祂的许多信徒成为神的复制品─ 约十二24,路十二49~51。

D. The destruction of the Lord's physical body and His being raised up in three days were also His dying as a grain of wheat and resurrecting to release and dispense the divine life of God as the divine fire of God into His many believers to make His many believers the reproduction of God—John 12:24; Luke 12:49-51.

五 借着基督的死与复活,祂物质的身体就得着扩增,成为祂团体、奥秘的身体,就是神宇宙的殿,也就是召会作活神的家─ 林前三16~17,提前三15,彼前二5,弗二21~22。

E. Through Christ's death and resurrection, His physical body has been increased to be His corporate and mystical Body, which is the universal temple of God, the church as the house of the living God—1 Cor. 3:16-17; 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Pet. 2:5; Eph. 2:21-22.

六 许多住处就是基督身体的许多肢体;这身体就是神的殿─ 约十四2、23,罗十二5,林前三16~17。

F. The many abodes are the many members of the Body of Christ, which is God's temple—John 14:2, 23; Rom. 12:5; 1 Cor. 3:16-17.

七 我们既是基督那释放生命的死所产生的许多子粒,也是基督那分赐生命的复活所产生基督奥秘身体的许多住处,就必须是爱祂到极点的人,过钉十字架的生活,好借着那在瓦器里之宝贝的大能,将复活的生命显明出来─ 约十四21、23,罗八28~29,林后四7~18,十二7~9。

G. As the many grains produced by Christ's life-releasing death and the many abodes of Christ's mystical Body produced by Christ's life-dispensing resurrection, we must be those who love Him to the uttermost in our living a crucified life for the manifestation of the resurrection life by the power of the treasure in our earthen vessels—John 14:21, 23; Rom. 8:28-29; 2 Cor. 4:7-18; 12:7-9.

肆 大卫与所罗门预表基督的两方面,为着神的建造:

IV. David and Solomon typify Christ in two aspects for God's building:

一 大卫预表基督从祂的成为肉体以及祂的神人生活与受苦起,直到祂的死(从马槽到十字架)─ 太十二3~4,二二41~46。

A. David typifies Christ from His incarnation with His God-man living and sufferings unto His death (from the manger to the cross)—Matt. 12:3-4; 22:41-46.

二 所罗门预表在荣耀里复活的基督,作为赐生命的灵在我们里面(包括祂的登宝座与祂第二次来到地上治理祂的国),讲说神智慧的话,建造召会作神的殿─ 十二42,代下一10,林前一24、30,十二8。

B. Solomon typifies Christ in His resurrection in glory as the life-giving Spirit in us (including His enthronement and His second coming to rule over His kingdom on earth) speaking God's word of wisdom to build up the church as the temple of God—12:42; 2 Chron. 1:10; 1 Cor. 1:24, 30; 12:8.

三 神“作见证说,我寻得耶西的儿子大卫,他是合乎我心的人,必实行我一切的旨意”(徒十三22);大卫“在神的旨意中,服事了他那一代的人”(36);他是一个合乎神心的人(撒上十三14),因为正如所罗门所见证的:“我父亲大卫心中立意,要为耶和华以色列神的名建殿。”(王上八17~20,参弗一5、9,林前十二12~27─见13注4)─ 引用经文

C. God "testified and said, I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man according to My heart, who will do all My will" (Acts 13:22); David "served his own generation by the counsel of God" (v. 36); he was a man according to God's heart (1 Sam. 13:14) because, as Solomon testified, "It was on David my father's heart to build a house for the name of Jehovah the God of Israel" (1 Kings 8:17-20; cf. Eph. 1:5, 9; 1 Cor. 12:12-27—see footnote 2 on v. 13).

四 大卫自幼就受苦,但借着受苦,他预备材料,得着建造圣殿的正确立场,并预备建造者所罗门和所有的帮助者─ 代上二一18~30,代下三1,代上二八9~11、20~21。

D. David suffered from his youth, yet through his suffering he prepared the materials, gained the proper ground for the building of the temple, and prepared Solomon, the builder, and all the helpers—1 Chron. 21:18-30; 2 Chron. 3:1; 1 Chron. 28:9-11, 20-21.

五 大卫为着建造神的殿,预备许多材料,预表基督用祂追测不尽的丰富为供备,以建造神的召会─ 十八7~11,二二2~5、14~16上,二八2,二九2~9,参弗三8~10。

E. David's preparing of the materials in abundance for the building up of the temple of God typifies Christ's providing for the building of the church of God with His unsearchable riches—18:7-11; 22:2-5, 14-16a; 28:2; 29:2-9; cf. Eph. 3:8-10.

六 大卫在困难之中(代上二二1、14)、在受试炼中并在争战得胜中的预备,预表基督在受试炼中,并在祂与撒但及其黑暗权势争战之生活的得胜中,为着建造神的召会所作丰富的供备(太四4、7、10)。─ 引用经文

F. David's preparation in his affliction (1 Chron. 22:1, 14), in his trials, and in the victory of his fightings typifies Christ's rich provision for the building of the church of God in His trials and in His victory in His life of fighting against Satan with his power of darkness (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10).

七 大卫所得圣殿的样式,乃是“他被灵感动所得的样式”(代上二八12);“大卫说,这一切样式的细工,都是耶和华的手在我身上,画出来使我明白的”(19,参林后三3);所罗门所建造的殿乃是按照这样式(代上二八11)。─ 引用经文

G. The pattern of the temple given to David was "the pattern of all that he had by the Spirit" (1 Chron. 28:12); "all this, said David, has He made clear by a writing from the hand of Jehovah upon me, all the details of the pattern" (v. 19; cf. 2 Cor. 3:3); the temple built by Solomon was according to this pattern (1 Chron. 28:11).

八 大卫安排以色列人向神供职的班次,与神的殿有关(六31~48,二三~二六),预表在新约里,那灵在召会事奉上有次序的安排(林前十二4~27),也预表身体的头基督设立了祂身体中的等次,给所有的肢体持守(18,十四40)。─ 引用经文

H. David's arranging in order Israel's services to God related to the temple of God (6:31-48; chs. 23—26) typifies the Spirit's arranging in order the church services in the New Testament (1 Cor. 12:4-27) and typifies that Christ as the Head of the Body has set up an order in His Body for all His members to keep (v. 18; 14:40).

九 召会的蓝图就是复活的灵─包罗万有、赐生命、复合、内住的灵;当我们在灵里活在复活的灵里,所罗门照着大卫的样式(带着基督之神人生活、死与复活的一切元素)建殿的实际,就成就在我们身上─ 约二19,腓一19,弗一17,二22,三5、16,四23,五18,六18。

I. The blueprint of the church is the Spirit of resurrection—the all-inclusive, life-giving, compound, indwelling Spirit; when we live in the Spirit of resurrection in our spirit, the reality of Solomon's building of the temple according to David's design (with all the ingredients of Christ's God-man living, death, and resurrection) is fulfilled within us—John 2:19; Phil. 1:19; Eph. 1:17; 2:22; 3:5, 16; 4:23; 5:18; 6:18.

十 所罗门这名意为“平安”,意即召会是由基督这“得享安息的人”,在平安里且不受响声扰乱,而建造起来的─ 代上二二9,徒九31,弗四29~32:

J. Solomon's name means "peace," meaning that the church is built by Christ as "a man of rest" in peace, without any noise—1 Chron. 22:9; Acts 9:31; Eph. 4:29-32:

1 建造圣殿所用的每一块石头,原则上都是在山野里锤打过、对付过的;因此,在殿里听不见锤子、斧子或任何铁器的响声,圣殿是安安静静建造起来的─ 王上五15~18,六7。

1. Every piece of stone used for the building of the temple was, in principle, already cut and dealt with in the mountains; thus, the sound of hammer, axe, and iron tool was not heard, and the temple was built quietly—1 Kings 5:15-18; 6:7.

2 一位弟兄若没有受主的对付(说个不停,不能听,因此有未更新的心思),作了长老,召会中就会满了锤子、斧子和铁器的响声;有些“响声”是圣徒们借着祷告对打,以祷告推翻彼此的祷告─ 参赛五十4~5,弗四23。

2. If a brother who is not dealt with by the Lord (who talks incessantly, who is not a good listener, and who thus has an un-renewed mind) becomes an elder, the church will be filled with the noise of the hammer, axe, and iron tool; some "noise" can be certain saints fighting with one another by praying to nullify another one's prayer—cf. Isa. 50:4-5; Eph. 4:23.

3 我们在召会中,一听见有人批评、论断、争吵或反对,就该退到至圣所,就是退回到并转到我们的灵里;圣殿乃是在安静中建造的─ 加六17~18,赛三十15上。

3. In the church, if we hear others' criticism, judgment, arguing, and opposition, we should withdraw into the Holy of Holies, that is, retreat into and turn to our spirit; the temple is built in quietness—Gal. 6:17-18; Isa. 30:15a.

4 约柜安置之后,大卫所设立的人在耶和华殿中负责歌唱的服事;他们就在会幕前供职歌唱,直到所罗门在耶路撒冷建造了耶和华的殿─ 代上六31~32。

4. After the Ark was at rest, those whom David set over the service of song in the house of Jehovah ministered before the Tent of Meeting with singing until Solomon built the house of Jehovah in Jerusalem—1 Chron. 6:31-32.

十一 我们“与王同住,为王作工”,享受祂这钉死又复活的基督,将祂自己建造到我们里面,使我们被成全为神的家─召会─中的柱子─英文诗歌九〇四首(中译见晨兴圣言─撒母耳记结晶读经㈡,第十二周),代上四23,王上七17、21,启三12。─ 引用经文

K. We "dwell with the King for His work," enjoying Him as the crucified and resurrected Christ to build Himself into us for our being perfected into pillars in the church as the house of God—Hymns, #904; 1 Chron. 4:23; 1 Kings 7:17, 21; Rev. 3:12.

十二 借着享受包罗万有之基督作复活的大能并作经过过程之三一神的复活、赐生命之灵(指基督作为真正且更大的所罗门),我们就能有分于基督受苦的交通,连同祂作为祷告之人的神人生活,好模成祂的死(指基督作为真正且更大的大卫),来为着基督的身体(真正且更大的殿)─ 腓三10,罗八11,太十二3~4、42,约二19~22,林后六16。

L. By enjoying the all-inclusive Christ as the resurrection power and the resurrecting and life-giving Spirit of the processed Triune God (the real and greater Solomon), we can participate in the fellowship of Christ's sufferings with His God-man living as a man of prayer to be conformed to His death (as the real and greater David) for the sake of His Body (the real and greater temple)—Phil. 3:10; Rom. 8:11; Matt. 12:3-4, 42; John 2:19-22; 2 Cor. 6:16. >

伍 神建造召会作活神的殿的意念和道路,高过我们的意念和道路;我们需要弃绝我们的道路和意念,并归向耶和华我们的神,在召会这活神的殿中,走享受祂的路─ 创二9,约六35、57、63,赛五五6~13,五七20,约一14,二19,三34,十七17,弗五26,林后三15~18,六16,罗八28~29,启二二1~2:

V. God's thoughts and ways to build up the church as the temple of the living God are higher than ours; we need to forsake our ways and our thoughts and return to Jehovah our God to take the way of enjoying Him in the church as the temple of the living God—Gen. 2:9; John 6:35, 57, 63; Isa. 55:6-13; 57:20; John 1:14; 2:19; 3:34; 17:17; Eph. 5:26; 2 Cor. 3:15-18; 6:16; Rom. 8:28-29; Rev. 22:1-2:

一 我们这些神的儿女需要转一个观念,领悟神的心意是要把祂自己给我们享受─ 诗三六8~9,十六11,十九8,二七6,四二4~5,四八2,六三7,六六1~2,八一1,八九15~18,九五1~2,一〇〇1~2,一二六1~6,尼八10,约壹一3~4:

A. As God's children, we need to change our concept and realize that God's desire is to give Himself to us for our enjoyment—Psa. 36:8-9; 16:11; 19:8; 27:6; 42:4-5; 48:2; 63:7; 66:1-2; 81:1; 89:15-18; 95:1-2; 100:1-2; 126:1-6; Neh. 8:10; 1 John 1:3-4:

1 结果子是在于享受神─ 约十五7~11。

1. Fruit-bearing is to enjoy God—John 15:7-11.

2 祷告是在于享受神─ 哀三55~56,诗歌二一〇首。

2. Prayer is to enjoy God—Lam. 3:55-56; Hymns, #255.

3 尽话语职事是在于享受神─ 约六57、63,七37~39,林前十五10,林后三1~6、18,二17,十三3,弗三2,彼前四10~11,耶十五16,结三1~4,赛五五8~11。

3. Ministering the word is to enjoy God—John 6:57, 63; 7:37-39; 1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 3:1-6, 18; 2:17; 13:3; Eph. 3:2; 1 Pet. 4:10-11; Jer. 15:16; Ezek. 3:1-4; Isa. 55:8-11.

4 传福音是在于享受神─ 约四10、13~14、31~34。

4. Preaching the gospel is to enjoy God—John 4:10, 13-14, 31-34.

5 受神引导是在于享受神─ 出三三14。

5. Receiving His leading is to enjoy God—Exo. 33:14.

二 过基督徒的生活,使我们成为得胜者的秘诀,就在于我们走享受神作生命树的路;神没有意思要我们为祂作什么;祂唯一的心意是要将祂自己当作食物给我们享受─ 创二9,启二7。

B. The secret of living the Christian life so that we may be overcomers is for us to take the way of enjoying God as the tree of life; God does not intend for us to do anything for Him; His only desire is to give Himself to us as food for our enjoyment—Gen. 2:9; Rev. 2:7.

三 在神的家,神的殿中,就是在基督里(约二19~22),在召会里(提前三15,林前三16~17,林后六16),在我们的灵里(弗二22),至终在新耶路撒冷里(启二一22),我们尝尝,便知道耶和华是美善的(诗三四8)。─ 引用经文

C. We taste and see that Jehovah is good (Psa. 34:8) in the house of God, the temple of God, that is, in Christ (John 2:19-22), in the church (1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 2 Cor. 6:16), in our spirit (Eph. 2:22), and ultimately in the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:22).

四 我们应当爱神所住的殿,和祂的荣耀所居住、停留并显明之处─ 二六8,八四1,二九9下,弗三20~21上。

D. We should love the habitation of God's house, the temple, and the place where His glory abides, remains, to be manifested—Psa. 26:8; 84:1; 29:9b; Eph. 3:20-21a.

五 “有一件事,我曾求耶和华,我仍要寻求;就是一生一世住在耶和华的殿中,瞻仰祂的荣美,在祂的殿里求问”(诗二七4);耶和华的殿是神人二性扩大、宇宙的合并,使父得着彰显、满足和安息(约十四2、20、23)。─ 引用经文

E. "One thing I have asked from Jehovah; ? That do I seek: ? To dwell in the house of Jehovah ? All the days of my life, ? To behold the beauty of Jehovah, ? And to inquire in His temple" (Psa. 27:4); the house of Jehovah is the enlarged, universal, divine-human incorporation for the Father's manifestation, satisfaction, and rest (John 14:2, 20, 23).

六 在基督里,在召会中,并在我们的灵里,我们享受定居的神作祂殿里的肥甘叫我们饱足,作祂的乐河解我们的干渴,作生命的源头和光喂养我们并光照我们─ 诗三六8~9。

F. In Christ, in the church, and in our spirit, we enjoy "the located God" as the fatness of His house to saturate us, as the river of His pleasures to quench our thirst, and as the fountain of life and light to feed us and enlighten us—Psa. 36:8-9.

七 “我就到神的祭坛,到我最喜乐的神那里;神啊,我的神,我要弹琴赞美你”─四三4。

G. "I will go to the altar of God, ? To God my exceeding joy; ? And I will praise You with the harp, ? O God, my God"—43:4.

八 在神的家,神的殿中,我们享受神的脸(神的同在)作为救恩(四二5),使祂能成为我们脸上的救恩(11)。─ 引用经文

H. In the house of God, the temple of God, we enjoy the salvation of God's countenance, God's presence (42:5), so that He can be the salvation of our countenance (v. 11).

陆 “住在你殿中的,便为有福;他们仍要赞美你。〔细拉〕因你有力量,心中想往锡安大道的,这人便为有福”─八四4~5:

VI. "Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; ? They will yet be praising You. Selah ? Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, ? In whose heart are the highways to Zion"—84:4-5:

一 “我要永永远远赞美你的名”─一四五2下。

A. "I will praise Your name forever and ever"—145:2b.

二 “我一生要赞美耶和华;我还活着的时候,要歌颂我的神”─一四六2。

B. "I will praise Jehovah while I live; ? I will sing psalms to my God while I yet have being"—146:2.

三 “你是圣别的,是用以色列的赞美为宝座的”─二二3。

C. "You are holy, You who sit enthroned ? Upon the praises of Israel"—22:3.

四 “所以我们应当借着耶稣,常常向神献上赞美的祭,这就是承认主名之嘴唇的果子”─ 来十三15,腓二11。

D. "Through Him then let us offer up a sacrifice of praise continually to God, that is, the fruit of lips confessing His name"—Heb. 13:15; Phil. 2:11.

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