
第六篇 达到杰出的复活

Attaining to the Out-resurrection



壹 “杰出的复活”指卓越的复活,特殊的复活,这是要给得胜圣徒的奖赏─腓三11,启二十4、6:

I. "The out-resurrection" refers to the outstanding resurrection, the extra- resurrection, which will be a prize to the overcoming saints—Phil. 3:11; Rev. 20:4, 6:

一 所有在基督里死了的信徒,在主回来时,都要从死人中复活─帖前四16,林前十五52。

A. All believers who are dead in Christ will participate in the resurrection from the dead at the Lord's coming back—1 Thes. 4:16; 1 Cor. 15:52.

二 主的得胜者要享受那复活特殊、杰出的分,就是他们要在这复活中得着国度的赏赐;这是使徒保罗所追求的─腓三11,来十一35、26。

B. The Lord's overcomers will enjoy an extra, outstanding portion of that resurrection, a resurrection in which they will receive the reward of the kingdom; this is what the apostle Paul sought after—Phil. 3:11; Heb. 11:35, 26.

贰 对保罗而言,活着就是基督这杰出的复活─腓一21上,三11:

II. For Paul, to live was Christ as the out-resurrection—Phil. 1:21a; 3:11:

一 活在保罗里面的这位基督,在祂自己的人位里就是杰出复活的实际─约十一25,启一17下~18,二8。

A. The Christ who lived in Paul is the One who, in His own person, is the reality of the out-resurrection—John 11:25; Rev. 1:17b-18; 2:8.

二 杰出的复活实际上就是基督亲爱、宝贵、超绝的人位;祂借着钉死与复活,已经从旧造出来并进到神里面─约十四3、20,来六19~20。

B. The out-resurrection is actually the dear, precious, excellent person of Christ, the One who, through crucifixion and resurrection, has passed out of the old creation and has entered into God—John 14:3, 20; Heb. 6:19-20.

三 我们要达到杰出的复活,就必须在基督复活的大能里认识祂,在同祂受苦的交通里认识祂,并且借着模成祂的死认识祂─腓三10~11。

C. In order to attain to the out-resurrection, we need to know Christ in the power of His resurrection, know Him in the fellowship of His sufferings, and know Him by being conformed to His death—Phil. 3:10-11.

四 在腓立比三章十三至十四节我们看见,保罗并不是以为自己已经取得了杰出的复活;他乃是向着杰出的复活这标竿竭力追求,要得神在基督耶稣里,召他向上去得的奖赏。─引用经文

D. In verses 13 and 14 we see that Paul did not account of himself to have laid hold of the out-resurrection already; he pursued toward the goal of the out- resurrection for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus had called him upward.

叁 我们的基督徒生活有一个目标,这目标就是杰出的复活,超越的复活─11节:

III. Our Christian life has a goal, and this goal is the out-resurrection, the extraordinary resurrection—v. 11:

一 保罗渴望模成基督的死,或者他可以达到那从死人中杰出的复活─10节。

A. Paul aspired to be conformed to Christ's death so that, by any means, he might arrive at the out-resurrection from the dead—v. 10.

二 我们所应当活的这位基督,祂本身就是杰出的复活─一21上,三11,约十一25。

B. The Christ whom we should live is Himself the out-resurrection—1:21a; 3:11; John 11:25.

三 我们都在往杰出复活的路上;杰出的复活该是我们基督徒生活的目标和目的─腓三11~15上。

C. We all are on the way to the out-resurrection; the out-resurrection should be the goal and destination of our Christian life—Phil. 3:11-15.

四 迈向杰出复活的路就是复活的过程─罗八11:

D. The way toward the out-resurrection is the process of resurrection—Rom. 8:11:

1 这过程开始于我们受浸那天,并要结束于我们达到卓越的复活之时─六3~5。

1. This process began on the day that we were baptized and will conclude when we arrive at the outstanding resurrection—6:3-5.

2 当我们朝着目标往前时,我们就是在逐渐复活的过程中;至终,我们全人的每一部分都要复活─帖前五23。

2. As we move toward the goal, we are in the process of being resurrected; eventually, every part of our being will be resurrected—1 Thes. 5:23.

3 我们要继续在这过程中,直到我们达到杰出复活的目标─腓三11。

3. We will continue in this process until we arrive at the goal of the out- resurrection—Phil. 3:11.

五 达到杰出的复活,需要我们得胜地奔跑赛程,以得着奖赏─林前九24~26,提后四7~8,来十二1~2。

E. To attain to the out-resurrection is to arrive at the out-resurrection; this requires us to triumphantly run the race for the prize—1 Cor. 9:24-26; 2 Tim. 4:7-8; Heb. 12:1-2.

肆 模成基督之死的结果,乃是叫我们可以达到那从死人中杰出的复活─腓三10~11:

IV. The result of being conformed to Christ's death is that we may attain to the out-resurrection from the dead—Phil. 3:10-11:

一 死是我们达到杰出复活的条件─11节。

A. Death is the condition for our attaining to the out-resurrection—v. 11.

二 达到杰出的复活乃是模成基督之死的结果─10节。

B. Arriving at the out-resurrection is the result, the issue, of being conformed to Christ's death—v. 10.

三 模成基督的死,意即我们一直留在祂的死里─罗六6,加二20,腓三10。

C. To be conformed, molded, to the death of Christ means that we remain always in His death—Rom. 6:6; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10.

四 我们若模成基督的死,就会在基督复活的生命里,而在复活里我们就会遇见基督、经历基督并享受基督─约十一25,弗三8,腓一8、19、21上,二5~8,三12。

D. If we are being conformed to Christ's death, we will be in the resurrection life of Christ, and in resurrection we will meet Christ, experience Christ, and enjoy Christ—John 11:25; Eph. 3:8; Phil. 1:8, 19, 21a; 2:5-8; 3:12.

五 我们若留在基督的死里,让自己模成这死的样式,结果就是我们全人的每一部分都要逐渐复活─10~11节。

E. If we remain in Christ's death, allowing ourselves to be molded into its likeness, the outcome will be that every part of our being will be gradually resurrected—vv. 10-11.

伍 关于达到杰出的复活,我们需要问一个重要的问题:我们在今世就能达到杰出的复活这标竿,还是我们在今世只能奔跑赛程,盼望在来世达到这标竿?

V. Concerning attaining to the out-resurrection, we need to ask an important question: Can we reach the goal of the out-resurrection in this age, or can we only run the race and hope to reach the goal in the coming age?

一 我们若认为,我们必须等到来世,才能达到杰出的复活这标竿,而在今世没有达到这标竿,在来世我们也达不到。

A. If we think that we must wait until the coming age to reach the goal of the out- resurrection but do not arrive at this goal in this age, we will not attain to it in the next age.

二 我们应当在我们的一生之中竭力达到杰出的复活─11节。

B. We should endeavor to arrive at the out-resurrection during our lifetime—v. 11.

三 罗马八章十一节启示,我们在今世就能达到杰出的复活:─引用经文

C. Romans 8:11 reveals that we can attain to the out-resurrection in this age:

1 这节经文说,那叫耶稣从死人中复活者的灵,若住在我们里面,那叫基督从死人中复活的,也必赐生命给我们这人正在死去的部分,就是我们必死的身体。

1. This verse says that if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to that part of our being that is dying—our mortal body.

2 十一节的“赐生命”不是指医治,乃是指我们让神的灵安家在我们里面,用神的生命浸透我们全人的结果。─引用经文

2. Gives life in verse 11 does not refer to healing but to the result of our allowing the Spirit of God to make His home in us and saturate our entire being with the divine life.

3 那灵住在我们里面,要真实且实际地将杰出的复活作到我们全人里面。

3. The Spirit is dwelling in us to work the out-resurrection into our being in a real and practical way.

陆 达到杰出的复活,指明我们全人已在逐渐不断地复活─帖前五23:

VI. To arrive at the out-resurrection indicates that our entire being is gradually and continually resurrected—1 Thes. 5:23:

一 神首先使我们死了的灵复活;祂继续使我们的魂和必死的身体复活,直到我们的全人─灵、魂、体─借着并同着祂的生命,从我们的旧人完全复活过来─弗二5~6,罗八6、11。

A. God first resurrected our deadened spirit; He proceeds to resurrect our soul and our mortal body until our whole being—spirit, soul, and body—is fully resurrected out of our old being by His life and with His life—Eph. 2:5-6; Rom. 8:6, 11.

二 这是我们在生命里必经的历程,也是我们当跑的赛程,直到我们达到杰出的复活,作为奖赏─腓三11~14。

B. This is a process in life through which we must pass and a race that we must run until we arrive at the out-resurrection as the prize—Phil. 3:11-14.

三 我们若模成基督的死,我们全人的每一部分就要逐渐地复活;因此,基督徒的生活是一个复活的过程。

C. If we are conformed to Christ's death, every part of our being will be gradually resurrected; thus, the Christian life is a process of resurrection.

四 我们唯有借着过钉十架的生活,才能达到这目标─11节,加二20。

D. We can reach this goal only by living a crucified life—v. 11; Gal. 2:20.

柒 我们需要模成基督的死,好使我们或者可以达到那从死人中杰出的复活;这是主能在祂的恢复里往前唯一的路,是主建造祂召会唯一的路,是新妇将自己预备好唯一的路,也是我们把主带回来唯一的路─腓三10~11,太十六18,启十九7~9上,二二14、20。

VII. We need to be conformed to Christ's death so that by any means we may attain to the out-resurrection from the dead; this is the only way for the Lord to go on in His recovery, the only way to build up His church, the only way for the bride to make herself ready, and the only way to bring the Lord back—Phil. 3:10-11; Matt. 16:18; Rev. 19:7-9a; 22:14, 20.
