
第十一篇 终极完成的神与重生信徒之神人二性的合并─基督为父用神圣的荣耀所荣耀的结果

The Divine-human Incorporation of the Consummated God with the Regenerated Believers— the Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory



壹 我们必须看见,在整个宇宙里神只要一件事,就是祂自己这终极完成的神与重生信徒的宇宙合并─约十四10~11、20,十七21、23,十四23,启二一3、22:

I. We have to see that in the entire universe, there is only one thing that God wants, that is, the universal incorporation of Himself as the consummated God with the regenerated believers— John 14:10-11, 20; 17:21, 23; 14:23; Rev. 21:3, 22:

一 信徒与主的关系可由“联结”、“调和”与“合并”这些辞所描述;“联结”关系到我们与主在生命上的一,“调和”与神圣的性情和属人的性情有关,“合并”是人位彼此内住(也就是互相内在)─约十五4~5,彼后一4,约十四20。

A. The believers' relationship with the Lord is described by the words union, mingling, and incorporation; union is concerning our oneness in life with the Lord, mingling is related to the divine and human natures, and incorporation is persons indwelling one another, coinhering— John 15:4-5; 2 Pet. 1:4; John 14:20.

二 神圣三一的三者在其所是和所作上,从永远就是一个合并─10节:

B. The three of the Divine Trinity are an incorporation from eternity both in what They are and in what They do—v. 10:

1 神圣三一的三者借着互相内在,而成为一个合并─“我在父里面,父在我里面”─10节上、11节上。

1. The three of the Divine Trinity are incorporated by coinhering mutually—"I am in the Father and the Father is in Me"—vv. 10a, 11a.

2 神圣三一的三者借着在一起是一的行事,而成为一个合并─“我对你们所说的话,不是我从自己说的,乃是住在我里面的父作祂自己的事”(10下);“你们当……因我所作的事而信”(11)。

2. The three of the Divine Trinity are an incorporation by working together as one—"The words that I say to you I do not speak from Myself, but the Father who abides in Me does His works" (v. 10b); "believe because of the works themselves" (v. 11b).

三 行传二章二十三节指明这宇宙的神圣合并,就是神圣三一的三者,在永远里举行了一个会议,同意差遣神圣三一的第二者进到时间里成为人,以完成神的神圣经纶─彼前一20,弥五2,参创一26。

C. Acts 2:23 indicates that this universal divine incorporation, the three of the Divine Trinity, held a council in eternity and agreed to send the second of the Divine Trinity into time to become a man for the carrying out of God's divine economy—1 Pet. 1:20; Micah 5:2; cf. Gen. 1:26.

四 在成为肉体以前,这宇宙的合并包括三方;然后神圣三一的第二者将这宇宙的合并带进人性里─约十四10~11。

D. Before the incarnation, this universal incorporation consisted of three parties; then the second of the Divine Trinity brought this universal incorporation into humanity— John 14:10-11.

五 神圣三一的三者在已过的永远里已经合并了;这合并者进到时间里,为要把一切祂所拣选的人合并到祂的合并里,使终极完成的神与重生的信徒成为一个神、人二性宇宙的大合并─十七21。

E. The three in the Divine Trinity were incorporated already in eternity past; this incorporated One came into time in order to incorporate all His chosen ones into His incorporation to make a great, universal, divine-human incorporation of the consummated God with the regenerated believers—17:21.

六 约翰十四章二十节启示,终极完成的三一神与重生的信徒,在基督的复活里成了一个合并:─引用经文

F. John 14:20 reveals that the consummated Triune God and the regenerated believers became an incorporation in the resurrection of Christ:

1 “到那日”,就是到子复活那日。

1. "In that day"—in the day of the Son's resurrection.

2 “你们就知道我在我父里面”(子与父合并为一);“你们在我里面”(重生的信徒合并到子里面,也在子里合并到父里面);“我也在你们里面”(在父里的子合并到重生的信徒里面)。

2. "You will know that I am in My Father" (the Son and the Father are incorporated into one), "and you in Me" (the regenerated believers are incorporated into the Son and into the Father in the Son), "and I in you" (the Son in the Father is incorporated into the regenerated believers).

3 十七节里实际之灵的“在……里面”(“实际的灵……与你们同住,且要在你们里面”),乃是二十节里三个“在……里面”的总和。─引用经文

3. The in of the Spirit of reality in verse 17 ("the Spirit of reality…abides with you and shall be in you") is the totality of the three ins in verse 20.

贰 基督神性之荣耀的释放,乃是祂经过死而在复活里(路二四26),为父用神圣的荣耀所荣耀(约十二23~24);祂神性的荣耀连同祂神圣的生命得以释放出来,乃是把火丢在地上(路十二49~50):─引用经文

II. The release of the glory of Christ's divinity is His being glorified by the Father with the divine glory (12:23-24) in His resurrection through His death (Luke 24:26); the release of the glory of His divinity with His divine life was to cast fire on the earth (12:49-50):

一 基督神性的荣耀原藏在祂里面,如同藏在一粒麦种之内;祂借着成为肉体所穿上的人性,成了遮藏祂神性之荣耀连同祂神圣生命的外壳─约十二23~24。

A. The glory of Christ's divinity was concealed in Him as in a grain of wheat; His humanity through His incarnation became a shell to conceal the glory of His divinity with His divine life— John 12:23-24.

二 主受困迫和拘禁,渴望受死的浸,好借着祂人性的外壳破裂,使祂神性的荣耀连同祂神圣的生命得以释放出来─路十二49~50,约十二23~24:

B. The Lord was pressed and constrained, longing to be baptized with the baptism of His death for the release of the glory of His divinity with His divine life through the breaking of the shell of His humanity—Luke 12:49-50; John 12:23-24:

1 祂是那独一的麦种,含有神圣的生命和神圣的荣耀;当祂人性的外壳借着祂的钉十字架而破裂时,祂神性的一切元素─祂神圣的生命和神圣的荣耀─同时就都释放出来。

1. He was the unique grain that contained His divine life with His divine glory; when the shell of His humanity was broken through His crucifixion, all the elements of His divinity—His divine life and His divine glory—were released simultaneously.

2 祂无限无量的神圣所是连同祂神圣的生命,借着祂肉体的死释放出来之后,就在复活里成了信徒属灵生命的冲力。

2. His unlimited and infinite divine being with His divine life, after being released through His physical death, became the impulse of the believers' spiritual life in resurrection.

三 基督神性之荣耀的释放,乃是祂经过死而在复活里,为父用神圣的荣耀所荣耀;基督在祂的人性生活里祷告,求父荣耀祂,父也答应了祂的祷告─十七1,徒三13,路二四26。

C. The release of the glory of Christ's divinity was His being glorified by the Father with the divine glory in His resurrection through His death; Christ in His human living prayed that His Father would glorify Him, and the Father answered His prayer—17:1; Acts 3:13; Luke 24:26.

四 这样的得荣耀把基督从祂成肉体的时期迁入祂总括的时期;在这总括时期中,祂这位末后的亚当,在复活里成了包罗万有赐生命的灵─约一14,林前十五45下,腓一19。

D. Such a glorification transferred Christ from the stage of incarnation into the stage of inclusion, in which He, as the last Adam, became the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit in resurrection— John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Phil. 1:19.

五 基督借着在复活里得着荣耀,成了神的长子,兼有神性和人性(徒十三33,罗八29);祂也成了赐生命的灵,就是那是灵的基督(林前十五45下,约二十22);并且祂重生了祂的众信徒,使他们成为神的儿女,就是神的种类(彼前一3)。─引用经文

E. Through His glorification in His resurrection Christ became the firstborn Son of God, possessing both divinity and humanity (Acts 13:33; Rom. 8:29); He became the life-giving Spirit, the pneumatic Christ (1 Cor. 15:45b; John 20:22); and He regenerated all His believers to be God's children, God's species (1 Pet. 1:3).

叁 基督得荣耀,也就是祂的复活,其结果乃是一切神所拣选、救赎并重生的人,与祂自己之合并的三方面─父的家、子的葡萄树和那灵的孩子:

III. The issue of Christ's glorification, His resurrection, is the incorporation of all of God's chosen, redeemed, and regenerated people with Himself in three aspects—the Father's house, the Son's vine, and the Spirit's child:

一 终极完成的神与重生信徒在复活里之合并的第一方面,乃是由殿所预表之父的家─约十四2,二16~21,提前三15:

A. The first aspect of the incorporation of the consummated God with the regenerated believers in resurrection is the house of the Father, typified by the temple— John 14:2; 2:16-21; 1 Tim. 3:15:

1 父的家是经过过程并终极完成的神,与蒙祂救赎、重生并变化的选民,所构成的一个神圣且属人的合并;所有在基督里的信徒,已经借祂的血蒙了救赎,由祂的灵所重生而有了祂的生命,并为赐生命的灵所变化而有了神圣的元素,都是父家里的“住处”─约十四2、23。

1. The Father's house is a divine and human incorporation of the processed and consummated God constituted with His redeemed, regenerated, and transformed elect; all the believers in Christ, redeemed through His blood, regenerated with His life by His Spirit, and transformed with the divine element by the life-giving Spirit, are the "abodes" in the Father's house— John 14:2, 23.

2 这父的家乃是借着父和子同着内住于蒙救赎之选民的那灵,不断地眷临蒙救赎的选民而得以建造起来,成为终极完成之三一神与祂所救赎之选民相互的居所。

2. The Father's house is built up by the constant visitation to the redeemed elect of the Father and the Son with the Spirit who indwells the redeemed elect to be the mutual dwelling place of the consummated Triune God and His redeemed elect.

二 终极完成的神与重生信徒在复活里之合并的第二方面,乃是子的真葡萄树─十五1~8、16:

B. The second aspect of the incorporation of the consummated God with the regenerated believers in resurrection is the true vine of the Son—15:1-8, 16:

1 真葡萄树作包罗万有之基督的表号,乃是经过过程并终极完成之三一神的生机体。

1. The true vine as a sign of the all-inclusive Christ is the organism of the processed and consummated Triune God.

2 其枝子乃是基督的信徒,他们按天性原是野橄榄树的枝子,借着信入基督(三15),已被接枝在栽种的橄榄树上(罗十一17、24);栽种的橄榄树和真葡萄树,二者都是表征基督;因此,接枝在栽种的橄榄树上,就是接枝在基督里。─引用经文

2. Its branches are the believers of Christ, who by nature were branches of the wild olive tree and have been grafted into the cultivated olive tree (Rom. 11:17, 24) through their believing into Christ (John 3:15); both the cultivated olive tree and the true vine signify Christ; hence, to be grafted into the cultivated olive tree is to be grafted into Christ.

3 其接上的枝子已得着重生而有了神圣的生命,被带进与复活之基督的生命联结里,且与经过过程并终极完成的三一神合并一起。

3. Its grafted branches have been regenerated with the divine life, brought into the life union with the resurrected Christ, and incorporated with the processed and consummated Triune God.

三 终极完成的神与重生信徒在复活里之合并的第三方面,乃是那灵的新孩子─约十六13~16、19~22:

C. The third aspect of the incorporation of the consummated God with the regenerated believers in resurrection is the new child of the Spirit—16:13-16, 19-22:

1 新孩子,新人,乃是由终极完成的那灵在复活里所生;这新孩子,新人,乃是由基督在十字架上,借着在祂的肉体里废掉了那规条中诫命的律法所创造─21、13~15节,弗二15。

1. A new child, a new man, was born by the consummated Spirit in resurrection; this new child, the new man, was created by Christ on the cross by abolishing in His flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances—vv. 21, 13-15; Eph. 2:15.

2 这新孩子,新人,乃是同复活的基督在祂的复活中,由父所重生;并由那灵在信徒的灵里所生─彼前一3,罗一4,约三6下。

2. This new child, the new man, was regenerated by the Father with the resurrected Christ in His resurrection and born by the Spirit in the believers' spirit—1 Pet. 1:3; Rom. 1:4; John 3:6b.

3 因着基督受死离开他们而受苦的第一班信徒,乃是生产的妇人;在复活中回来的基督,乃是新生的孩子,成为新人─十六20~22,西三10~11。

3. The first group of Christ's believers, who suffered Christ's departure through His death, was the delivering woman, and the Christ who returned in resurrection was the newborn child to be the new man—16:20-22; Col. 3:10-11.

4 新人乃是由信徒借着在他们心思的灵里得着更新而穿上,以终极完成基督的身体─弗四23~24。

4. The new man is put on by the believers through their being renewed in the spirit of their mind to consummate the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:23-24.

肆 住在基督里面,以祂为我们的居所,并让祂住在我们里面,以我们为祂的居所,乃是活在经过过程并终极完成之三一神与蒙救赎并得重生之信徒宇宙合并的实际里─约十四2、10~11、17、20、23:

IV. To abide in Christ, taking Him as our dwelling place, and to allow Him to abide in us, taking us as His dwelling place, are to live in the reality of the universal incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the redeemed and regenerated believers— John 14:2, 10-11, 17, 20, 23:

一 住在基督里面,好使祂住在我们里面,就是在基督里面过生活,以祂作我们的一切;以祂为我们的住处,我们永远的居所,乃是对基督最高、最完满的经历─诗九十1,九一1、9,约十五4~5,启二一22。

A. To abide in Christ so that He may abide in us is to have our living in Christ, taking Him as our everything; to take Him as our habitation, our eternal dwelling place, is the highest and fullest experience of Christ—Psa. 90:1; 91:1, 9; John 15:4-5; Rev. 21:22.

二 我们住在基督里面,使祂也住在我们里面,乃是借着爱祂─约十四21、23:

B. We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by loving Him— John 14:21, 23:

1 借着用上好的爱来爱主,我们就在一切事上让祂居首位,并且我们就合并到三一神里,成为祂的居所─启二4~5,西一18下,约十四21、23,弗三16~17,参诗二七4。

1. By loving the Lord with the first love, we give Him the first place in all things, and we are incorporated into the Triune God to be His dwelling place—Rev. 2:4-5; Col. 1:18b; John 14:21, 23; Eph. 3:16-17; cf. Psa. 27:4.

2 当我们爱主耶稣的时候,祂就亲自向我们显现,父就与祂同来,同我们安排住处,作我们的享受;这住处是相互的住处,在其中三一神住在我们里面,我们也住在祂里面─约十四23。

2. When we love the Lord Jesus, He manifests Himself to us, and the Father comes with Him to make an abode with us for our enjoyment; this abode is a mutual abode, in which the Triune God abides in us and we abide in Him— John 14:23.

3 我们越爱主,就越有祂的同在;我们越在祂的同在里,就越享受祂之于我们的一切所是;主的恢复乃是恢复爱主耶稣─林前二9~10,弗六24。

3. The more we love the Lord, the more we will have His presence, and the more we are in His presence, the more we will enjoy all that He is to us; the Lord's recovery is a recovery of loving the Lord Jesus—1 Cor. 2:9-10; Eph. 6:24.

三 我们住在基督里,使祂也住在我们里面,乃是借着接触我们身外圣经里常时的话,以及我们里面今时的话,就是那灵─约五39~40,六63,林后三6,启二7:

C. We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by dealing with the constant word in the Scriptures, which is outside of us, and the present word as the Spirit, which is within us—John 5:39-40; 6:63; 2 Cor. 3:6; Rev. 2:7:

1 借着外面写出来的话,我们有这位奥秘之主的说明、解释和发表;借着里面活的话,我们经历内住的基督,并有实际的主与我们同在─弗五26,六17~18。

1. By the outward, written word we have the explanation, definition, and expression of the mysterious Lord, and by the inward, living word we have the experience of the abiding Christ and the presence of the practical Lord—Eph. 5:26; 6:17-18.

2 我们若住在主常时并写出来的话里,祂即时并活的话就住在我们里面─约八31,十五7,约壹二14。

2. If we abide in the Lord's constant and written word, His instant and living words will abide in us—John 8:31; 15:7; 1 John 2:14.

3 这样我们就往下扎根在那作我们土壤的基督里,并向上结果,使父得着荣耀─王下十九30,赛三七31,约十五7~8。

3. In this way we take root downward into Christ as our soil, our earth, and bear fruit upward for the Father to be glorified—2 Kings 19:30; Isa. 37:31; John 15:7-8.

4 我们住在主里面,祂的话也住在我们里面,使我们在祂里面说话,祂也在我们里面说话,为着将神建造到人里面,并将人建造到神里面─7节,林后二17,十三3,林前十四4下。

4. We abide in Him and His words abide in us so that we may speak in Him and He may speak in us for the building of God into man and man into God—v. 7; 2 Cor. 2:17; 13:3; 1 Cor. 14:4b.

5 我们每天早晨需要接触主的话并让那灵摸着我们,借此被圣别,从自己(就是我们老旧的住处)迁出,进入三一神(就是我们新的住处,在此有三一神互相内在的一)里面─约十七17、21,弗五26。

5. Morning by morning we need to be sanctified by touching the Word and allowing the Spirit to touch us in order to move out of ourselves, our old lodging place, and into the Triune God, our new lodging place, the place of the coinhering oneness of the Triune God— John 17:17, 21; Eph. 5:26.

伍 新耶路撒冷乃是经过过程并终极完成之三一神,与重生、圣别、更新、变化、模成并荣化之三部分召会的终极合并─启二一3、22:

V. The New Jerusalem is the ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated, sanctified, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified tripartite church—Rev. 21:3, 22:

一 新耶路撒冷是一个团体人,一个团体伟大的神人;这个团体的人乃是一对夫妇─经过过程的三一神与经过变化之三部分人成为婚配;这就是那灵与新妇联结、调和且合并成为一个实体─二二17上。

A. The New Jerusalem is a corporate person, a corporate, great God- man; this corporate person is a couple—the processed Triune God married to the transformed tripartite man; this is the Spirit and the bride being united, mingled, and incorporated together to become one entity—22:17a.

二 神是三─父、子、灵─是一个团体的人位;我们千千万万的信徒,也是一个团体的人位;二者如今彼此内在─约十四20~21,十五5,约壹四15~16。

B. God is three—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—a corporate person; we, the millions of believers, are also a corporate person; these persons are now in one another— John 14:20-21; 15:5; 1 John 4:15-16.

三 我们是神的帐幕作祂的居所,而神是我们的殿作我们的居所─神与人相互的住处─启二一2~3、22~23,诗九十1,二七4,申三三27。

C. We are God's tabernacle for His dwelling place, and God is our temple for our dwelling place—the mutual abode of God and man—Rev. 21:2-3, 22-23; Psa. 90:1; 27:4; Deut. 33:27.

四 新耶路撒冷是神的帐幕,其中心是作为隐藏吗哪的基督;合并到这神人二性宇宙的合并─神与人相互的居所─里的路,乃是吃基督这隐藏的吗哪─启二一3,出十六32~34,来九4,启二17:

D. The New Jerusalem is the tabernacle of God, and the center of the tabernacle is Christ as the hidden manna; the way to be incorporated into this universal, divine-human incorporation, the mutual abode of God and man, is to eat Christ as the hidden manna—Rev. 21:3; Exo. 16:32-34; Heb. 9:4; Rev. 2:17:

1 基督作为隐藏的吗哪是在作为金罐的父神里;父是在作为约柜的基督(带着祂的两种性情─神性和人性)里;这基督作为内住的灵活在我们重生的灵里,作至圣所的实际─这意思是,子在父里,父在子里,而子作为那灵乃是至圣所的实际。

1. Christ as the hidden manna is in God the Father as the golden pot; the Father is in Christ as the Ark with His two natures, divinity and humanity; and Christ as the indwelling Spirit lives in our regenerated spirit to be the reality of the Holy of Holies—this means that the Son is in the Father, that the Father is in the Son, and that the Son as the Spirit is the reality of the Holy of Holies.

2 我们不该联于世界,乃该借着吃基督作隐藏的吗哪,而合并到新耶路撒冷里;我们吃祂,就在这伟大的合并里凭祂活着;这合并今天就是基督团体的身体,至终要完成新耶路撒冷。

2. We should not be joined to the world—we should be incorporated into the New Jerusalem by eating Christ as the hidden manna; when we eat Him, we live by Him in this great incorporation, which today is the corporate Body of Christ and which eventually consummates the New Jerusalem.

3 这圣城新耶路撒冷乃是神永远经纶的目标;独一的神至终扩大为一座城,为着祂永远的扩大和永远的彰显,就是一个神人二性伟大的宇宙合并。

3. The holy city, the New Jerusalem, is the goal of God's eternal economy; the unique God is eventually enlarged into one city for His eternal enlargement and eternal expression as a great divine-human, universal incorporation.
