第八篇 经历并享受包罗万有的基督作美地─我们在那地一无所缺

Experiencing and Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land— a Land in Which We Do Not Lack Anything



壹 基督作居首位和包罗万有者,乃是众圣徒在光中所分得的分,给我们经历并享受─西一12:

I. Christ as the preeminent and all-inclusive One is the allotted portion of the saints in the light for our experience and enjoyment—Col. 1:12:

一 所分得的分指业分,如以色列人分得迦南美地之分,作他们的产业─书十四1。

A. The allotted portion refers to the lot of the inheritance, as illustrated by the allotment of the good land of Canaan given to the children of Israel for their inheritance—Josh. 14:1.

二 新约信徒所分得的分,不是物质的土地,乃是包罗万有的基督作为赐生命的灵─西二6~7,加三14:

B. The New Testament believers' allotted portion is not a physical land; it is the all-inclusive Christ as the life-giving Spirit—Col. 2:6-7; Gal. 3:14:

1 美地的丰富预表基督那追测不尽之丰富的不同方面,在祂的灵里作祂信徒全备的供应─申八7~10,弗三8,腓一19。

1. The riches of the good land typify the unsearchable riches of Christ in different aspects as the bountiful supply to His believers in His Spirit—Deut. 8:7-10; Eph. 3:8; Phil. 1:19.

2 在基督里的信徒借着享受那地的丰富,被建造为基督的身体,作神的家与神的国─弗一22~23,二21~22,提前三15,太十六18~19,罗十四17。

2. By enjoying the riches of the land, the believers in Christ are built up to be Christ's Body as the house of God and the kingdom of God—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22; 1 Tim. 3:15; Matt. 16:18-19; Rom. 14:17.

三 我们必须“在光中”,好享受包罗万有的基督作美地;光就是神的同在─西一12,彼前二9,赛二5,约壹一5:

C. We must be in the light in order to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the good land; light is the presence of God—Col. 1:12; 1 Pet. 2:9; Isa. 2:5; 1 John 1:5:

1 神是光─5节。

1. God is light—v. 5.

2 神的话是光─诗一一九105、130。

2. The word of God is light—Psa. 119:105, 130.

3 基督是光─约八12,九5。

3. Christ is light— John 8:12; 9:5.

4 基督的生命是光─一4。

4. The life of Christ is light—1:4.

5 信徒是光─太五14,腓二15。

5. The believers are light—Matt. 5:14; Phil. 2:15.

6 召会是灯台发光照耀─启一20,诗七三16~17。

6. The church is a lampstand shining with light—Rev. 1:20; Psa. 73:16-17.

贰 歌罗西二章六至七节启示,基督作为我们在其中一无所缺的美地(申八9),乃是丰富的土壤,我们已在其中生了根,好使我们从这土壤吸收元素而长大(弗三17下):─引用经文

II. Colossians 2:6-7 reveals that Christ as the good land, a land in which we do not lack anything (Deut. 8:9), is the rich soil in which we have been rooted so that we may grow with the elements that we absorb from the soil (Eph. 3:17b):

一 神是真正的农夫,保罗是神的一位同工(林前三6~9,林后六1上);保罗把信徒栽种到基督这土壤里。─引用经文

A. God is the real Farmer, and Paul was one of His co-workers (1 Cor. 3:6-9; 2 Cor. 6:1a); Paul planted the believers into Christ as the soil.

二 我们已被栽种到基督里,日复一日我们必须花时间吸取祂;我们必须花时间享受主这包罗一切的地,使基督这丰富土壤的一切元素,都能被吸收到我们里面,好叫我们在经历中,在祂里面得了丰满─西二10上,四2:

B. Day by day we need to take time to absorb Christ, the One into whom we have been planted; we must take time to enjoy the Lord as the all-inclusive land so that all the elements of Christ as the rich soil may be absorbed into us for us to be made full in Him in our experience—Col. 2:10a; 4:2:

1 我们若要吸取那作土壤之基督的丰富,就需要细嫩、新长的根─王下十九30,赛三七31,耶十七7~8,参可四16~17,林后四16。

1. If we would absorb the riches of Christ as the soil, we need to have tender, new roots— 2 Kings 19:30; Isa. 37:31; Jer. 17:7-8; cf. Mark 4:16-17; 2 Cor. 4:16.

2 我们需要忘掉我们的环境、我们的光景、我们的失败以及我们的软弱,单单花时间吸取主;当我们花时间吸取祂,我们就以神在我们里面的增长而长大,为着建造基督的身体─路八13,太十四22~23,六6,西二7上、19。

2. We need to forget our situation, our condition, our failures, and our weaknesses and simply take time to absorb the Lord; as we take time to absorb Him, we grow with the growth of God in us for the building up of the Body of Christ—Luke 8:13; Matt. 14:22-23; 6:6; Col. 2:7a, 19.

三 我们与主接触不该匆匆忙忙的;我们必须操练我们的灵,留在神的面光中来吸取祂;我们必须花更多时间吸取主─爱慕祂,赞美祂,向祂献上感谢,并且自由地对祂说话─诗二七4,出三三11、14,太六6,十四22~23,可一35,参弗四20~21。

C. Our contact with the Lord should not be rushed; we must exercise our spirit to stay in the Lord's presence to absorb Him; we must spend more time to absorb the Lord—to adore Him, to praise Him, to offer thanks to Him, and to speak to Him freely—Psa. 27:4; Exo. 33:11, 14; Matt. 6:6; 14:22-23; Mark 1:35; cf. Eph. 4:20-21.

四 基督身体的长大非常主观地在于我们里面神的增长,神的增多;基督身体的长大就是神建造的长大;召会的真实建造,乃是借着信徒在生命里的长大─西二19,弗二20~22,四16。

D. The growth of the Body depends on the growth of God, the increase of God, within us in a very subjective way; the growth of the Body is the growth of God's building; the actual building of the church is by the believers' growth in life—Col. 2:19; Eph. 2:20-22; 4:16.

叁 歌罗西二章八至十五节对基督是土壤有完满的描述和说明,在这土壤中我们一无所缺;当我们花时间吸取祂这包罗万有的地时,这几节经文里的事实就成为我们的经历;事实是在基督里,经历是凭着基督并同着基督:─引用经文

III. Colossians 2:8-15 presents a full description and definition of Christ as the soil, in which we do not lack anything; as we take time to absorb Him as the all-inclusive land, the facts in these verses become our experience; the facts are in Christ, and the experience is by Christ and with Christ:

一 基督这土壤,乃是神格一切的丰满都有形有体地居住在祂里面的那一位─9节:

A. Christ as the soil is the One in whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily—v. 9:

1 “丰满”不是指神的丰富,乃是指神丰富的彰显;那居住在基督里的,不仅是神格的丰富,乃是神所是之丰富的彰显─9节,一15、18,三10~11。

1. Fullness refers not to the riches of God but to the expression of the riches of God; what dwells in Christ is not only the riches of the Godhead but the expression of the riches of what God is—v. 9; 1:15, 18; 3:10-11.

2 当我们生根在基督这土壤里,我们就在祂里面得了丰满;我们被一切神圣的丰富所充满,成为祂的彰显─弗三8、19。

2. When we are rooted in Christ as the soil, we are made full in Him; we are filled up with all the divine riches to become His expression—Eph. 3:8, 19.

3 在作土壤的基督里,我们都被充满、得完备、被成全、得满足并彻底得着供应;我们一无所缺─参腓一19。

3. In Christ as the soil we are filled, completed, perfected, satisfied, and thoroughly supplied; we do not lack anything—cf. Phil. 1:19.

二 作土壤的基督,乃是一切执政掌权者的元首─西二10。

B. Christ as the soil is the Head of all rule and authority—Col. 2:10.

三 在作土壤的基督里,有杀死的能力,将肉体治死─11节。

C. In Christ as the soil there is the killing power, which puts the flesh to death—v. 11.

四 在作土壤的基督里,有一种元素使我们被埋葬─12节上。

D. In Christ as the soil there is an element that causes us to be buried—v. 12a.

五 在作土壤的基督里,有一种元素使我们复活─12节下。

E. In Christ as the soil there is an element that causes us to be raised up—v. 12b.

六 在作土壤的基督里,有一种元素使我们活过来─13节。

F. In Christ as the soil there is an element that vivifies us—v. 13.

七 在作土壤的基督里,就涂抹了规条上所写的字据─14节。

G. In Christ as the soil there is the wiping out of the handwriting in ordinances—v. 14.

八 在作土壤的基督里,就胜过空中的邪灵─15节。

H. In Christ as the soil there is the victory over the evil spirits in the atmosphere—v. 15.

肆 不仅如此,基督这土壤乃是神的历史和奥秘,连同祂身位和所经过过程的一切丰富─2节:

IV. Furthermore, Christ as the soil is the history and mystery of God with all the riches of His person and processes—v. 2:

一 基督是神─约一1,二十28~29,赛九6,约十四9~10,林后三17,林前十五45下,徒二36。

A. Christ is God— John 1:1; 20:28-29; Isa. 9:6; John 14:9-10; 2 Cor. 3:17; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Acts 2:36.

二 基督是人─提前二5:

B. Christ is man—1 Tim. 2:5:

1 祂是使徒─来三1。

1. He is the Apostle—Heb. 3:1.

2 祂是申言者─徒三22~23。

2. He is the Prophet—Acts 3:22-23.

3 祂是策士─赛九6。

3. He is the Counselor—Isa. 9:6.

4 祂是教师─太二三8、10。

4. He is the Teacher—Matt. 23:8, 10.

5 祂是帅领者─来二10。

5. He is the Leader—Heb. 2:10.

6 祂是夫子─路五5。

6. He is the Master—Luke 5:5.

7 祂是奴仆─赛四二1。

7. He is the Slave—Isa. 42:1.

8 祂是牧人─约十11。

8. He is the Shepherd— John 10:11.

9 祂是见证人─启一5。

9. He is the Witness—Rev. 1:5.

10 祂是祭司─来七25~26。

10. He is the Priest—Heb. 7:25-26.

11 祂是中保─八6。

11. He is the Mediator—8:6.

12 祂是保证─七22。

12. He is the surety—7:22.

13 祂是王─太二2。

13. He is the King—Matt. 2:2.

14 祂是新郎─约三29,林后十一2。

14. He is the Bridegroom— John 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2.

三 基督是我们的所需─约十四6:

C. Christ is our necessities— John 14:6:

1 祂是我们的光─八12。

1. He is our light—8:12.

2 祂是我们的空气─二十22。

2. He is our air—20:22.

3 祂是我们的水─四14。

3. He is our water— 4:14.

4 祂是我们的食物─六35。

4. He is our food—6:35.

5 祂是我们的衣服─加三27。

5. He is our clothing—Gal. 3:27.

6 祂是我们的住处─约十五5。

6. He is our lodging— John 15:5.

7 祂是我们的享受和安息─西二16~17,太十一28。

7. He is our enjoyment and rest—Col. 2:16-17; Matt. 11:28.

四 基督是我们神圣的供备─林前一30:

D. Christ is our divine provision—1 Cor. 1:30:

1 祂是我们的能力─24节下。

1. He is our power—v. 24b.

2 祂是我们的智慧─24节下、30节下。

2. He is our wisdom—vv. 24b, 30b.

3 祂是我们的公义─30节下。

3. He is our righteousness—v. 30b.

4 祂是我们的圣别─30节下。

4. He is our sanctification—v. 30b.

5 祂是我们的救赎─30节下。

5. He is our redemption—v. 30b.

五 基督是向着召会:

E. Christ is to the church:

1 祂是身体的头─西一18。

1. He is the Head of the Body—Col. 1:18.

2 祂是头的身体─林前十二12。

2. He is the Body of the Head—1 Cor. 12:12.

3 祂是召会的根基─三11。

3. He is the foundation of the church—3:11.

4 祂是神家(召会)的房角石─弗二20。

4. He is the cornerstone of the house of God, the church—Eph. 2:20.

5 祂是新人一切的肢体─西三10~11。

5. He is all the members of the new man—Col. 3:10-11.

伍 基督作为我们所分得的分,追测不尽之丰富的美地,在其中我们一无所缺,乃是我们能天天经历并享受之全丰全足的神和那伟大的我是;祂的所是应付我们的一切所需,好应付祂的需要,为着建造祂的召会作祂的身体,并预备祂的召会作祂的新妇,使祂得以回来─一12,申八9,创十七1,腓一19,约八58,来十一6,太十六18,启十九7~9,二一2。

V. Christ as our allotted portion, our unsearchably rich good land in which we do not lack anything, is our All-sufficient God and the great I Am, whom we can experience and enjoy day by day; what He is meets our every need in order to meet His need for the building up of His church as His Body and the preparation of His church as His bride for His coming back—1:12; Deut. 8:9; Gen. 17:1; Phil. 1:19; John 8:58; Heb. 11:6; Matt. 16:18; Rev. 19:7-9; 21:2.
