第八篇 “尽你的职事”

"Fully Accomplish Your Ministry"



壹 在主的眼中只有一个职事─林后四1,弗四12:

I. In the eyes of the Lord there is just one ministry—2 Cor. 4:1; Eph. 4:12:

一 当彼得说到需要有人代替犹大时,他说,“他本来列在我们数中,并且在这职事上得了一分”─徒一17:

A. Speaking of the need of a replacement for Judas, Peter said that Judas "was numbered among us and was allotted his portion of this ministry"—Acts 1:17:

1 使徒祷告求主指明所拣选的是哪一个,“叫他得这职事与使徒职分的地位”─24~25节。

1. The apostles prayed for the Lord to show them clearly the one whom He had chosen "to take the place of this ministry and apostleship"—vv. 24-25.

2 “这职事”在十七节和二十五节提到,是指为耶稣作见证的职事─8节:

2. As used in verses 17 and 25, the word ministry refers to the ministry that bears the testimony of Jesus—v. 8:

a 使徒虽有十二位,他们的职事却是唯一的“这职事”,就是在基督身体原则中团体的职事。

a. Though the apostles were twelve in number, their ministry was uniquely one—this ministry, a corporate ministry in the principle of the Body of Christ.

b 所有的使徒都是执行同一的职事,就是为成为肉体、复活、升天的耶稣基督这万有之主作唯一的见证。

b. All the apostles carried out the same ministry to bear the unique testimony of the incarnated, resurrected, and ascended Jesus Christ, who is the Lord of all.

二 保罗在林后四章一节说,“我们既照所蒙的怜悯,受了这职事,就不丧胆”:

B. In 2 Corinthians 4:1 Paul says, "Having this ministry as we have been shown mercy, we do not lose heart":

1 哥林多后书中的职事是所有新约执事团体的职事:

1. The ministry in 2 Corinthians is the corporate ministry of the New Testament ministers:

a 所有的执事,都各自有他们在这职事里的一分。

a. All the ministers have their own portion of the ministry.

b 在这团体的职事里,保罗有他的一分,彼得有他的一分,提摩太也有他的一分─提后四5末。

b. In this corporate ministry Paul had his portion, Peter had his portion, and Timothy had his portion—2 Tim. 4:5d.

c 我们把所有这些分加在一起,就是“这职事”,也就是新约的职事。

c. When we add all the portions together, we have "this ministry," which is the New Testament ministry.

2 众多的执事只有一个职事─新约的职事,为要完成神新约的经纶。

2. The many ministers have one ministry—the ministry of the new covenant for the accomplishment of God's New Testament economy.

3 使徒们一切的工作,都是要完成这唯一的职事,将基督供应人,以建造祂的身体。

3. All the apostles' works are to carry out this unique ministry, the ministering of Christ to people for the building up of His Body.

三 林后三章六节告诉我们,神“使我们够资格作新约的执事”:

C. Second Corinthians 3:6 tells us that God has made us "sufficient as ministers of a new covenant":

1 那灵,就是经过过程之三一神终极的表现,将神的生命,就是神自己,分赐到信徒和使徒里面,使他们成为新约的执事。

1. The Spirit, the ultimate expression of the processed Triune God, imparts the divine life, even God Himself, into the believers and the apostles, making them ministers of a new covenant.

2 因此,他们的职事乃是凭着赐生命的灵,用那是生命的三一神构成的─林前十五45下。

2. Hence, their ministry is constituted with the Triune God of life by His life giving Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b.

四 “我感谢那加我能力的,我们的主基督耶稣,因祂以我为忠信,派我尽职事”─提前一12:

D. "I give thanks to Him who empowers me, Christ Jesus our Lord, that He has counted me faithful, appointing me to the ministry"—1 Tim. 1:12:

1 在这节里保罗不是说,“祂派我尽我的职事。”

1. In this verse Paul does not say, "He appointed me to my ministry."

2 保罗乃是说,主派他尽那唯一、团体的新约职事。

2. Paul says that the Lord appointed him to the one unique, corporate New Testament ministry.

3 我们都需要赞美主,因着祂的怜悯和恩典,祂派我们尽这建造基督身体的团体职事─弗四12、16。

3. We all should praise the Lord that by His mercy and grace He has appointed us to the corporate ministry that builds up the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:12, 16.

贰 虽然前述的经节启示新约中的职事是团体的,但另外一些经节指明职事也是个人的:

II. Although the foregoing verses reveal that the ministry in the New Testament is corporate, certain other verses indicate that the ministry is also personal:

一 行传二十章二十四节是指保罗个人的职事,因为保罗说到他从主领受的职事;这节里的职事是个人的职事:─引用经文

A. Acts 20:24 refers to Paul's personal ministry because Paul speaks of the ministry which he had received from the Lord; the ministry in this verse is the personal ministry:

1 保罗的职事就是他这个人;他已经与基督成为一─弗三17上,林前六17,林后三8~9,四1。

1. Paul's ministry was his being; he and Christ had become one—Eph. 3:17a; 1 Cor. 6:17; 2 Cor. 3:8-9; 4:1.

2 他所传讲的就是他所是的;他尽职将他的所是供应给人。

2. What he preached was what he was; he ministered his very being to others.

3 保罗与基督是一,并被基督构成;因此,他的职事乃是那构成到他所是里之基督的职事。

3. Paul was one with Christ and had been constituted of Christ; thus, his ministry was a ministry of the Christ who had been constituted into his being.

二 行传二十一章十九节明确是指保罗个人的职事,这节说,“保罗……将神借着他的职事,在外邦人中所行的事,都一一述说出来。”

B. Acts 21:19 definitely and clearly refers to Paul's personal ministry: "He related one by one the things which God did among the Gentiles through his ministry."

三 歌罗西四章十七节说,“务要留心你在主里所领受的职事,好尽这职事”;亚基布有他的一分职事,同样的原则,我们都有一分职事。

C. Colossians 4:17 says, "Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you fulfill it"; Archippus had a ministry, and in the same principle, we all have a ministry.

四 保罗在提后四章五节嘱咐提摩太要尽他的职事:─引用经文

D. In 2 Timothy 4:5 Paul charges Timothy to fully accomplish his ministry:

1 提摩太尽他的职事,即充盈他职事的完满度量。

1. For Timothy to fully accomplish his ministry was for him to fill up the full measure of his ministry.

2 这职事指话语的职事,将基督一切的丰富(弗三8)供应给罪人和信徒,以建造基督的身体(四11~12)。─引用经文

2. This ministry denotes the ministry of the word, which is to minister Christ in all His riches (Eph. 3:8) to both sinners and believers for the building up of the Body of Christ (4:11-12).

3 要抵挡提后四章三至四节所预言败落的趋势,这样的职事是极其需要的。─引用经文

3. Such a ministry is desperately needed to counter the trend of decline, as prophesied in 2 Timothy 4:3 and 4.

五 因着新约的职事乃是基督身体的事奉,而且因着身体有许多肢体,所以每一个肢体都有各自的职事─弗四11~12:

E. Because the New Testament ministry is the service of the Body of Christ and because the Body has many members, every member has his own ministry—Eph. 4:11-12:

1 按肢体来说,有许多的职事;然而按整个身体来说,只有一个职事─提前一12。

1. According to the members, there are many ministries; however, according to the Body as a whole, there is just one ministry—1 Tim. 1:12.

2 我们个人的职事不该从团体的职事分开。

2. Our personal ministry should not be separate from the corporate ministry.

3 身体有一个团体的职事,而身体所有的肢体则有其个别的职事。

3. The Body has a corporate ministry, and all the members of the Body have their individual ministries.

4 我们看过,身体上所有肢体的职事加起来就等于团体的职事─弗四12。

4. As we have seen, all the ministries of the members of the Body added together equal the corporate ministry—Eph. 4:12.

六 应该从不同的角度说一样的话─林前一10:

F. There should be the same speaking from different angles—1 Cor. 1:10:

1 需要有许多人被兴起,从不同的角度来说同样的事。

1. There is a need for many to be raised up to speak the same thing from different angles.

2 我们相信主会兴起更多的人来尽这唯一的职事─林后四1。

2. We believe that the Lord will raise up many more to carry out the unique ministry—2 Cor. 4:1.

3 我们在这职事里都有一分;这是一个职事,却有不同的功能,不同的角度,以及不同的方面─弗四11~12。

3. We all have a part in this ministry, which is the one ministry with different functions, different angles, and different aspects—Eph. 4:11-12.

4 我们并不是跟随一个人,也不是模仿任何人;然而,我们是供应同样的东西。

4. We are not following a man or imitating anyone; however, we are ministering the same thing.

叁 “为要成全圣徒,目的是为着职事的工作,为着建造基督的身体”─12节:

III. "For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ"—v. 12:

一 使徒、申言者、传福音者以及牧人教师(11)是为要成全圣徒,目的是为着十二节所提到职事的工作。─引用经文

A. The apostles, prophets, evangelists, and shepherd-teachers (v. 11) are for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry mentioned in verse 12.

二 十一节那许多有恩赐的人,只有一个职事,就是将基督供应人,以建造基督的身体;这是新约经纶中唯一的职事─林后四1,提前一12。

B. The many gifted persons in verse 11 have only one ministry, that is, to minister Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ; this is the unique ministry in the New Testament economy—2 Cor. 4:1; 1 Tim. 1:12.

三 成全圣徒,目的是为着职事的工作;而职事的工作,目的是为着建造基督的身体─弗四12、16。

C. The perfecting of the saints is unto the work of the ministry, and the work of the ministry is unto the building up of the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:12, 16.

四 “这是主的恢复,这是我们的托付,这是我们的负担,也是我们的职事。我们能有分于这职事是何等的蒙福!”─李常受文集一九七八年第三册,真理信息,四四四页

D. "This is the Lord's recovery, this is our commission, this is our burden, and this is our ministry. How blessed we are to have a part in this ministry!"—The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1978,vol. 3, "Truth Messages," p. 323.
