

第三篇 借着将万民浸入父、子、圣灵的名里,使他们作主的门徒

Discipling All the Nations by Baptizing Them into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit


壹 “天上地上所有的权柄,都赐给我了”─太二八18:

I. "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth"— Matt. 28:18:

一 神是至高的权柄,并且祂有一切的权柄─罗九20~21:

A. God is the supreme authority, and He has all authority—Rom. 9:20-21:

1 权柄是出自于神自己的所是─启二二1。

1. Authority issues from God's own being—Rev. 22:1.

2 所有的权柄─行政的、地位的和属灵的─都是来自于神─创九6,罗十三1~7,约十九10~11,林后十8,十三10。

2. All authority—governmental, positional, and spiritual—derives from God—Gen. 9:6; Rom. 13:1-7; John 19:10-11; 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10.

二 属灵的权柄有两面:

B. There are two aspects of spiritual authority:

1 积极一面是服事圣徒,牧养他们,供应他们,并将他们建造起来─太二十25~28,二6,二四45,林后十8。

1. The positive aspect is to serve the saints, to shepherd them, to supply them, and to build them up—Matt. 20:25-28; 2:6; 24:45; 2 Cor. 10:8.

2 消极一面是对付仇敌以及与仇敌有关的事物。

2. The negative aspect is to deal with the enemy and the things related to him.

三 主在神性里为神的独生子,已经有管理万有的权柄─太二八18。

C. In His divinity, as the only begotten Son of God, the Lord had authority over all—Matt. 28:18.

四 然而,祂在人性里为人子,作属天之国的王,天上地上的权柄是在祂复活之后赐给祂的。

D. However, in His humanity, as the Son of Man and the King of the heavenly kingdom, authority in heaven and on earth was given to Him after His resurrection.

贰 “所以你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,将他们浸入父、子、圣灵的名里”─19节:

II. "Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"— v. 19:

一 因为所有的权柄都已经赐给属天的王了(18),祂就差遣门徒去,使万民作祂的门徒。─引用经文

A. Because all authority was given to Him (v. 18), the heavenly King sent His disciples to disciple all the nations.

二 他们是带着祂的权柄去的。

B. They go with His authority.

三 使万民作门徒是使外邦人成为国度的子民,好在这地上,就在今天,建立祂的国,就是召会。

C. To disciple the nations is to make the heathen the kingdom people for the establishing of His kingdom, which is the church, even today, on the earth.

四 施浸乃是带悔改的人脱离老旧的光景,进入新的境地;这是借着了结他们老旧的生命,并以基督的新生命重生他们,使他们成为国度的子民。

D. Baptism brings the repentant people out of their old state into a new one by terminating their old life and germinating them with the new life of Christ that they may become the kingdom people.

五 “入”指明联合,如在罗马六章三节和加拉太三章二十七节者:─引用经文

E. Into indicates union, as in Romans 6:3 and Galatians 3:27:

1 原文同字用于行传八章十六节、十九章五节以及林前一章十三和十五节。─引用经文

1. The same Greek word is used in Acts 8:16; 19:5; and 1 Corinthians 1:13, 15.

2 将人浸入三一神的名里,就是将人带进与三一神属灵、奥秘的联合里。

2. To baptize people into the name of the Triune God is to bring them into a spiritual and mystical union with Him.

六 神圣三一的名是单数的:

F. There is one name for the Divine Trinity:

1 这名乃是那神圣者的总称,等于祂的人位。

1. The name is the sum total of the Divine Being, equivalent to His person.

2 将人浸入三一神的名里,就是将人浸入三一神一切的所是里。

2. To baptize someone into the name of the Triune God is to immerse him into all that the Triune God is.

七 马太福音,为着国度的构成,以父、子、灵三者的一个名,揭示了神圣三一的实际:

G. For the constituting of the kingdom, Matthew discloses the reality of the Divine Trinity by giving one name for all three—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit:

1 在马太福音头一章,圣灵(18)、子基督(18)和父神(23),为着产生那人耶稣(21),都在现场;祂这位耶和华救主,神与我们同在,乃是三一神的具体化身。─引用经文

1. In the opening chapter of Matthew, the Holy Spirit (1:18), Christ the Son (v.18), and God the Father (v. 23) are present for the producing of the man Jesus (v. 21), who, as Jehovah the Savior and God with us, is the very embodiment of the Triune God.

2 在三章,马太给我们一幅图画,子站在受浸的水中,天开了,那灵仿佛鸽子降在子身上,并且父从天上对子说话─16~17节。

2. In chapter 3 Matthew presents a scene in which the Son was standing in the water of baptism under the opened heaven, the Spirit like a dove descended upon the Son, and the Father spoke out of the heavens to the Son—vv. 16-17.

3 在十二章,子以人的身位凭着那灵赶鬼,带进父神的国─28节。

3. In chapter 12 the Son, in the person of man, cast out demons by the Spirit to bring in the kingdom of God the Father—v. 28.

4 在十六章,为着建造召会,就是国度的命脉,父将子启示给门徒─16~19节。

4. In chapter 16 the Father revealed the Son to the disciples for the building of the church, which is the life pulse of the kingdom—vv. 16-19.

5 在十七章,为着展示国度实现的小影(十六28),子变化形像(十七2),并有父喜悦的话(5)来印证。─引用经文

5. In chapter 17 the Son entered into transfiguration (v. 2) and was confirmed by the Father's word of delight (v. 5), bringing about a miniature display of the manifestation of the kingdom (16:28).

6 最终,在马太福音结束的一章,基督这末后的亚当,经过钉十字架的过程,进入复活的境地,成了赐生命的灵;以后祂回到门徒中间,在复活的气氛和实际里,吩咐他们去,将外邦人浸入神圣三一的名,就是祂的人位,也就是祂的实际里,使他们成为国度的子民。

6. Eventually, in the closing chapter of Matthew, after Christ as the last Adam had passed through the process of crucifixion, entered into the realm of resurrection, and become the life-giving Spirit, He came back to His disciples in the atmosphere and reality of His resurrection to charge them to make the heathen the kingdom people by baptizing them into the name, the person, the reality, of the Divine Trinity.

7 根据马太福音,这样浸入父、子、灵的实际里,乃是为着构成诸天的国。

7. According to Matthew, being baptized into the reality of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit is for the constituting of the kingdom of the heavens.

8 属天的国不能用属血肉的人(参林前十五50)组成,像属地的团体一样,只能用一班浸入与三一神的联合里,且因作到他们里面的三一神,而得建立并被建造的人来构成。─引用经文

8. Unlike an earthly society, the heavenly kingdom cannot be formed with human beings of flesh and blood (cf. 1 Cor. 15:50); it can be constituted only with people who have been immersed into the union with the Triune God and who have been established and built up with the Triune God, who has been wrought into them.

叁 “凡我所吩咐你们的,无论是什么,都教训他们遵守;看哪,我天天与你们同在,直到这世代的终结”─太二八20:

III. "Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age"—Matt. 28:20:

一 教训信徒遵守主所吩咐的,乃是为着使万民作主的门徒─19节。

A. Teaching the believers to observe all that the Lord has commanded is for the discipling of all the nations—v. 19.

二 属天的王是以马内利,神与我们同在─一23。

B. The heavenly King is Emmanuel, God with us—1:23.

三 因此,无论在哪里,只要我们被聚集到祂的名里,祂就在我们中间─十八20。

C. Hence, wherever we are gathered into His name, He is in our midst—18:20.

四 既是这样,祂就绝不能,也绝不会离开祂的信徒。

D. As such, He can never and would never leave His believers.

五 马太福音证明主这以马内利是属天的王,乃是一直与祂的子民同在,直到祂回来。

E. Matthew proves that the Lord, as Emmanuel, is the heavenly King who is with His people continuously until He comes back.

六 “这世代的终结”就是这世代的末了,那将是主的巴路西亚(主的来临)的时候:

F. The consummation of the age is the end of this age, which is the time of the Lord's parousia, the Lord's coming:

1 “终结”一辞的意思是有一个过程,要达到完成或实现。

1. The word consummation means that there is a process that will be brought to completion or fulfillment.

2 在马太二十八章二十节,“这世代的终结”指现今时代(召会时代)的结束。─引用经文

2. In Matthew 28:20 the consummation of the age indicates the end of this present age, the church age.

3 这世代的终结将是大灾难的三年半─但十二4、6~7、9。

3. The consummation of the age will be the three and a half years of the great tribulation—Dan. 12:4, 6-7, 9.

4 马太二十四章六节所说的“末期”就是这世代的终结,也就是大灾难的三年半(第七十个七的后半)。─引用经文

4. The end spoken of in Matthew 24:6 is the consummation of the age, which will be the three and a half years (the last half of the seventieth week) of the great tribulation.

5 这世代的终结不是指世界末日,而是指召会时代(恩典时代)的完结;这个时代很快就要完结。

5. The consummation of the age is not the end of the world but the completion of the church age, the age of grace; this age is very close to completion.

6 主应许要在祂的复活里,带着所有的权柄,天天与我们同在,直到这世代的终结,就是直到这世代的末了。

6. The Lord promised that in His resurrection He will be with us all the days, with all authority, until the consummation of the age, that is, until the end of this age.