Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:1081  Chin:-  Kor:851  Span:32  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:36 

Music:William G. Tomer
Meter: with chorus

Hymns using same tune:

#861, #1112


John 17


 1  Father God, Thou art the source of life.

    We, Thy sons, are Thine expression;

    In Thy name, our dear possession.

    Father God, Thou art the source of life.


In Thy life, in Thy life,

We have oneness in Thy life.

In Thy life, in Thy life,

In Thy life, O Father, we are one.


 2  How we thank Thee that Thy holy Word

    With Thy nature, saturates us;

    From the world it separates us.

    Thank Thee, Father, for Thy holy Word.


Through Thy Word, through Thy Word,

We have oneness through Thy Word.

Through Thy Word, through Thy Word,

Through Thy holy Word we're all made one.


 3  Oh, the glory of the Triune God!

    We're His sons, oh, what a blessing!

    We His glory are expressing —

    Oh, the glory of the Triune God!


In Thy glory, in Thy glory,

In Thy glory we are one.

In Thy glory, in Thy glory,

In Thy glory we are all made one!