Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

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Meter:Peculiar Meter

Hymn using same tune:



Exodus 30:22-25, 34-36


 1  Pure myrrh and cinnamon,

    Calamus and cassia —

    These are Thy elements,

       Jesus my Lord!

    In olive oil they're blent

    In wondrous measurement —

    O what an ointment this,

       Anointing us!


Four-in-one mingled,

Compounded Spirit,

Sweet with Christ's suffering death,

Full of fragrance

Of resurrection —

O what an ointment flows

   In spirit, Lord!


 2  Stacte and onycha,

    Galbanum and frankincense —

    There are Thy elements,

       Jesus my Lord!

    Stacte doth sons produce,

    Onycha from sin doth loose,

    Galbanum all death repels,

       In spirit, Lord.


Equal proportion,

In resurrection;

Seasoned with salt are they.

Ground into powder fine,

Consumed with fire divine —

O what an incense this,

   Jesus my Lord!


 3  Ointment is Christ for us,

    Exceeding glorious!

    Incense is Christ for God,

       Wholly for Him.

    Ointment flows down to us,

    Christ is our portion thus;

    Incense ascends to God,

       Fragrant to Him.


'Tis by th' anointing

Christ we experience

And then the incense burn.

Christ in our prayer and praise —

O what a Christ we raise

From our experience,

   Precious to God.