Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

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Hymn using same tune:



 1  The Holy Spirit is the seal,

    The foretaste, earnest, and the pledge.

    He designates us as God's own

    And guarantees our heritage.


 2  'Twas after we believed in Christ,

    The word of truth, the gospel, heard,

    The Holy Spirit us did seal

    To show that we belong to God.


 3  This Spirit as the living seal,

    To us God's image now imparts;

    Conforming us unto the Son,

    He stamps His image in our hearts.


 4  This Spirit also is the pledge,

    Our earnest and our foretaste true.

    He witnesses that we are sons,

    With God's inheritance in view.


 5  'Tis by this Spirit God does spread

    Into our mind, emotion, will;

    By sealing every inward part,

    He will our very being fill.


 6  Oh, Lord, we would cooperate

    With all Thy Spirit's inward move;

    That we'd become Thy masterpiece,

    Th' eternal purpose thus to prove.