Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:1122  Chin:s102  Kor:814  Span:136  Tag:1122  Fra:1122  Por:- 

Meter: with chorus

Hymn using same tune:



 1  "Seven Spirits" of our God —

    Lo, the age has now been turned

    To the Spirit with the Son.

    For the churches He's concerned.


Come, O seven Spirits, come,

Thy recovery work be done!

Burn and search us thoroughly,

All the churches are for Thee.

   Burn us, search us,

All the churches are for Thee!


 2  Sevenfold the Spirit is

    For the deadness of the church,

    That the saints may turn and live,

    That the Lord may burn and search.


Come, O seven Spirits, come,

Thy recovery work be done!

Burn and search us thoroughly,

All the churches are for Thee.

   Burn us, search us,

All the churches are for Thee!


 3  Now the Spirit of our God

    Has become intensified:

    'Tis not one but sevenfold

    That the church may be supplied!


Come, O seven Spirits, come,

Thy recovery work be done!

Burn and search us thoroughly,

All the churches are for Thee.

   Burn us, search us,

All the churches are for Thee!


 4  Now the seven Spirits are

    Seven lamps of burning fire,

    Not to teach us, but to burn,

    Satisfying God's desire.


Come, O seven Spirits, come,

Thy recovery work be done!

Burn and search us thoroughly,

All the churches are for Thee.

   Burn us, search us,

All the churches are for Thee!


 5  See the seven Spirits now —

    Seven piercing, searching eyes.

    In the church exposing us,

    All the church He purifies.


Come, O seven Spirits, come,

Thy recovery work be done!

Burn and search us thoroughly,

All the churches are for Thee.

   Burn us, search us,

All the churches are for Thee!


 6  Seven Spirits doth the Lord

    For the churches now employ;

    All those in the local church

    May this Spirit now enjoy.


Come, O seven Spirits, come,

Thy recovery work be done!

Burn and search us thoroughly,

All the churches are for Thee.

   Burn us, search us,

All the churches are for Thee!