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Hymn using same tune:



Exodus 16


 1  Christ is our manna true,

    Our bread of life indeed;

    He's our supply of nourishment,

    As on Him now we feed.


 2  From Egypt Israel fled

    Into a desert land;

    Egyptian food they left behind,

    And wandering began.


 3  One day, the manna fell,

    Oh, what a wondrous feat;

    This was the bread the Lord had giv'n

    For Israel to eat.


 4  Unique this manna is,

    It comes with morning dew;

    The visit of God's grace it is,

    Forever fresh and new.


 5  God is majestic, high,

    And greater than us all;

    But that we may partake of Him,

    In Christ, He's fine and small.


 6  Though ground, or beat, or baked,

    He's so available;

    As bread and cakes and wafers fresh,

    We eat Him to the full.


 7  Manna shows Him to be

    The germ of life, the seed;

    'Tis God Himself sown into us,

    The source of all we need.


 8  Between the morning dew

    And cold of winter snow,

    This manna too is frost which kills

    Things negative below.


 9  How pure and white and clean;

    In type our Christ we see;

    As we digest His element,

    He washes inwardly.


 10  Manna with honey is;

    Two lives this type does show;

    One for the Lord's redemptive work,

    And one His life to grow.


 11  By eating more of Christ

    We'll be the less opaque;

    We'll then appear as bdellium,

    Transparent us to make.


 12  Lord, as we're eating here

    And in the manna see

    The riches of this glorious Christ,

    We're filled with praise to Thee.