Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:204  Chin:166  Kor:166  Span:-  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:C. A. W.
Music:George C. Stebbins

Hymn using same tune:

#22 (Tune 2)


 1  Gathered in Thy name, Lord Jesus,

       Losing sight of all but Thee,

    O what joy Thy presence gives us,

       Calling up our hearts to Thee!


 2  Loved with love which knows no measure,

       Save the Father's love to Thee,

    Blessed Lord, our hearts would treasure

       All the Father's thoughts of Thee.


 3  All His joy, His rest, His pleasure —

       All His deep delight in Thee —

    Lord, Thy heart alone can measure

       What Thy Father found in Thee.


 4  How He set His love upon Thee —

       Called Thee His beloved Son;

    Yet for us He did not spare Thee,

       By Thy death our life was won.


 5  O the joy, the wondrous singing,

       When we see Thee as Thou art!

    Thy blest name, Lord Jesus, bringing

       Sweetest music to God's heart.


 6  Notes of gladness, songs unceasing,

       Hymns of everlasting praise,

    Psalms of glory, joy increasing,

       Through God's endless day of days.