Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:416  Chin:-  Kor:-  Span:-  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:Eliza E. Hewitt
Music:William J. Kirkpatrick
Meter: with chorus

Hymn using same tune:



 1  Lower and lower, dear Lord, at Thy feet,

    Seeking Thy Spirit, Thy mercy so sweet;

    Down in our need, blessed Master, we fall,

    Lower and lower; be Thou all in all.


Lower and lower, down at Thy cross,

All the world's treasure counting but dross;

Down at Thy feet, blessed Savior, we fall,

Lower, still lower, Christ all in all!


 2  Lower and lower, dear Savior, we pray,

    Losing the self-life still more every day;

    Weak and unworthy, we're looking above;

    Empty us wholly; then fill us with love.


Lower and lower, down at Thy cross,

All the world's treasure counting but dross;

Down at Thy feet, blessed Savior, we fall,

Lower, still lower, Christ all in all!


 3  Lower and lower; yet higher we rise,

    Lifted in Christ, freed from all the earth ties;

    Humbly we follow the way of the cross,

    Then, crowns of glory, and gain for all loss.


Lower and lower, down at Thy cross,

All the world's treasure counting but dross;

Down at Thy feet, blessed Savior, we fall,

Lower, still lower, Christ all in all!