Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:47  Chin:44  Kor:44  Span:-  Tag:47  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:J. N. Darby
Music:(1) John Stevenson
(2) Alexander R. Reinagle

Hymn using same tune:

Tune 2: #696 (Tune 1)


 1  Father, Thy name our souls would bless,

       As children taught by grace,

    Lift up our hearts in righteousness,

       And joy before Thy face.


 2  Sweet is the confidence Thou giv'st,

       Though high above our praise;

    Our hearts resort to where Thou liv'st

       In heaven's unclouded rays.


 3  Eternal ages shall declare

       The riches of Thy grace,

    To those who with Thy Son shall share

       A son's eternal place.


 4  Absent as yet, we rest in hope,

       Treading the desert path,

    Waiting for Him who takes us up

       Beyond the pow'r of death.


 5  We joy in Thee, Thy fulness shall

       Our endless portion be,

    Like Thine own Son, with whom we'll dwell

       In bright eternity.


 6  O Holy Father, keep us here

       In that blest name of love,

    Walking before Thee without fear,

       Thy perfect will to prove.