Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

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Lyrics:Horatius Bonar
Music:(1) Arr. from Hans G. Nageli by Lowell Mason
(2) From Swedish Melodier till Trossanger

Hymn using same tune:



 1  Begin the day with God!

       He is thy Sun and Day!

    His is the radiance of thy dawn;

       To Him address thy lay.


 2  Sing a new song at morn!

       Join the glad woods and hills;

    Join the fresh winds and seas and plains,

       Join the bright flowers and rills.


 3  Sing thy first song to God!

       Not to thy fellow men;

    Not to the creatures of His hand,

       But to the glorious One.


 4  Take thy first walk with God!

       Let Him go forth with thee;

    By stream, or sea, or mountain path,

       Seek still His company.


 5  Thy first transaction be

       With God Himself above;

    So shall thy business prosper well

       And all the day be love.