Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

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Lyrics:Lucy A. Bennett
Music:T. A. Willis

Hymn using same tune:



 1  Trust Him when thy wants are many;

       Trust Him when thy friends are few;

    And the time of swift temptation

       Is the time to trust Him too.


 2  Trust Him when thy soul is burdened

       With the sense of all its sin;

    He will speak the word of pardon,

       He will make thee clean within.


 3  Trust Him for the grace sufficient,

       Ever equal to thy need;

    Trust Him always for the answer,

       When in His dear name you plead.


 4  Trust Him for the grace to conquer,

       He is able to subdue;

    Trust Him for the power for service;

       Trust Him for the blessing too.


 5  Trust Him when dark doubts assail thee,

       Trust Him when thy strength is small,

    Trust Him when to simply trust Him

       Seems the hardest thing of all.


 6  Trust Him; His is ever faithful;

       Trust Him, for His will is best;

    Trust Him, for the heart of Jesus

       Is the only place of rest.


 7  Trust Him, then, through cloud or sunshine,

       All the cares upon Him cast,

    Till the storm of life is over,

       And the trusting days are past.