Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:439  Chin:334  Kor:334  Span:188  Tag:439  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:Adapted from Streams in the Desert
Music:Frances R. Havergal
Meter: with chorus

Hymns using same tune:

#644, #841


 1  Utterly abandoned

       To the Holy Ghost!

    Seeking all His fulness

       At whatever cost;

    Cutting all the shorelines,

       Launching in the deep

    Of His mighty power,

       Strong to save and keep.


Utterly abandoned

   To the Lord of all,

Seeking all His fulness,

   Answ'ring His dear call.


 2  Utterly abandoned

       To the Holy Ghost!

    Oh! The sinking, sinking,

       Till the self is lost!

    Till the vessel's emptied

       Broken at His feet;

    Waiting till His filling

       Makes the work complete.


Utterly abandoned

   To the Lord of all,

Seeking all His fulness,

   Answ'ring His dear call.


 3  Utterly abandoned

       To the will of God;

    Walking in the pathway

       That my Master trod;

    Leaving ease and pleasure;

       Making Him my choice,

    Waiting for His guidance,

       Listening for His voice.


Utterly abandoned

   To the Lord of all,

Seeking all His fulness,

   Answ'ring His dear call.


 4  Utterly abandoned!

       Through eternity;

    My will never choosing,

       His it e'er shall be;

    All my plans and longings

       Lost in His sweet will,

    Having nothing, owning

       All things in Him still.


Utterly abandoned

   To the Lord of all,

Seeking all His fulness,

   Answ'ring His dear call.


 5  Utterly abandoned!

       'Tis so sweet to be

    Captive in His love-bonds,

       Yet so wondrous free;

    Free from sin's dominion,

       Free from doubt and fear,

    Free from every worry,

       Burden, grief or care.


Utterly abandoned

   To the Lord of all,

Seeking all His fulness,

   Answ'ring His dear call.


 6  Utterly abandoned!

       Oh, the rest is sweet,

    Waiting in His presence

       At His blessed feet;

    Waiting for the filling

       Of the Host divine,

    Who my inward parts shall

       Perfectly refine.


Utterly abandoned

   To the Lord of all,

Seeking all His fulness,

   Answ'ring His dear call.


 7  Lo! His Spirit fills me,

       With His presence sweet!

    I, in Him, am blessed!

       I, in Him, complete!

    Now, the light within me

       Never shall grow dim

    While abandoned ever,

       Living unto Him!


Utterly abandoned

   To the Lord of all,

Seeking all His fulness,

   Answ'ring His dear call.